I'm gonna drain the swamp

>I'm gonna drain the swamp

What did Trump mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm gonna drain the swamp and fill it with human refuse

wtf i hate drumpf now


He was talking about ethics reforms in congress, which I hope he follows through on.

Also, who else is he going to bring in if not experienced individuals from the business world? You'd be just as mad if it was all career politicians too. Should he pick some random fuck off the streets for these jobs? You could literally draw stupid arrows like this on every presidential cabinet we've had for the past 100 years.

Give me better alternatives (i.e., name people) to every single one of the picks that you disagree with

>inb4 OP ignores me and continues to spam his /leftypol/ memes like usual

>He was talking about ethics reforms in congress, which I hope he follows through on.


Notice how Trumpfaggots never talk about the corrupting money in politics. Remember when you fudge packers claimed wasn't "bought by special interests" and than appointed the special interests who donated to his campaign to his cabinet?

>Give me better alternatives (i.e., name people) to every single one of the picks that you disagree with

None because I'm a Marxist and don't support the US government

That he would shed light on the American people as to the true corruption in government and useless items set in place to restrict the people from reaching their potential. I don't believe it actually had anything to do with the people in place or receiving positions.

haha i love meee meees u got more?

>None because I'm a Marxist and don't support the US government
Then get the fuck out of the country you NEET faggot. There are plenty of other places to practice your kike ideology.

>your kike ideology.

Capitalism is 100% a kike ideology.

Hold on to your brain, what kind of chess do you need to unweave a web like this? youtu.be/MpwXb__QNps

>That he would shed light on the American people as to the true corruption in government

He didn't do shit to shed light on anything. He showed if you are a rich white guy who sucked Jew cock you can become president. Wow shattering the glass ceiling right there.

then that makes Marxism a 200% kike ideology
>If you're anti-Marxist you're pro-Capitalism
/leftypol/ faggots are so insufferable jesus christ

Why did Trump hire a pedowood movie producer, Soros investment, and 2nd generation Goldman Sachs employee?

Lost a lot of faith in Trump desu

What is the alternative to capitalism?

Old men running the world

It's not about alternatives. It's about the hypocrisy and the obliviousness of Trump supporters.

What Trumptards don`t get is that you can be in favor of closing the border while still being opposed to giving away government posts to Goldman-Sachs and the like.

Because he is a fake.

He might close the border, but don`t expect a new golden age without big biz calling the shoots.

Sup Forums was played like the fools they were and they can't even admit it.

ur life

>hiring someone with business interest === being beholden to the company that you poached him from

I'm going to need to see some proofs right about now kiddo.

If anything, these companies should be angry with him for taking their top guys.

Trump is the pro-business candidate. That's not a secret. He's also extremely anti-corruption.
You'd like him to be anti-business and pro-corruption though.
Tough luck.

So your solution is what?
Put people in posts that he doesn't know? That don't have any experience? I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Ohh.. just leave the same old tired beaureaucrats who are doing SUCH a good job now in power? Good idea user!

You have to be over the age of 18 to post on here.

I seriously haven`t read something so retarded before.

How about some proffs right about now Drumpfuck?

>You have to be over the age of 18 to post on here.
Says the child who doesn't understand that corruption is the enemy of the free market, and can't even see why Trump would want to end corruption partly just to promote American business.

How about reading his manifesto, Abdul?

He's made a huge deal about fighting corruption. That's what his entire "drain the swamp" slogan was about. Kill off the career politicians and the political system that is beholden entirely to special interests.

We're going round in circles here because you refuse to read what the man himself has said, and instead trust what the media (who have been wrong at literally every single stage of this election) are wishfully believing.

The disenfranchised will vote in a "litterally-hitler"

Don't bother, it's a typical /leftypol/ shill thread

>How about reading his manifesto
Oh my, we have a full blown cocksucker here.

How about we look at what he does instead of eating up his shit like good little goys? And what he has been doing until now is promoting the interest of the elite, nothing else.

>How about we look at what he does

Yeah, how about you do that instead of breathlessly squealing like a German woman in a Cologne train station about how he's literally Turbo Corrupt Business Hitler.

You're right, sorry.

It`s alright that you are buttblasted, maybe now you will stop substituting Drumpf for your runaway father


So this is Trumps ethic reform program?

Or is he such a shitty president that doesn`t even hold sway over his own party?

You asked him to provide proof that hes anti-corruption and he told you to look in his manifesto. Then you deride him for that and boast about your ignorance. Embarrassing. Go suck a refugee cock retard.

And? Commies always talked about how they are freeing people from their shackels and how they are actually just. Nice story and all, but completly bullshit.

It doesn`t become true just because somebody says that this is what they want to do. Looking at his actions, mainly his appointments, shows that he sure as hell isn`t going to throw the Elite out in favor of the average guy.

>He was talking about ethics reforms in congress, which I hope he follows through on.

Yeah, the guy is totally starting out on that path.


>House Republicans on Monday voted to eviscerate the Office of Congressional Ethics, the independent body created in 2008 to investigate allegations of misconduct by lawmakers after several bribery and corruption scandals sent members to prison.