When are you Americans going to wake up and put some restrictions on your guns?

When are you Americans going to wake up and put some restrictions on your guns?

668 Children 0-11 accidentally killed or injured

3098 killed or injured 12-17 in 2016.

How can you justify not having gun laws?

Oh wait, you can't.

These are unacceptable stats for any CIVILIZED society. I'd expect these stats from somewhere like Poorastahn or some other shithole in the ME.

In before the "Muh beaners" or "Muh niggers did it".





Other urls found in this thread:


Ignore Australian threads

Ignore austrian posters

Fuck you Australia. America is my neighbor and my older brother. He can have all the guns he wants :3

shoot Australians

This is about what I thought.

Fucking leaf.

Why should I give up my guns because someone else was a dumbass?


the us has 318M people in it..
That's LESS THAN 1% of our population.
That's pretty fucking good considering there are nearly 3M firearms in this country.

Now... while we're talking about stupid shit in other people's country, you roo fucking douchenozzle...

Lets talk about the Abbos, shall we?
Lets talk about the EMU war, SHALL WE?
Lets talk about how you're essentially a penal colony who hasn't figured out how to *not* be a giant island prison, full of brazen retards, literal retards, Gas huffing Abbos, and the only standing army in the world to LOOSE TO AN ANIMAL, WHEN GUNS WERE INVOLVED.

Get fucked.


>nearly 3m
That's an extremely low estimate lol


I wanted to make a thread about this, but I'm just going to hijack this one.

How long do you think until America starts to crack and gun laws starts hardcore restricting the ownership of means of self defense? Why do governments all over the world want to confiscate it's citizen guns? It's about giving a chance to criminals to live better? I don't really get it.


A large portion of "accidental" firearms deaths are, in fact, suicides. Due to the social stigma against taking your own life, details get fudged.

Source: relative in law enforcement

Ernest Hemingway's death was reported as an accident for years before his daughter admitted the truth in an interview.


What happened to you guys? You have all become major faggots in the last 2 decades.

Also if you take niggers out of the equation our crime is on par with Belgium

My guns shouldn't be taken away because niggers cant act civilized.

Guns are the most prominent form of suicide within the US.

In total the US had nearly 60,000 incidents. and over 14,000 deaths involving guns. That isn't "Pretty good" I would like to see Australia's % when scaled up to America.

Oh and the emu war. Good one.

Why is suicide so taboo? Here in Brazil they don't report in the news unless it's some big shot.

>person from a country where property is too expensive for the common man to own
>from a country where if you use a bat to hit someone breaking into your house you can go to jail
>from a country that tries to burn down at least twice a year
Into the trash it goes.

lol look at this gunless faggot

>How can you justify not having gun laws?

They do have gun laws.
They have one that states it is a human right to own guns.





Maybe because its another unnecessary death that could have been avoided.

Always blaming the niggers. Are you ever going to take responsibility for your own white American's actions?

>confiscate guns from the people who legally own them
>think that will stop the criminals from obtaining them on massive American market

Areas that have high legal ownership are less crime prone than areas that don't.

Our gun laws are in place for civilian armament in case of war with the government or a foreign power on our soil. It is so every citizen is able to protect their nation. We just have niggers as a statistic on our crime rate unfortunately

So you are essentially saying we should ban guns because most suicides involve a firearm? That's the most retarded logic I've ever heard. Let's say we do ban them. Guess what? People will hang themselves or overdose on prescription pills to kill themselves. If someone wants to die, they will find a way to die. Banning guns won't stop suicides.
tl;dr: op sucks emu cock

natural selection

Facts are facts and niggers being 13% of our population commit over 60% of the total crime. Its not the whites that are the problem obviously.

Most of those incidents are niggers shooting niggers and suicides.

And also many accidents are also niggers leaving guns out and their nappy headed babies killing themselves.

It should be rectified, the number of deaths it causes per year is too high. There is no need to ban ALL guns. Just put SOME restrictions on like Australians do.


All these places have seen a drop in gun crime once they enforced gun laws.

Here is some more.



Forgot image

I live in Chicago which has some of the harshest gun laws in the nation.
Case and point: niggers

Yes gun crime went down, a lot of other crimes went up and our laws are fucking stupid and based on muh emotions.


You've huffed too much petrol, Abbo.

Because it's a slippery slope until we become a cuck country like Australia where you can't bring a slingshot into the country.

Pointless, crime rates still on the rise. Just as many murders now its just comes in the form of someone driving a semi into a crowd or stabbings.

