Would you close your eyes?

would you close your eyes?

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I close my eyes like once every ten seconds, so yeah?

I'm not into voodoo, thanks OP.

Yet your butthole is open constantly.

lower primate-tier.

would you hold them closed while you were with her?

veri funni joke xD


I'd except her to do the same for me

I can't fathom how black people can find white people attractive and vice versa

But them I remember furries and realize lots of people are mentally ill

And pinch my nose?

Even a muslim won't rape that.

Why would I close my eyes ? It's dangerous. Around blacks, never relax !


No way dude. After sex she stabs you in the heart. Its like this motherfucker has never played farcry 3.

butt her face

I'd gaze lovingly into her eyes and tell her how much I love her as I fucked her and then proudly hold up my brown babies after she birthed them.

No way I'm closing my eyes around a nigger, they'd stab you to death first chance they get.

Sick burn ovendodger.
She looks like the photographer just asked her who botched her tits.

>Letting a negress out f your sight

>would you close your eyes?
so I can get the AIDS with muh eyes closed?

she has nice middle section
I would have passionate consensual relations with her

Why is her face like that

I'm just here to look at this naked chick.


it's a negress
most of them have great bodies(if they aren't fat fucks) but 90% of the time they have ugly faces.

I want to fuck that

shed look good if she just smiled desu

youve obviously never smelled a nigger before

you could detect that in the other room, without any eyes at all

I wouldn't take my eyes off that monkey for a second. That's how you get robbed.

She will perform a magic trick: i close my eyes for two seconds and when i open them my wallet disappeared

I'd like to close down these retouchers that use "dynamic skin softening"

it's true the males smell strongly
I notice this at the gym. everyone is sweaty but they smell 5 meters away

No, but I can benis her

Saw some white people were happy, decided to put an end to it.

I don't like zoophilia.

Dude I would eat her ass for an hour then proceed to cum inside of her as we lock eye contact... im an oil driller

"Because I can barely see you as it, I thought I'd have a better chance seeing your black ass in absolute darkness."

What skyrim mod is this?

Holyshit, Germany.. more of this.

oh my god you lil twats you know what all human ethnicities and humanity has their distinct aroma due to environmental factors, including white people. Yes, you arnt adjusted to other peoples aromas because youre not used to it. thats why black people say white people smell like wet dogs.


Stop shit posting.


She looks at the photographer like he just stole her soul using his camera. It's not that she's just ugly, for a nigra she's fine.

>would you close your eyes?

No, because around blacks never relax. And that one in particular has a pretty deranged look on its face.

No they really do smell bad. Once again, you've earned your nation's new flag.

difference is I wear antiperspirant

Looks sexy af desu, would fuck

More banter or jews?
Because you could have told us earlier that you wanted them you know...