Is there a civil war in the "Altright"

Firstly I don't believe in Pol being Altright we're always people in the shadows doing our thing.

But I've been seeing a trend. Mike Cernovich is being ruined so much he's slowly breaking down mentally and physically.

Bill Mitchell is getting his life destroyed in twitter he posted a video and having a meltdown.

I'm seeing all the fakes now showing their true selves. Have you woken up Pol. Are we finally now turning to Trump and not worship him but this time make sure he's the real deal?

Anyway what the hell is going on? Please fill me in.

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Nothing is happening, anyone saying they regret their vote is either a shill or someone who didn't vote for Trump

Its called concern trolling, dont worry about it

>Bill Mitchell is getting his life destroyed in twitter
How, exactly, does someone destroy your life "on twaater?" That fucking guy, bill mitchell, gives me the same itch in my trigger finger that Dr. Pierce said Bill Clinton gave him. He
s a con artist, a scumbag, a piece of White Trash/possible crypto-jew.

Alt-lite allied for the big battle, but they wouldn't swallow the ethno-nationalism, and instead of just shutting the fuck up and working in solidarity to the same general goal like leftists do well enough, are starting to try and punch right, so they have to be rejected.

You can argue intent of the nation-state when we don't have huns at the gate, and our laws flagrantly broken. All you had to do was hold ranks. You fought for months avoiding the divide and conquer bullshit and now you're letting it work? What the fuck is wrong with you cucks?

I voted Trump and regretted my vote. I fucking despised Clinton so the binary choice was clear.

He is a human trashcan though and will follow through on precisely zero of his promises (probably good since 60% was gibberish anyway).

By the end of 2017 most posts on Sup Forums will be about trying to figure out what happened.



The "alt-right" is a kike invention. You can't attack something that doesn't have a name, or a leader, thus they gave you "alt-right". If you identitify as such you are a good goy. Also, Spencer is friends with the Bush family. End of discussion.

something is off no doubt

and there is enough organization on oe side to drown out opposition, despite being in the minority

like the mensheviks and bolsheviks

like the nazis before the night of the long knives

the minority will do something unprecedented and wrong

because they were delusional about their support from the start. the internet helps distort numbers an support

not everyone on pol is being truthful

people are lying, there are malicious people on here who are not honest with their intentions

snakes in the grass

no such name, no such number, you limeynigger.

You chose poorly.

we don't care about Trump now. We've elected him, job done.

fuck the alt right. We are the opposition now.

alt-right never existed


Alt Right is a very fancy word for what most people are, which is simply reactionary. Being Alt Right is a far more ideologically equivalent, but you can't spend a week on Sup Forums and 'get woke' and go Alt Right.

Is there a civil war in the Alt Right? Fuck no. It's outrage politics. They lose all steam once they're not losing. They might have a ruckus in them, but I imagine it will just manifest as 50,000 podcasts.


Alt-Right is doing all right. Cernovich has to go though.


the alt-lite are having light shone upon them and are showing themselves as the cucks they really are

>But I've been seeing a trend. Mike Cernovich is being ruined so much he's slowly breaking down mentally and physically.
>Bill Mitchell is getting his life destroyed in twitter he posted a video and having a meltdown.

Serves them right. Before the election, we had an unspoken alliance with these basic bitch cuckolds, they never attacked us over our unhinged tactics to take down Clinton and her army of leftist kike journalists and we never attacked them over spewing cucky shit. But after the election they forgot their place and not only attacked ALL OF US WHO DID THE HARD WORK to fucking obliterate Hillary's internet presence with Pizzagate and Wikileaks combing, but are also trying to steer this ship into neocon 2.0 territory while trying to purge everyone who actually got shit done and trying to get rich off what we built.

Much like Trump, when we are attacked we punch back twice as hard.

I don't know why you faggots even try. Your language structure and vocabulary are completely different. There wasn't a single argument in their, just a lot of FUCK DRUMPF AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE.

Kill yourself.

Cernobitch and Bill Mitchell are media whores.

There is nothing else to do regarding Trump other than wait and see what he does and respond accordingly.

