Are these the leaders of the alt-right?

Are these the leaders of the alt-right?




> the leaders of the Alt right are the people, I've seen a lot of these "leaders" already think they hold more power then their followers which is just not true

>literally who; british faggot, esss Jayyyyy WWWW man, Rebel media,crowder unfunny stand up.
These people probably couldn't amass 10 million views on a youtube celebrity video. INB4 Alex Jones/ Ann Coulter reach x amount of listeners.

Absolutely cringey

These are all people who profit off an ideology, not leaders.

I really hate this picture but I especially hate it because I know there's some people who will post on here who will support and admire these people. Fucking Christ the thought of speaking to these people disgusts me

>wanting leaders for our movement

Good God what a disgusting filter.


the only one that comes close is Ann Coulter

i really hope milo dies of aids in 2017

Rate my laptop guys

Nope. I am the leader of the alt-right

Am I the only one that unironically loves Mark Dice?

go back to r.eddit/10

These figures are more likely to be described as "AltLite". They act as a gateway for normie right-wingers to become more radicalized.

The picture I have attached is a good ideological illustration of the AltRight.


I'd much rather have him die from choking on african seamen.

But to each their own I guess.

When we say "the alt-right doesn't exist," we mean in the way that the media defines it, which is pretty much "anyone we don't like is an alt-right nazi".

Seriously, it's broader than just WN and stormfags, see . But nonetheless, the MSM are basically using the same rhetoric we use against Muslims against us. Anyone that isn't a Republican is a xenophobic Nazi whose ideas you should discredit

This is the problem we have with the term


the alt-right is a kike operation, congrats on being jewed.


but where would Sup Forums be

These people are the new le anonymoose mask level of cringe.

Surprised molymeme wasn;'t on there, but then again his babytier views are probs too extreme for this cuck.

Yea, this is basically it.