Why aren't Europeans building their own, legal guns to protect themselves? If this fat fuck can do it...

Why aren't Europeans building their own, legal guns to protect themselves? If this fat fuck can do it, so can anyone else.


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cause if you aren't retarded you figure out how to buy one from black market

just buy some.


Cyper punk furture with home made weapon sounds ace! Ill get right on it user. Probaly involving compressed nitrogen and golf balls.

it's probably illegal to build such a weapon in my country without having to go through the same taxation and regulations that guns get.
i might not even be able to own a gun without demonstrating i am at a special risk.

i think joerg is pretty redpilled although he hates whenever someone mentions the nazis in the comments

>he hates whenever someone mentions the nazis in the comments
So, he doesn't like retards and doesn't take the bait?

What technically even classifies as a gun? That wooden monstrosity is obviously a gun and would probably still be illegal.

That air gun is a monster, but alas you've got only one shot. Honestly if this guy has a mill/lathe and something to weld he could be making legitimate military-grade weapons. Its extremely easy honestly the only "hard" part is getting barrel stock, since producing your own rifled barrel is borderline impossible, at least to any kind of quality degree. Reamers and chamber finishers may also be hard to get. However, if you can just straight up order a barrel in Germany with the chamber pre-cut for a straight walled pistol caliber and can source some ammo then you can EASILY make a body hide-able sub-gun that is effective and accurate.

>building guns

Hahaha. No. And even then you'd still need to make your own ammunition from resources whose sale is restricted. Most European countries don't just ban guns, they also ban most of the critical parts, resources and dedicated tools to build one and its ammunition, and everything else revolving around guns is under surveillance.

In France, either you get one from the black market at a decent price or you just register at a shooting range and can buy legal weapons at exaggerated prices.

I dont need a gun i don't live in america

Just get an hunting license and buy a shotgun + a .308 win rifle

Because I can just buy them

>Most European countries don't just ban guns, they also ban most of the critical parts
What are 3D printers?

Somalia has one of the highest murder/rape rats in the world though.

nothing here is really legal in terms of guns. But nobody stops you from making illegal ones

True, the police protect you guests of merkel well





enjoy risking your life dealing with criminals





In Ireland it's pretty much anything that can launch a projectile beyond a certain amount of joules.

What's the point in banning small guns when you might as well throw a knife at a politician?

>how to make something that will explode in your face & severely hurt you
epic simply epic

>how to make something that will explode in your face & severely hurt you
no, that's this one:

or this

or this
i could go on...

alphabet soup agency pls go

Why do you want my thread to get purged?

i hate poles and i like the idea of Sup Forumsacks blowing themselves up
nothin personel :)

>army of Achmeds at door
>"hey guys, could you wait half an hour until the compressor has finished loading my toy gun?"

Another self hating white?

>he thinks hes fooling anyone with his meme pictures


How the fuck are you supposed to arm one of those in time to defend yourself? They just take too long to set up the shot. Anyone who's fucked around with spud guns knows that.
You sure as fuck don't want that thing sitting around with 100psi in it at all times.

You can buy lots and lots of pencils.


Just buy a black powder gun.

Cool project, but you don't need that much power to kill someone. Just buy a quality (over 1500€) compound bow or crossbow.

Or you could buy a black powder replica, like a Pietta Remington 1858.

Or you could come to France and buy one of the weapons in category D2, such as the Swedish Mauser M96.

None of that will be available anymore by march 2017 when the EU gun ban is definitely voted.

Because when an european wants a gun, he can buy one illegally.
If you want full auto, look for european places where there was a war not too long ago.

I can't understand french fags who think guns are hard to buy in France.

that shit looks like it blow up in his face


What's going on with the EU gun ban ?

This is probably more illegal to own than a hunting rifle (which you can own legally.

Can I get some info on the EU gun ban you are talking about?

Euro Commies will ban guns.
Are you dense?
You will have to buy them illegally from the refugees.

Your media don't tell you the truth?
What a surprise.
Read EU documents.
Use any alternative to google. They probably removed relevant results from the first page.


Juncker fucking up Europe what a surprise !

>Juncker fucking up Europe what a surprise !
You elected him democratically, right?
Oh wait!