Hmm really makes you think

What was that about England having a lower rate?

Yeah, 41% of white american households own a gun. As opposed to 19% of black households. So maybe it isn't blacks that are the problem after all?

We have gun laws, still 50,000 murders per year and increasing, this is an Iraq war per year on a population not allowed to own guns.
Don't fall for the UN hoax, they need people with less guns in order for them to be able to take military actions against nations that can't defend themselves.


Apparently Venezuela gun laws are terrible too.
Why is it South America gun laws so bad?

>thinking blacks will go through the process of registration of a handgun

Most blacks are not allowed to own them because of previous crimes yet they still have them

You obviously have never seen a nigger.


Hey numb nuts

There is no way anyone could figure out who has how many guns.

This little tidbit I'm sure has escaped your biased analyses but here it is: there is no record accessible by the state or anyone for that matter that indicates who owns what guns ie a gun registry

Therefore any survey you cite is essentially hearsay. If some surveyor called me and asked if I owned guns I would either hang up or tell him I own none.

Tldr you're a fucking liar and the stats you cite are made up

We are a UN outpost. Decrees by the UN are our sacred oaths and get instantly turned into laws.
We sold our country.


You a bit scared that I might actually have a point and that thousands of people needlessly die every year for no good reason and that you should actually tighten gun laws?

Wait no that would make too much sense.

Thats REGISTERED firearms, abbo

So? Those are the only statistics?

You are just basing the fact that more blacks have more guns because "Niggers" and you see them in gangs a lot and they die to gun crime more.

Maybe its more that rednecks like you are too busy reminiscing the good ol' days where you could shoot a nigger for being a nigger, but that shit don't fly no more.

found this, looks interesting

REGISTERED firearms, chang

Still waiting for an argument on Chicago.
>pro-tip: there isn't one

I think he meant 300M

You have no idea how this country is run.

Guns are part of American culture and that will never change. It is imbedded in our Constitution for a reason. If a bunch of niggers want to shoot each other in the streets then let them, if a few niggers try to rob a place and get killed then let them, if a few niggers want to try to fight the police and get killed let them. The point is that niggers are our problem user. You don't live here you don't truly know how bad American Niggers are. They are some of the most vile, disgusting examples of "human" beings on this planet and keep to a culture of violence and niggatry within their communities because trying to progress is seen as being "too white".

Everyone help me out. Post your examples and redpill this Aussie on American Niggers

>People still post serious replies to these threads

Why don't you fact check bitch. Whites are the ones killing blacks.

maybe its because they don't buy theirs legally?

Thats what I said. I said Whites were killing blacks. Its just an indicator of a race war.

nigger did you look at pic related

Remember when they had safari hunts in Australia for shooting pygmies?
Fuck off wog.

OP lost his wife to an emu

Ok you Americucks.

I can't believe this.

Now I'm not sure about guns. And I am the OP

fuck off sheep fucker

Maybe this is my first red pill of 2017.

Research it OP. It really isn't the guns. You think I go on about niggers for the keks? No, I go on about the niggers because I have seen first hand how destructive they are despite however good they have it.

Take this image and read it. It will explain everything

Gun control laws don't actually do anything measurable.

Have you got any more to red pill me? In case I want to red pill my friends


Turns out even the richest blacks goto jail more than some of the poorest whites


Wtf I always knew they were more prone to crime, especially gang crime but that's crazy.

Tl:dr niggers are animals not humans
>guns will never be contraband
>guns aren't bad



you need a helicopter ride

Of course they are prone to violence.

And its not like we havent tried to help them. We give them free money and scholarships to colleges just for being black but they would rather stay in the ghettos because self improvement is seen as being an Uncle Tom and not being black. Their culture literally says if you try to improve you aren't one of us.



conceal carry
shoot violent thugs!

what is it with you fucking gun grabers you people have been cucked so hard i bet you would sell your entire life savings for a penny assuming you even have that anyway.

thank god the police came i hope those niggers got shot or arrested

at least use a proxy to look like you're a leaf next time.

The only restriction we need on guns is for black people to not be allowed to have them

Doctors are the #3 killer behind cancer and heart disease. Why aren't you out protesting hospitals and calling for restrictions on doctors?

We have gun laws, ya dingus. Highly irrational ones built on ignorance and fear, instead of education and understanding.

>shoot a nigger for being a nigger
I live in the deep south and dream about this every day.
Live by them on a day to day basis and see if you don't feel the same.

love u bro
keep it real