The cheerleading is frankly annoying now that the election is over.

there are plenty of valid reasons for Sup Forums to not publicly indentiy as alt-right.

But if you genuinely think that Sup Forums doesn't fall under the umbrella of beliefs and trends that can be described as alt-right, or if you believe the term is something new invented by jews or the media, you are dumb as a fucking post

Also, who they think they are trying to appeal with fucking stupid signalling against us? To the left, they are just as bad as the most hardcore IronMarcher.

All I hear is a lot of crying about D-DON'T PUNCH RIGHT when the first shots were fired by TRS.

I don't care about your faggoty pool parties and podcasts. I'm far right, period.


>Mike Cernovich


Part of it is money. people like cernobitch and paul joseph twatson actually make a living off of this shit- if they went full Sup Forums they'd lose their shekels.

>the real deal

The only thing he is is a meme machine

IDGAF about any of these guys really.

They don't change or impact my political views at all. So if they sell out, then they're just pussies.

There is no alt right lel

it's all a meme u dip

>when the first shots were fired by TRS

I'd say the first shots were fired by TDS over Milo trying to appoint himself as a leader. Sauce of TRS attacking first?

> if you believe the term is something new invented by jews or the media, you are dumb as a fucking post

It was invented by a fucking Jew named Paul Gottfried so idk what the fuck you are talking about.


>10 seconds in and he asks for three blue pills

The man is addicted to blue pills. Why would anyone listen to him?

Everyone is guilty as charged

their jewish paymasters. look who owns infowars and rebel media.



sure man. there is an alt right to begin with. there is nothing. there is a mob that forms and disperses. its loose.

You are also a person generating actual memes, not image memes. Probably a paid shill trying to seed a defeatist attitude. You guys got good at the whole "Sup Forums culture" thing. I wonder how badly it will fuck you up in the long run though.

The give away is the level of care and production you put into that. Also your flag. Fucking Jtrig.

I hope your next pint is an american light beer. A FUCKING LIGHT BEER.


Good meme fuckwit. I guess all these white nationalists are only pretending.

That's fine. The problem is the people who engage in the most pointless exercise on planet earth- trying to prove to leftists that you're the "good" kind of right-wing nationalist.

I'm not a nazi. never been a nazi. but anyone who uses the term as an insult can suck a dick.

I know, user.

This would be punching to the left. These faggots are not on our right.

Don't call yourself anything. Alt-right is a label created to give you a face to be hitted. There is no alt-right ideology, anything that is anti MSM is considerated anti-right.

Imagine being a jew and wearing a gold star. This is calling yourself alr-right.

just getting rid of the fakes

They thought there were the movement, they are nothing more than stepping stones.


A guy saying he word right after the word alternative isn't part of the alt-right we're referring to, don't get 'tistic about it

'AltRight' is a Libtard made-up meme. It doesn't exist.

all the gas lighting in this thread

No idea what the hell is going on lately.

First, it was that dustup with Baked Alaska, who claimed to create the MAGA3x group despite not posting to the tag until October, which caused a small split. It went from "omg u banned me" to "oh yeah, I didn't do the work and I asked to not be a part of it".

Then, the producer for Silenced got suspended from Twitter for some fucking reason and now I see some shit about Bill Mitchell.

The man has not even taken office yet, but already the collaborations are starting to dissolve.

I like the first video how some guy who was paid by Cernovich goes into the stream and says that he'll destroy him, despite being too much of a pussy to not film the BLM protest.


Fuck off, "alt right" doesn't exist. The Jews need a brand and public figures to push their falseflags and psy ops.

They can't attack a haze shadow which is basically people who are fed up with social marxism and big nanny states.

Fuck off shill. Sup Forums and the wave of young men turning to right-wing politics have nothing to do with these "alt-right" personalities. We don't have leaders. These cunts are just attention whores. If they bring in more people, that's fine, but don't pretend they're anything other than social media whores.

