Reddit is talking shit, what are you going to do?

Reddit is talking shit, what are you going to do?

We'll do what we always do. Continue to ignore them because they don't matter.

but those are clearly redditors
look they even drew a reddit man

How rude.


are they still going to steal content from actually creative websites?

>these are the people who destroyed Hillary Clintons billion dollar campaign

>reddit the nigger tier meme factory with corporate sponsorship

>wall covered in stale reddit memes

It's also apparently in my country. Looks to be a squat, which means filthy hippies and suchlike.

>reddit meme on the walls
>"found Sup Forums"

thats a picture of reddit lmao.

just ignore them like the retards that they are.

Making fun of russia? I don't care.

who cares?

I never understood the hatred for reddit until i went there.

its completely justified. a den of subhuman filth.


hardcore niggas are talking shit about you right now. call and talk some shit, bitch



kek, they clearly drew jimmy nu-male on the right.

go back you fuggin faggot

Stop giving them attention you retards. Wolves don't concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

Them actually spending time on reddit and thinking they are superior to us is already punishment enough.

and who's the sheep in this scenario, since you seem so keen on sheepishly repeating quotes you heard on tv. youre no wolf.