Why do so many people suddenly have anxiety disorders?

Why do so many people suddenly have anxiety disorders?

It seems like everywhere you go someone has some form of anxiety. Just today I was diagnosed with hypochondria.

Is it part of (((their))) plan?

The modern world is much more stressful. Life was much, much simpler 40 or 50 years ago.

i honestly think i got it from my addiction to porn

Because society is a piece is shit ran by psychotic criminals that fuck children and get 50 heart transplants

I got my anxiety problems from prescription painkiller abuse. Itll take me a while to get back in the swing of things but whatever.

How much global news and conspiracy theory and redpill stuff do you read? This type of shit can explode your anxiety levels.

Also modern life causes it from being unhealthy. Too many people, too many lights = poorer sleep. Food is unhealthy. Water makes the frogs gay. And so on ad naseum.

You need to really take care with militaristic discipline of all parts of your life if you want to know what a healthy brain feels like.

Healthcare in america is a joke, they purposely let people die just because of the "overpopulation" meme

cell phones

Read that porn overuse over many years can cause ADHD like symptoms. Anxiety and racing mind can definately be part of this.

Prefrontal cortex get weaker thus all - fucking forgot the name - executive functions get weaker. Things like self-control, self-restraint, waiting & patience, controlling emotions etc.

Try into noporn AND nofap for 10 days then let yourself fap. Measure results.

1) Anxiety/depression are slightly less stigmatized now so people are willing to discuss it openly with friends/family/their doctor, as opposed to just trying to tough it out.

2) Better diagnostic criteria than earlier in human history. Think about cancer. Before we knew what cancer was, people were just like "what the fuck dude Jerry just fuckin died after coughing up blood for a week. Probably demons. Oh well."

not just stressful but more stimulating. flashing lights from tvs, phones, more people with dozens of more ways to communicate with them.


i have done nofap and I feel much better on it but sustaining it is too difficult, i always give in to the porn

Anxiety is a very real phenomenon brought on by tons of stress. The current years of late are stressful for everyone, for a variety of reasons, so there is a lot of residual anxiety being spread around.

The pharmaceutical industry is able to capitalize on this heavily by prescribing SSRIs, Xanax, and so on. They make their millions, and the western world ends up too medicated to care about anything else other than refilling their prescriptions and complaining about their anxiety on facebook/tumblr.

Of course, things like proper diet, exercise, and setting goals for yourself that you reach are proven ways to combat anxiety, but doctors would rather have us to do those things after getting on pills first.

I think we truly are fucked as a society.

fpbp. If you live somewhere stressful, you will be stressed.

people on call phones computers all day, never go outside and never interact with people anyone. then a few times they have to interact with someone they have Anxiety and then they become depressed because they act like a weirdo when interacting with people in the flesh.

>packed like sardines in a can even when placed on an empty plate
>thinking overpopulation isnt a meme

>police department shooting range
haha that shit savage af senpai (100 emoji) (ok hand emoji) (laugh so hard I'm cryin emoji)

One shrooms trip was all it took to significantly reduce my anxiety. It's still a part of my life, but I am no longer an anxious person. My default feeling is no longer anxiety, and now I'm much better in social situations because my mind isn't taken over by thoughts about how I appear and what everyone thinks about me.

Because interacting with people is so fun!
90% of people are literal cunts

Its got nothing to do with being indoors

Diagnose people and medicate them. Essentially the plan is to have everyone or a majority of people on some sort of medication to grease drug cartels and American black ops for their luxurious pedo-rings.

No everyone needs it, but money demands it. When people who don't deserve or need medication is on it then it leaves permanent repercussions. Social medicare ensures large swaths of people, including immigrated third worlders, are on some sort of medication for a bloated pharmaceutical infrastructure.

When everyone is a fiend is when you make the most money.

people are smoking weed a lot more these days. everyone thinks it is harmless but it actually fucks with your body chemistry to increase anxiety

>never go outside
>never interact with people

Cool projection. Not all of us lock ourselves in the basement and jerk it to hentai all day every day.

>using drugs to cover the fact you have mental health issues

t. Detroit nigger

Healthcare in the US is literally better than anywhere else in the world, if we exclude prices.

There is an in between, which is people talk with others far less than decades ago. This is made worse by the fact that electronics make everyone depressed because of things like Instagram. By that I mean everyone only sees the best part of other peoples lives, which makes them think they're failures.

No, it wasn't.
We've had many of the same problems since the beginning of time.
War, famine, pestilence, what have you.
Now, in this modern age, we're more aware of the daily minutia, and some people slip into information overload.
Learn and develop coping strategies. Stress management, etc. Hell, just turn your phone off and run around the playground for a few minutes.

Youre dumb.

Anxiety disorders are memes, people have 1 bad day and instantly thing they need meds. Anxiety meds do sick shit to your body, like brainwashing type Jewish shit

Psychedelics are probably the least degenerate drug. I didn't take shrooms with the intent to "cover" my anxiety. It doesn't work like that.

>90% of people are literal cunts
says who?, i don't find people to be cunts, most of the time, and if you think interacting with others isn't fun you are the type of person i'm talking about.
Then again I was born before the internet and cell phones were a thing and we played outside as kids.


Everyone's has anxiety, some people just don't know how to deal with it so they dose themselves with drugs legal or otherwise.