>Cernovich and Bill Mitchell almost crying on video

In what world they thought it would be a good idea to pick a fight with the army of autistic trolls who made the guy who ran CTR cry like a bitch and Hillary unleash on Pedoesta over Pizzagate? WE practically won the election with our propaganda efforts while these phonies reaped the rewards.

this is step 3 of putting down the uncuckaning movement. 1 is create a blanket term to include everyone, 2 is the installation of fake 'leaders' for said fake grouping, 3 is use those 'leaders' to tear us appart and divide our effots and shift focus onto each other instead of the ediam and government . Someone should turn this into pasta for every related thread

ur the meme cunthead

>if you believe the TERM is something new invented by jews.... you are dumb

no, it isn't. you don't need to use it with the term, but if you actually think Sup Forums isn't alternative right you're a moron. the term was around for years before CNN mentioned it one time, causing all you cowards to shit your pants and run away from it as quickly as possible

>the producer for Silenced got suspended from Twitter for some fucking reason
>for some fucking reason

It isn't a mystery. He was a hate filled kike who advocated for mass murder of Palestinians and enslavement of the goyim.



>the producer for Silenced got suspended from Twitter for some fucking reason

((((((LOREN FELDMAN)))))))) had a meltdown and posted a bunch of tweets boasting about jewish supremacy and calling for the killing of all whites just because a couple of Sup Forums trolls bullied him, I'm surprised ((((((he))))) got banned over it.


Lol you dumb losers are so delusional

Bill Mitchell and Mike Cernovich are both just continuing to run their successful businesses, while you dumb fucks just whine and bitch constantly

The only people whose lives are destroyed are your own, and it's going to stay that way because you were born to lose.

It's retarded to assume that you can attack people in your supposed alliance and not get any retaliation. The cucks on reddit were always taking heat for not turning on the farthest right elements by saying they were a small minority and not an issue.

Then this element of the alliance began attacking them, of course they'd retaliate by /disavowing/. Why would they suffer from pressure from the left and backstabbing from the farther right?

>trying to prove to leftists that you're the "good" kind of right-wing nationalist.
I agree that it's pointless. But TRS and Spencer are doing the same thing by exclaiming that anyone who doesn't fit into their box isn't a nationalist or far right either. It's retarded. I'll probably get some autist REEEE'ing at me for even saying that.

>Sauce of TRS attacking first?
Read Spencer's own radx journal. He begins claiming that anyone who doesn't believe in his vague pan-European state isn't a real nationalist. He backs off later and says anyone who doesn't believe in an explicit fascist ethnostate, even if you promote policies that rebalance the nation's demographics to being firmly majority white, that you are not an ally of his or opposed to liberalism.

I just came in here to say that Bill Mitchell's face freaks the shit out of me.

there also are pleny of valid reasons that we are not

>alt right

We're traditional national socialists. Everything else is just a tool we use to move us closer to that.

What you just did- using the term Uncuckening Movement- is exactly how the term alt-right emerged years ago- naturally and organically as a way to describe a broad trend and collection of thought.


Check em

memes ARE real my dude

did 2016 teach you nothing


Spencer is not TRS, he's an entirely separate entity. IIRC didn't they used to mock him until recently, and so did TDS?

Top kek, so transparently a shill.

The mistake pol made was being anti globalist, nationalists globalists

pol was driven by the US election and politics and received input from the entire fucking planet

and we are all supposed to be friends somehow, like a globalist white race bullshit

Im an American, and only American posters opinions really matter to me in these instances, assuming they are not proxy fags

the foreigners are trying too hard to influence America and are getting angry when we don't follow exactly in line because they are so little to hold onto in their own countries

>people in your supposed alliance
This is where you are mistaken. They aren't in an alliance. They attacked us, so we made it clear where they stand.

Whats happening mostly I think is the snake oil salesman tent city that was built up around the Trump campaign, which was tolerated by people who wanted Trump to win, is no longer being tolerated. Mike Cernovich can fuck off with his blue pills. Loren can get a bat to the mouth. Bill Mitchell can lead his normie pyramid cult elsewhere.

Ricky Vaughn is dead.

>He is a human trashcan though

what makes you say that?


