How much of a sheep are you?

What would make you hate this man?

Will you support him if he increases the debt faster than any President before him? Will you support him if get into another war in the Middle East? Will you support him if he grants amnesty to Paco the taco truck manager?

What will it take Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I only supported him because he's a small step to our goal.

America is not slightly more right wing, the youth will grow up thinking it's acceptable to be a Nazi.

If he supports Israel I'm done.

We here at r/the_donald do not allow threads criticizing dear leader

Unless he's like George Bush and springs a bunch of liberal kids who see him as literal Satan.

Hello, Concern Troll.

I'll throw you a bone. If he doesn't build the wall, I'm out.

it's over. quit whining.

>Will you support him if he increases the debt faster than any President before him? Will you support him if get into another war in the Middle East? Will you support him if he grants amnesty to Paco the taco truck manager?
All that yes. But the thing that will piss me off to no end is if traitors like Clinton aren't imprisoned. If under the trump administration the economy makes a huge comeback, foreign conflicts slowly get better, and a wall is built, I will still consider him a failure if traitors aren't brought to justice

Oh oh..

>Will you support him if he increases the debt faster than any President before him?
As long as the debt doesn't directly inhibit my day-to-day
>Will you support him if get into another war in the Middle East?
Yes. We need one.
>Will you support him if he grants amnesty to Paco the taco truck manager?
Any mexican who runs his own business is an okay mexican. That's the american dream afterall.


The difference is that up until this point his success relied on the stupidity of the voters.

I already hate him. Fucking Russian puppet cheetos face motherfucker.

Have you actually got a point? Or are you going to keep throwing hypothetical questions at us to make you feel less ass raped?

It's a simple question, will we blindly follow or lead?

Blindly follow or lead what exactly? Are you high?

Trumpu Ahmed.

You want to know if I can lead Trump, or follow him? I can't comprehend your shitty, lackluster English, burger. Go and get an education and come back when you can structure a coherent sentence, spastic.

Trump is going to piss everybody off, except Israel.

Here in freedom land we lead what the President does, not the other way around.

>we lead what the President does

Jesus, Americans are fucking stupid

>Believe me, folks. No one was more pro-Israel than me, and THIS is how they repaid me? How they repaid US? I mean, geez. I was looking in the Bible the other day–I always read the Bible, I'm just not public about it–and I found this thing that make me stand up and take notice. You know what it said? "Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also." That's in 1 John 2:23, folks. It's all right there. Go read it. But what does that mean? Well, we know that Jews don't believe in Jesus.
>That's not a racist statement–it's not a controversial statement–it's fact.
>Jews don't believe that Jesus is God. Go ask a Jew if you don't believe me. That's what he'll say.
>But what did the Bible just say, folks? Should we, as Christians, really be putting up with this?

if trump stops buying our copper and he's dead for me because this country will die within 2 weeks without copper sells kek


If he attacks Pepe i'm gone

He basically has sold all of you out at this point and he's not even in office yet that's how much he didn't give a shit. Sold you out on the swamp, locking her up, the wall, israel and basically everything he promised. Threw you all a bone with that retarded carrier deal and you all started cumming your pants over it. Pathetic

>Controlled by the WWE
Retard spotted

shut up texas

I will only hate trump of for some random reason his actions effect my life here at home. I doubt anything he does will.

Not controlled, but he obviously has friends there who he put into position of power just for that reason, that they're friends.


You see, even if he somehows turn Darth Vader on us, he still gave something invaluable and eternal. Something I thought I had lost completely. Something I thought was irrevocably dead inside me.


This is fine though as proper fences are more suitable at certain spots. Also aren´t their rivers and mountains the wall has to take into account. Weak bait or you are a weak lefty lol. Either way: Sad!

Trump is not president yet.

American people will never allow him to become president. They will stop him by any means necessary.

Trump kicked a Koch brother off his golf course today. Look it up.

>Russian puppet
t. Liberal ladyboi

You don´t mind Saudi influence at all? You don´t care HRC sold uranium to RU? Fucking braindead idiot kys

Since when and also you are not american nor white. OR you have some kind of syndrome.

I did not hear this speech. Was it at one of his rallies?

Man some of those speeches gave me shivers. Like when he called out globalists and banking cartels. I forget which rally but it sounded so much like JFK´s famous conspiracy speech.

Become a copper salesman or transporter and make great deals so he wont. Make Chile great again!

My old chef was chilean, great people but fucking insane and dangerous.

>What would make you hate this man?
Hate? If he went full Obama and tried to destroy the country I'd hate him.

So you want him to give positions of power to people he dislikes so nothing can ever get done

This. He may be God Emperor and one of the Heralds of Kek but he may not slander the prophet Memes be upon him.

>Any mexican who runs his own business is an okay mexican. That's the american dream afterall.

>Any mexican

>okay mexican


>american dream


>implying he's not going to revitalize America
Everyone is going to be singing his praises in a few years

t. Desperate leftie

1. Not in office yet. Already got a bunch of jobs set up. Plus rustling Chyna jimmies, mending relations with Russia (possibly averting WW3, for now) etc.
2. Wall will be built but with fences & stuff, not just MUH CHINESE WALL KEEP THE GIANTS OUT!
3. Everyone knew he is friendly with Israel. Some of us have a secret hope that the globalists trying to destroy Israel are not exactly the same as the nationalist jews of Israel. And that one day they can live in their own country without trying to break the whole west and create NWO.
4. You are just a poor, sad lefty and also a traitor to the west. Trump may not be some divine saint come to save the white race - but he has not "sold us out" yet at least.
5. **hugzz**

You are a known shill I´ve seen you all over the place ALWAYS with retarded opinions, globalist or kike shilling and just general fucked up posts. Why are you even on Sup Forums ?

funding islamic terrorism like Obama does is a good start

Revolutionary suicide with cyanide spiked Kool-Aid.

>hurrr you dun like thing so you must want the complete opposite

this line of debate is retarded

I'd be willing to wager that "The American Dream" was coined when we had free immigration.

>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill
>anyone who disagrees with me is retarded
>Sup Forums is the safe space for alt right

He would have to say something really stupid, like "global warming is a hoax invented by the chinese" or "putin will not invade ukraine".