I learned to cope with this by quickly masturbating every time I feel like I'm going to relapse and watch porn. Then at some point I no longer got any urges to watch porn, and after that not masturbating become much easier too.

Anxiety disorders are a symptom of food additives. Stop eating like a subhuman.

The stakes are smaller, but they never let up, even for a moment. My grandfather owned his own business and behaved as he pleased. I have a cushy professional job where retard millennials and their Gavin Belson-Ehrlich Bachman bosses leave me in charge of thousands of lives. Grandpa didn't have to work for a self-obsessed con artist and didn't have to avoid speaking "microaggressions" at work to keep the wolf from the door.

America is dead, killed by globalists. Nobody has a chance against Cigna or Walmart or Disney or Comcast or Proctor and Gamble.

I open books on Soviet oppression and find myself relating to performing obedience, to saying the right pieties, to nodding at the lies. I'm not really a Sup Forums guy, I don't buy the ethnonationalist thing. But Sup Forums is one of the few places online that people can scream that everything is wrong and not have Carl the Cuck permaban you for wrongthink.

Great that it worked for you, but for others considering doing this, taking psychedelics when you're prone to anxiety is a big gamble.

Lack of stability qnd bqlance in society has caused many people to develop sevear anxiety over time. Its a symptom of the current attempt to destroy social norms abd replace them with liberal insanity.

business owner vs pleb slave
you seemed to have taken the wrong path in life, you cant blame the world for your fuck ups.

I'm thinking about it still. But if you genuinely think it's as easy as it was in 1959, you are delusional.

For me it was childhood abuse.

I thought I was about to die so many times as a kid, I started having panic attacks from about 7 years old.

Suddenly being not able to breath is the most horrible sensation, I must have been (in my mind), at death's door dozens of times.

I was never diagnosed with panic attacks, I don't think my family even knew what a panic attack was, they persistently thought I had asthma, even though I was well able to run and play sports.

I still get psychosomatic ailments, my muscles spasm under stress/pressure, muscle spasms in the back are one of the most debilitating things to get, I've learned how to simply get rid of them with a couple of stretches, amazing all the pain I put up with, which is so easily remedied with 5 minutes of exercise.

I legitimately have no idea what sparked it in me. My mother was always distant and my father rather passive and unengaged in instilling values in me, so that just might have done it. I was 80/20 raised by my mother as well.

But I've had some issues even as a small child. My first memory was hiding under a table at Chuck E Cheese. And of the few early memories I have, they all involve fear in some regard. Serious agoraphobic shit where I'd be clinging onto my mother.

It's an upward battle, though. Can't complain, could've had it worse. My parents could have been scumbags but they were fine, just with their own individual issues

I don't, but I see people do it all the time an also see people fail all the time.
I'h seen businesses come and go in my area(mostly food, pizza, places), but some do stick around.

>thinks all areas are equally equipped to handle the same population.
infrastructure, retard.

yes, there's a pill for everything $$$

The western world if going through the semantic apocalypse. The rise of psychological problems is a symptom of the collapse of meaning.

Capitalism is great in the beginning but over time it erodes the traditional modes of life that give life value. Capitalism colonizes all elements of life and tries to turn them into markets. The neoliberal hunger transforms all relationships into market relationships.

The great lie is that freedom makes us happy. It doesn't. You can't go out and fine yourself, you need to be sculpted by society and your elders. What makes us happy is meaningful obligation and a valued role in the tribe.

Transcendental value can only be achieved as a group. Submission to a larger grander thing. Without out that, all we have are domestic virtues. Food, medicine, television. But no amount of hedonism can fill the hole.


gonna print this and post it on my wall goy

Nah. Life is easier now than it has been for the vast majority of humans at any earlier point in history. People aren't sad because the pressure never lets up.

We need pressure. We need challenge. If anything, life is too easy now. Look at how unhappy most neets are. Even if they have unlimited food and porn, they are by and large, totally miserable.

Capitalism may have created a world that rots the human soul, but I shudder to thing at what will happen when become post scarcity. That world will be a spiritual wasteland.

Because most millenials are coddled pussies. It should be no coincidence that these people also advocate for safe spaces and trigger warnings.

Since 9/11, the world has become increasingly paranoid. The Internet has brought to light all the fucked up shit in the world.
Everyone is afraid of each other. The mainstream media is constantly fearmongering for clicks and coins. Big Brother needs to keep people afraid and that's why they throw these little conspiracy theories out there just to put in people's consciousness that they are in control.

Nothing is certain anymore. Just look at 2016. Trump, Brexit, the Cubs, etc. But also jobs aren't certain anymore, healthcare is in limbo, families usually end up in divorce, businesses close down. People always stressed about money because of the 2008 recession. Millenials are finding out that they can't really get a job, can't get a car, can't get a house, can't even socialize with each other, can't even feel comfortable in their own skin (rise of trannies, fat acceptance, drawn eyebrows)

Also, I've read that we have a lot more choices in everything now and they think this is why anxiety is so high. Even little things like we have like 30 different brands of cheese, 500 TV channels, 40 different breakfast cereals. We are constantly making choices whereas back then everyone pretty much had the same color coats and hats and ate pretty much the same food from the same stores.

And the jew pills that Dr. Kikenstein prescribe don't help either. Should be no surprise that the biggest sponsors of the mainstream media are from Big Pharm. That's why you see so many pharm commercials on CNN and FOX, etc.