

how's that freedom treating you? is it time for America to admit that independence was a huge mistake and let Britain reclaim our rightful clay?

Whatever Ahmed isn't it time for you to pray to Mecca.

>he says, as he's invaded by sharia seeking immigrants

Doing fuck loads better than you cucks. Enjoying Londonistan?


and were still doing better than your shit country.don't you fags have a mudslime mayor or something?

Don't live in Londonistan, but if I did at least I wouldn't be a minority, plus a mayor isn't as important as a president

How many times are you going to post this thread, Achmed?

I'm going to venture a guess and say no

Wew lad
>when an American unironically attacks London

We have thousands of cities besides those and all of them are 95+ percent white.

our country has 350 million people, 64% or whatever of that is still way more whites than britain + france + germany + scanadanavia, especially when you adjust for their white %s

we also control a lot more exclusively white land and have way more rights than you

and we're mostly german too not british if that matters

No thanks DAD.

I'm doing just fine without a CCTV camera shoved up my ass or a TV (((((((license)))))))

I do like your women tho...



I've been tread upon. Very sad. Many such cases. Still better than being subject to a king......

Maybe not. Do they still respect the manga carta what with CCTV cameras and TV liscences and being too fat too work?

>90% british
>100% islamic bootlickers
I wont lie we got a shitload of beaners here but at least we have a constitution, real laws, and judicial review.

the UK isnt even a real place desu. I'll only respect you if you elect are NIge and that'll never happen

Too bad British woman are so ugly.

London's gonna get their DIY spaces condemned.

You do not have constitutional rights. Remember that. It's a lie. You DO NOT have constitutional rights.

So the US will become a Sharia Police State? No i dont think so.

you can't even reclaim london from the muzzies mate. you can't even own knives or a tv without a bunch of bullshit.


Freedom is just fine, thanks. I questioned the Holocaust today and didn't get arrested

remeber black people, protect all tanks and planes too.

i like where this is going

Who makes the biggest chunk of the non white population anyways?

Is it the chinks?

The latinos?

How many of the latinos are legal, on visas or illegal?

How much will those numbers change with deportations and getting rid of anchor babies?

>be British
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through every speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my tv license because indoctrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free health care
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I have to pay for my email license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to mansplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>my beheaded body is paraded through the streets while everyone chants "fuck white people!"
>The Guardian and Telegraph say they're worried about my public execution because it might cause Islamaphobia
>be buried in Highgate cemetery
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month

whats a "DIY Space"?

i can't read half the words you wrote, we'll be building a wall artound london soon enought.

britian is the car
while london is the engine
Scotland is the roof
while NI is the boot
Wales has the back seats
while England gets the view

>my bones are being monitored by CCTV


Is this more your type?

>Its a dad argues with big brother episode

>he has to pay a license to own a television
>can't own a metal knife

It is true

to be fair I would not defend any of those cities.

im just thankful i've brought my christmas lights licencse for the next 3 years

Lmfao yeah maybe in North dakota you're not a minority

But Dickinson isn't a major city. Your damage control is pathetic

>>The Guardian and Telegraph say they're worried about my public execution because it might cause Islamaphobia

And it would become 50%.

>He has to have a mandatory state sanctioned bull to get his wife preggers.

>An ENTIRE ISLAND dedicated to overbites.

America BTFO

I'm glad we're still white and a part of the commonwealth

Yeah that's why I came over and stole your Wimmin

My brother literally bred one of your women

>The whole of the US is as white as the caliphate of Londonistan, the biggest shithole in Europe along with Paris

And a lot of our beaners still like America, unlike the majority of all those Paki's our dad keeps spreading his ass for.

do you have to wear a burka yet?

fuck off brit

Don't know what you're talking about. Literally no actual "cities" over say 50000 people here are white.

Fucking Jacksonville Florida is the largest white majority city(not counting metro) in this country, and even it's just barely so.

>be americuck
>scar your children for life because cereal guy told you so


HA, calling it a burka instead of a habbit.
burka isn't even religious dress

This country will be ARYAN land do you understand me?

Last I checked in America you can legally own an M60 and shoot niggers who enter your house with it.

ever nigger has a gun, and nigs gonna nog

Oh snap.

even a slow and painful death is better than being subjects and slaves of the perfidious anglo faggots

Then how come so many of you are in my country?

theyre not us, ukrainians, russians, romanians, balts.

They'll actually improve your nanny state shit hole.


Implying they've ever been free
America has been manipulated by the same people since day 1 and those uneducated idiots will never notice it

You are better off waiting for them to nuke themselves

How the FUCK can seppos defend this

I don't want to hear another word from the yanks on Sup Forums ever again. In fact they are so far gone they should be banned.
Leafs too

how will America ever recover


Just remember White children in the US are a minority RIGHT NOW, and it's impossible for Trump to bring back those numbers.

White people in the US will be a minority in your lifetime. Chances are every American you speak too is mixed with plenty of subhuman

>t. Merkel's fuck toy

America needs to balkanize for there to be a future for white society there.

There's just no getting around the 60% thing

its happened every where, most common name here is muhhamed, there ruining are schools.
but just remeber, the whites havn't gone anywhere, there just being over run

At least they don't let niggers rape their daughters for fear of beeing called "racist" and actually elected someone despite the kike media telling them not to.
How did the Britts react when the kikes started screaming "nazi naiz" about the BNP?
>Yes kikes, we're going to be good goys, please find a nice sik to rape my daughter instead of the muslims that took my neighbours would you?