>Trump and not worship him but this time make sure he's the real deal?
Huge Trump supporter here, right from the early primaries. His tweet today about Chicago needing Federal help with local policing literally scares the shit out of me. Unless he is just talking funding by declaring it a national emergency, he is suggesting expanding government immensely, not retracting it.

hello mike.

all you people exist for is as an entry point for people to evolve to towards further right views.

no one except 14 year olds are going to stop ideologically at making fun of feminists and supporting trump.

White Nationalism =/= Alt-right
Far Right =/= Alt-right
Fascism =/= Alt-right
The Alt-right doesn't exist.

Your an idiot if you don't see that the people Trump is surrounding himself with are basically all choices that you would expect from Santorum or Huckabee. With the exception of Mattis and possibly Tillerson, all the appointments so far are establishment shills at best and completely antithetical to everything Trump was suppose to stand for at worst. If you stand by Trump at this point you are a brainwashed rube or a religious fanatic. Pandering to these fools during the campaign is one thing, placing them in powerful positions shows just how clueless Trump is.


Ricky Vaughn is alive and well on Twitter. The man knew his shit when it came to polling.

>Anyway what the hell is going on? Please fill me in.

Same thing that's gone on since alternative right wing internet personalities started bursting the marxist main stream media's bubble. People are shilling online trying to sew dissent in all of their fanbases. This is a classic JIDF psyop. Don't fall for it. We're much stronger with all of these people growing their audiences, we all are on the same side vs the left. Once the left is destroyed and we are as established in the media as they are then we can start nitpicking our personalities.

But do you actually know who any of them are? Have you read anything about them pre-dating their appointments?

Everyone saying "don't call yourself/ Sup Forums altright because it makes you an easy target" is either a shill or has been meme'd by a shill

collective action takes organization. For people to organize, they need to be able to identify one another by a shared name. Personally I think alt-right is kind of faggy sounding (I'd prefer "third position") but it's what's catching on, receiving media attention, etc. We need to use this to our advantage.

(((They))) want us to be contentious and, more importantly, disorganized.

I want Mike to stop shit posting on Sup Forums

Richard Spencer is kind of a detriment to the alt-right
every time he goes on the shoah or another podcast it's always non stop cucking on every issue
>yes yes, Richard of course gays have a place in white society, it's not going away, we're not REALLY going to gas the gays it's just memes
>of course abortion has a place in the ethnostate Richard, it's a core part of of white identity in fact, and not one of the faucets that's destroying western civilization at all
>no no, of course that pan-european idea of yours isn't globalism, Europeans NEED to form a some sort of brotherly union, despite the fact that literally nobody other than you thinks it's a good idea or want it to happen

it's almost as though he's a white nationalist purely because European society is the most liberal and will be the only place that will continue to allow degeneracy

what is white resentment

The only problem with alt-right is that Richard Spencer supposedly coined the term so he claims to be the leader of everyone. Why not just call ourselves "the right wing" and he can be a small part of it.

its those evil racists who won't accept their genocide peacefully

Seems like a complex person. I don't see how sending back groups of people who have been here for centuries is going to fix everyone's problems, but whatever.

>Sam Hyde

If America removed all niggers and Mexicans, we would have a budget surplus.

That would be pretty helpful.

these retards dont get it.

yea trump won the election. great. he may make improvements, also great.

however, if you dont address the demographic decline this win will be short lived. they seem to think if trump does a good job all of a sudden dindus spics kebabs homos and the rest will vote right wing. they wont. fix the demographics or not only will this victory be short lived, but the backlash of it will fuck these alt-lite cucks for the rest of their lives

Wow Cerno really cucked out here. The fucking ego on his this kike. Bad mouthing Christian music. Doesn't give a fuck about Trump either. Probably would throw him under the bus at the drop of a hat. Fuck this kike, fuck all of these people.

I wont fully trust Spencer until he talks about the obvious pedophile rings in power, but I am definitely leaning towards him in terms of ideology.

Thernowitch is a shill on the JQ, but he DOES call out the elite pedophiles. Which is a good thing. The fact that Spencer is attacking him is not a good sign for Spencer.

I'm kind of torn, because I love the white nationalist policy ideas, but I hate how he is not addressing the elitist degeneracy we're seeing in society.