Well Poland are you in the EU ?

this dude had an automatic arrow gun, man I would love to buy one such as that one, but are these things even sold in the eu? With an arrow gun I mean an pcp powered arrow shooter.

Performance seems roughly equivalent to a decent crossbow.

So what's the point? why not just get a crossbow?

holy shit this guy looks identical to me.

I hope it shoots with self-made cartridges filled with self-made nitrocellulose.

No he does not.

>Performance seems roughly equivalent to a decent crossbow.
I think you're overestimating crossbows here.

>mfw possessing these images is illegal by law here

>implying we can't buy weapons


>French accent
Stopped watching there.

Why go through all of the troubles of building your own "firearm" when you can just buy a fully automatic AK from eastern Europe for cheaper than it would cost to buy the materials to build an airgun that won't work even a tenth as well as the real thing.

fuck off

Why should we? It's legal to have guns here, you just have to pass an easy af test and get your hunting license. Better than the US system imo because people who can't even pass this test shouldn't be allowed to carry a firearm.

>It's legal to have guns here
Until march 2017

>ammo is the problem ,you fucking nigger



>Ill get right on it user. Probaly involving compressed nitrogen and golf balls.

Enjoy life in prison, britbong

Are these from some kind of book?

I am sure it's a ebook but not sure which. No chance it was actually printed and sold

>Why aren't Europeans building their own, legal guns to protect themselves?
Duh! Because it is still illegal.
It is illegal for you to carry anything that fires a projectile from a barrel with more strength than a pea shooter. You'll be just as arrested and jailed as if you'd carried a real gun.

Kek, even we can build this, if you know what to do, you can build a deadly weapon here that will be considered as toy by the law.

I don't think its that unlikely, particularly if its an older book, which seems like it is. This stuff isn't even that powerful and would have no chance in a real fight but still interesting.

Haha that's all for today. Thanks and bye bye.

Funny. Once I shown it to my lefty German friend and she broke down crying out of shame. What's a female word for a cuck again?

i thought anyone over 18 could buy non semi auto rifles and shotguns in austria without a license

Would your hands count as a weapon?

I am sure it isn't a actual book, but I did see the same image on /k/ I think it definitely originated from there.

That would be cuck. You know because of equality and all that shit. Cucklette sound kind of fun too.

it should be a crime to have any object that accelerates something too fast

try getting around that drumfers

>Why aren't Europeans building their own, legal guns to protect themselves? If this fat fuck can do it, so can anyone else.
This thing would be illegal here, i can't even own a crossbow and any air rifle that shoots anything else then a standard BB pellet more then 600 fps needs to have a licence, even less if its a semi auto.

You can get a bow and arrow or a old black powder gun/rifle for like 300 dollars for a one shot 'pirate' gun or about 100-160 dollars for a six shooter. If its a a cap and ball/flint lock etc and built before 1890 that is. No modern replicas allowed.

Why is he so happy about this thing?

Was gonna post this, the dude's loaded.

Because we just buy a real gun

Jesus Christ this is an easy problem to fix.

1. Befriend machinist
2. Pay him to mill frame, slide and barrel
3. Buy springs and other shit or if it's a rifle, make a stock.
4. Assemble weapon
5. Acquire ammo
6. Never tell anybody

Are Euros like Americans where only a specific part of the gun counts as the gun? In America you can mail-order everything that isn't a lower-receiver. It's too complicated to ban the sale of all firearm parts like springs.

Poison? Ebola virus in a vial?

He expects the day of the rope to come soon.

Compound bows are pretty legit. You could get one of those.

pretty sure id get sacked by the police for that here.


This guy is a German. These are just "toys".

then 3d print some bullets right

I got a 55 lbs longbow, wanted to keep it simple for shtf.

Bow hunting is not legal here either so it feels like a waste to waste that much money on it, getting a hunting rifle is really not hard if you want that.

True, true.
Ban assault trucks!

Also, banning being a white male should also fix the problem.

If it was something like the pneumatic gun in Metro 2033 it would be neat. But carrying a compressor when hell breaks loose kind of kills the idea.

He got trips on the speed test

So are you telling me to make my own homemade K98 so i can go a make germany great again ?

Didn't you read the text? The arrow slides over the barrel so its a toy.

If he put a pebble in the arrow and shot that instead he would be fucked.