Red-pill me on this dope

I know little about him.

Other urls found in this thread:

CEO of a pharmaceutical company that raised the prices of a drug called Daraprim by about 1500%

acording to Trump. literally no one

Shkrelbro raised the price of a drug and then is funding "research" to make a better alternative. Pretty based and trolled the american congress by just stating his 5th amendment over why he bought the wu-tang album

I heard he bought the carter 5 and already streamed proof of unreleased songs.

In a word, he's a cunt.

This was weird to watch.

based guy.

he isnt in trouble for raising prices, he is in trouble for alleged securities fraud (think it was insider trading)


Raised prices in order to get more money from the private insurance companies. People who need the drug will get it for free, about half of diapram is sold for under a dollar.
The extra income is used in research in order to replace this 70 year old shit drug with no alternative
pretty good guy

I loved the moment when Gowdy tricked him into actually answering a question.

So I'm assuming the media was just running a slander campaign against him like they do many a thought criminal. What's he doing nowadays?

What, the meaningless question about how to pronounce his name? Yeah....Gowdy really burned him right there...

H epulled off the biggest Jew of the year century but it's funny because it didn't take effort and he just goes around BTFOing everybody.


This. he has made a few livestreams explaining and proving this. Anyone who needs it but isn't able to buy it due to insurance, gets it free. It's insurance companies that are biting the cost, not the people.

But it does lead to insurance companies raising premiums or the tax payers paying huge amounts for this.

Don't get me wrong, I love the guy. I don't care for Wu Tang or Lil Wayne but it's funny to see people angry and running around with their heads cut off over his trolling. He's using that expensive ass Wu Tang case as a coaster.

I see both sides(the intelligent sides) of the argument, and agree with what he's doing. That drug needs to be updated.

If they don't have insurance then the tax payers are on the hook though, right?

Not sure, it's unlikely. I wish I had saved the thread were people were posting links with sources to redeem the guy's actions.

What about medicaid? If they are on medicaid surely that would put pressure on the system financially, right?

I still agree with his methods. I just don't believe that there are Zero negative consequences. It has to be done though.

Didn't he only do it for people who had health insurance, though?

fair enough, seems like a good point. Like I said, there were mediums through which people who couldn't afford it could get it. I sadly don't any sources or links to the >>>redit/skype/twitch ama's he did. If you're that interested, you should look for them and watch them.

Oh no I'm absolutely sure that if you can't afford it that his company will give you a waiver. He even has said publicly to contact him personally. Haha.

I don't believe anyone hasn't been able to afford it. I'm just asking to make sure If im right on the fact that even if what he does doesn't cost that particular HIV patient, it raises the premiums for everyone.

There are Youtube videos of his Periscopes of him explaining what he did and how it works.

Pretty entertaining actually as its usually just bratty college kids in which he just verbally buttfucks them.

Heres one of them