USA may be 60% white but they're acting far whiter than the people over here in europe.

>there ruining are schools.


>2011 census
Kek it's 2017, please bong...

>the UK isnt even a real place
what did he mean by this

So by now it would be even worse, admittedly for both


The most common name is muhhamed because muhhamed the 30 year old and his two male kids muhhamed1 and muhhamed2 all share the same name. Sure London's fucked but your not 60% white with 40% Muslims

>this thread again
oy vey

It really is baffling how Americans can call other nations cucked...

>including undocumented immigrants

id like to see a before and after when trumps 4 years are done

>Including those from North Africa which are classes as white.

""""white"""" also includes north africans and middle easterners

>dat ID

Who are you kidding, most if the white people in tis country have some sort of native in them, especially in the pacific northwest, midwest and the old yankee families, some of the old dixie families might even have some nigger in them.

It's not surprising that you'll find 100% Germans in Germany or 100% Brits in Britain because they're the natives there and have been for centuries.

In short, the US would be trying to be something its not by trying the whole aryan nation deal, we've already got an American identity, one that was born out of war and revolution and its been under attack.

How about we go on about saving that from being destroyed by the left

ITT burgers can only attack London as a shithole but even then it's as white as the entire US of A


yes, I want to be british.

Seriously though, shitposting and bickering aside.

Why is the white population of the United States declining at such a prominent rate? As far as I'm aware it was very much at the rate of Europe now (90 percent) a few decades ago and suddenly went on a massive decline. Had this not happened Trump would have massively dominated but it was much closer than it should have been and its all down to the demographics. Is Trump aware that if something isn't done about this the republicans may very well be demographically locked out of victory in future elections?

It makes me sad really. America IS more of a 'melting pot' than Europe by nature but it should be a European melting pot.

our i know, i spell it like i say it

Immigration act of 1965. Literally after that it went from 90+% to where it is now. Democrats wanted to important voters and polarize the populace.

that would be the wrong would, the whites havn't gone anywhere, they've been over run

The Melting pot was literally created by a Jew. Tell me this doesn't sound like race mixing and (((civic nationalism))) propaganda to the max

David, the hero of the play proclaims: "There she lies, the great Melting Pot--listen! Can't you hear the roaring and the bubbling? There gapes her mouth [_He points east_]--the harbour where a thousand mammoth feeders come from the ends of the world to pour in their human freight. Ah, what a stirring and a seething! Celt and Latin, Slav and Teuton, Greek and Syrian,--black and yellow-" VERA: "Jew and Gentile-" DAVID: "Yes, East and West, and North and South, the palm and the pine, the pole and the equator, the crescent and the cross--how the great Alchemist melts and fuses them with his purging flame! Here shall they all unite to build the Republic of Man and the Kingdom of God. Ah, Vera, what is the glory of Rome and Jerusalem where all nations and races come to worship and look back, compared with the glory of America, where all races and nations come to labour and look forward!" ."

And the Writer

Israel Zangwill (21 January 1864 – 1 August 1926) was a British author at the forefront of cultural Zionism during the 19th century, he was a close associate of Theodor Herzl. He later rejected the search for a Jewish homeland and became the prime thinker behind the territorial movement.

What a coincidence

diversity does stop racism to a degree, societys built up of one sort of people general tend to be racist

Not giving up my guns and general rebel spirit and know how. I doubt a Brit could even start a camp fire.

Only in crime stats. Then, it also includes Mexicans.

Not at all, at least in the modern sense. Generally the most "tolerant" people come from homogenous communities and therefore believe that everyone must be like them and their neighbors/friends/family. When different people are put in close proximity it always leads to either one leaving (when the nogs moved to the cities what occurred was called "white flight", which is why whites are mostly spread around suburbs while minorities are contained to cities) or conflict. both of these can be seen in Europe now. by my estimation people exposed to diversity will either get shook to differences or double down into cuckery

There's a reason the south has been known as racist. they've dealt with nogs since they came across the middle passage.

>most "tolerant" people come from homogenous

ITT Butt hurt Americans decisively and eternally BTFO. Massive casualties. SAD!

what i mean to say is they wouldn't be homogenous if they race mix'd the statement is a contradiction

I meant they come from homogenous communities. I know this is tough to grasp for a bong like you, but the US is pretty massive, and has many many different states, counties, towns, cities. Most whites live in relatively homogenous white suburbs, somewhere between lower middle class to lower upper middle class, depending.

being brought up with social justice tier blue pilling in school makes most think everyone is the same. the de programming generally only begins from being forced to interact with nogs or spics

what do you mean race mixed? do you understand how population stats work? it means 60% of the people are white, the rest generally being immigrants and blacks, who generally stick to urban centers (which are the most densely populated places in the states)

>they come from homogenous communities
ignorance and tolarance are 2 diffrent things

They walk hand in hand. People ignorant to racial differences (even just socially) tend to think tolerance is the highest virtue.

your really don't understand how diverse whites are do you, i guess your only looking skin deep.
Slavs are dreadfuly aggressive "white" people im not going to go into clets britianes germanic norwigerns anglo saxon jutes

What are you some poor british bloke that visited America and never witnessed our suburban neighborhoods? That's where the white people live kid. Oh LA and Chicago have more beaners and nigs LOL watta fucking surprise. Fucking idiot.

No joke, though, I'm still really fucking wary of the crown.

You try to pull some shit again, and you can be buried beneath your "rightful clay."

are they african, carabian, ect...
not all nigs nog