How did the Jews trick women into thinking staying home and playing with the kids all day was a bad thing?

How did the Jews trick women into thinking staying home and playing with the kids all day was a bad thing?

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meth addictions

>playing with the kids all day

Not even making it up.

They elected Jimmy Carter.

running a household used to be tough work...then the modern age gave women washers and driers, dish washers, electric and gas ovens, and got boring so women decided to ruin the world

>one eye on the kids, one on the laundry

>Implying it wasn't the technological system that has created house appliances which has allowed women to not take care of the household and instead get immersed in an endless rat race towards materialistic achievements for the sake of extra workers

>while the milk man cummith

This. Being a stay at home mom is just getting a free pass to live a lazy and comfortable life where you contribute nothing apart from the minimal effort it takes to raise children

Just because you're a welfare nigger leeching off of a man instead of the state doesn't make you any less of a welfare nigger.

Go be a Zionist in Palestine you bastard.

I-I am doing it right now user

You don't understand; the jew didn't trick women. All they did was destroy the limitations the reigned in sluttiness and whorish behaviour in women. The average woman of today is simply a woman from a society that will never punish her for her immorality but even praises it.

Get shot by HAMAS, god damn squatting on someone elses land.

Fuck you

>tfw that "additional supply of workers" makes wages go down to a point where it is near impossible to live without two incomes

I love you Ted. I will never forget you bro.

I guess you gonna have to fracture dat nuclear family if you wanna make due
I am, from time to time. Somehow it's just not scary anymore..

Truth, women fucked up pay.

However, nuclear family and a nice house was a phenomenon made by having WW2 vets. Only way to possibly secure that deal is to go into WW3.

They're behind the cancerous movement known as modern feminism

(((Friedan))) & (((Steinem)))

The Jewish home electro cubes

Women are really, really gullible.

they didn't trick the women who were already stay at home moms
they tricked teenagers rebelling against their parents
told them that they should pursue a career because women aren't represented in jobs, and that it matters that they should be represented
doing this during the civil rights movement when women naturally want to be a center of attention so they use this moment in time to get there's

I legit wish I could be a house husband.