Did Hitler know about the experiments in the concentration camps?

Did Hitler know about the experiments in the concentration camps?

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What camps?

Gonna call the German police and report u for that.

Im speaking about the nazi concentration camps u dumbfuck

What camps?

holocucks isnt real fuck of you dirty nigger

>inb4 argentina is white huehuehue

>Experimental camps
Sounds like some kind of jewish thing

What happened in the camp's wasn't really Germany's fault. If US cities were bombed and burning as our drafted soldiers starved on the front line fighting on our soul, would absolutely anyone give a fuck about the prisons or the criminals in them?

Did Argentina know about all the nazis and tax cheats hiding in their country?

Oy vey! LoLocaust was real in my mind.

You dirty Nazi

Du meine guete.

Be en de will have to allocate a lot of manpower and other resources to track you deniers down. You deserve to be tried and jailed for your false claims.

Hitler was the type of guy who was informed on all levels and would feel uncomfortable not being informed

He probably knew

implying he cared

dude argentinas white

Mengele was the protege of the head of the Wilhiem Institute for the study of Eugenics.
He was given his position to conduct experiments, & collect data and samples to be sent back to the institute.
Those samples and studies turned up somewhere many years after the war, I remember something about it in the news but can't remember any details.
Anyway the Wilhiem institute was funded by the Carnegies and other Americans interested in the Eugenics movement before the war, including the Bush family.
You can find this info right on regular wiki, this isn't conspiracy theory BS, it's documented facts.

What are you even on about there was no holocaust. It was an elaborate marketing campaign done by the jews.


Does Obama know about the experimentation being done on citizens?

Yes, yes he does. He's also a faggot.

better question is, why was he digging for trinkets in the desert?

You know exactly why

Wow, not only are the weights huge, he's using steady controlled form.

haven't you seen Indiana Jones?

I'm sure he'd be flattered.

>nazi germany blitzkrieg takes europe by storm
>jews allowed to freely move about during this time with no reports of fuckery
>jews financed the war
>"oh did you hear about these camps that housed these chosen people you are never to speak about?"
Fuck jews.

>the modern medicine and biology owe their biggest breakthroughs to the Nazi scientist and their human experiments
>which never happened

Only posting AWAKEN MY MASTERS because I love Jojo


Don't know about experiments, but I'm pretty sure he didn't know of any supposed death camp.

During the fall of one of the 'death' camps, he was notified and merely replied with 'jawohl'. As if it was unimportant and somewhat expected.

He also insisted that the Jewish dilemma be postponed because of the war, and the need for wartime labor outweighed the complete focus on the expulsion of Jews. Also during many meetings excluding Hitler, an officer (don't remember who) used language that implied many of the "Jewish solutions" in the east were not particularly authorized by German high command and were acted upon with their own discretion.

Another incident that had occurred was a high ranking officer reported that he discovered a batch of Berlin Jews that were summarily executed. After reporting it to high command Hitler decisively opposed the action. I don't remember the consequences however.

I'm pretty sure he only knew they were labor camps and that if any actions ever occurred, they were not from his high command.

You can find more information on this, with primary sources, by the author David Irving.

Everything in this post is wrong.

>David Irving

Propagandist liar.

>Everything in this post is wrong.
Do you have the primary sources, and can disprove them as fraudulent?

You'd be doing me a service.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're the one who posted a bunch of baseless assertions, why don't you fucking prove them?

Because you can't?

>Regrettably, in the very last days of the war Hitler's Beauftragter für die Kriegsgeschichtsschreibung, Generalmajor Walter Scherff, ordered all copies destroyed before taking his own life. Searching the ruins of the Berghof, American troops found half-burned stenograms and reconstructed some of the texts, which Dr Helmut Heiber published in full under the title Hitlers Lagebesprechungen (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, 1962); DTV Stuttgart published an abbreviated selection as a paperback in April 1963, and an English translation appeared as Hitler and His Generals, Military Conferences 1942-1945 (New York, 2003). Interestingly, the dust jacket of the latter edition claims that the transcripts "contain some of the very rare references to the Holocaust in Hitler's own words." In fact they do not, and neither Auschwitz nor Oswiecim is referenced in the index.

>Hitler in conferenceThese fragments do however record vital evidence - e.g. on January 27, 1945 when Generaloberst Heinz Guderian informs him that the Red Army has just overrun Auschwitz, Hitler's only reply is just: okay, "Jawohl" -- he seems to have no idea that Auschwitz was anything other than a slave-labour camp built for the nearby synthetic chemicals plant. Informed by the general in these words, "The attacks along a continuous line from the Tichau area to Auschwitz have been deflected; however Auschwitz itself was lost," Hitler finally interrupts to ask only, "Where is the main coal area?"

When I was at Uni last term I had access to a few international library networks that let me view a digital copy of the English transcript. I have another history class next term, so I'll be able to verify it again and hopefully obtain a copy.

But again, how do you know they're all wrong? "Everything in this post is wrong." is a baseless assertion in itself.

>First paragraph

This proves nothing. Hitler wasn't idiotic enough to openly discuss the extermination program in front of his secretaries, what a surprise.

>Second paragraph
>Jawohl" -- he seems to have no idea that Auschwitz was anything other than a slave-labour camp built for the nearby synthetic chemicals plant. Informed by the general in these words, "The attacks along a continuous line from the Tichau area to Auschwitz have been deflected; however Auschwitz itself was lost," Hitler finally interrupts to ask only, "Where is the main coal area?"

Again, whoever wrote this (I'm assuming Irving, since you didn't bother to specify, or even name the source) is jumping to conclusions with almost no evidence. He's making shit up as he goes along, much like your previous post.

>But again, how do you know they're all wrong?

Because there's no evidence to back up your assertions.

>"Everything in this post is wrong." is a baseless assertion in itself.

>I'm an orange octopus
>hmm that seems unlikely to be true
>wow what a BASELESS assertion xD

Neck yourself, stormcuck.

lel, thought that was Mia Khalifa in the OP

Before you say a WORD about the secretaries, by the way:

It's long been known that Hitler distrusted his generals and the military as a whole. He didn't inform them of Auschwitz's true purpose because they likely would have reacted very negatively to it, and also didn't need to know.

This is a far more plausible explanation than Irving's 'conclusions' which are blatantly meant to function as Holocaust denial.

You must be talking about the daily masturbation machines.

The "Schlegelberger Document" was authenticated in court during Irving-Lipstadt trial.

>"Mr Reich Minister Lammers informed me that the Führer had repeatedly declared to him that he wants to hear that the Solution of the Jewish Problem has been postponed until after the war is over. That being so, the current discussions are of purely theoretical value, in Mr Reich Minister Lammers' opinion. He will moreover take pains to ensure that, whatever else happens, no fundamental decisions are taken without his knowledge in consequence of a surprise briefing by any third party."

It was discovered after the war in the Reich Justice Ministry and was used in the Nuremberg Trials. However the Judge dismissed it, not for being forged or fake, but for being "insignificant."

The woman on OPs pic is black

Mia Khalifa is brown

holocaust was a lie.


>Mia Khalifa


daily reminder

Because it is.

>Very evil pepe argento experiments with kid at incredibly high speed

Shitskin whore with fake tits but not bad face and no gag-reflex.
Hope I helped.