Why do the greatest people in history always turn out to be Christian?

> Scientists

Isaac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Leonhard Euler, Antoine Lavoisier, Andre Ampere, Michael Faraday, Charles Babbage, Gregor Mendel, Guglielmo Marconi, Max Planck, Ernest Rutherford, Wernher von Braun, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Carl Gauss, Louis Pasteur, Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Fleming, James Maxwell, Johann Gutenberg.


Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Blaise Pascal, Soren Kierkegaard, John Locke, René Descartes, Nicoli Machiavelli, Adam Smith
Georg Hegel, Immanuel Kant, Dante.

Bach, Mozart, Handel, Vivaldi, Rameau, Dvorak, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Liszt, Haydn.

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Atheist Scientists.

a whole bunch of authors like Dostoevsky and Joyce too

can we stop arguing over christianity and atheism and just agree to remove kebab

Yeah was going to add authors, but the post would have been to long.

This list is missing so many people too. Christianity has lead to many remarkable people because it is a religion that also promotes a free society.

Atheist Philosophers.

How come they're all European and not Ethiopian or Armenian?


Atheist Musicians


atheists are to cowardly to do anything but post about it in their rooms. the second death becomes a factors atheists either run and hide or completely shut down depending on how avoidable it is. another consequence of joining a marxist death cult.

since when the fuck was obama a scientist

Because rather than control the weak and keeping them under control, Christians find honour in serving the weak and uplifting them to the limit of their potential, in the exact image of Jesus Christ.

This also includes spreading the story peacefully by word of mouth and Book, and protecting it from every angle against everyone who seeks to destroy it.

Sadly, the essence of self-defence seems to have been lost in the humdrum of atheism and socialist education systems.

You obviously have never heard about apeonomics.

won the nobel peace prize for his work in proving that they really WUZ kangz n sheit


Previous Nobel prize winners get a say in who gets nominated, works very well for you if you apart of a certain tribe.

How do I convert to this clearly superior religion?

>be atheist
>don't accept the idea of a heavenless universe
>decide to forge afterlife and legacy by becoming a great leader of a people
>shoot whoever thinks you're a sack of shit for blasphemy

The missing link between authoritarianism and atheists.

lol you'd like to think that but in reality? nah. theyre all a bunch of cowardly faggots unless they have schizophrenia or some shit to drive them to kill. and at that point are they anything but a nuisance?

>Shove the menorah up your ass, all seven candles.
>Pay $6.000.000,- in dowry to marry a jewess
>Don't have children until old fucks are dead
>Assume patriarch position and make Judaism white
>Fresh tribe of Israel

If Stalin was a cowardly schizophrenic faggot who only wanted to kill people, why did he move heaven and earth to have his name on the streets, his face in marble everywhere and an entire city named after him?

Clearly he wanted to be known and remembered as God, like the communist dictator family in North-Korea.

Atheists want to remove some kebab and somewhat tolerate some others.

You cannot be a Christian yet not wish death upon Jews and Muslims.

Of course, this is without pointing out that atheism is an invention of the Jew, and most Jews are atheists.

>If Stalin was a cowardly schizophrenic faggot who only wanted to kill people, why did he move heaven and earth to have his name on the streets, his face in marble everywhere and an entire city named after him?

because he realized that respect worked better than fear and yet he STILL was so insane and murderous nobody wanted to help him when he had a stroke. like i said, marxist death cult. forced atheism culls the strong and intelligent, leaving only weak and corrupt cretins to run society.

>You cannot be a Christian yet not wish death upon Jews and Muslims.

For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? - Matthew 5:46-47

I think everyone following an abrahamic religion and everyone that's not white with an IQ above 100 should be sterilized and upon refusal slaughtered.

>atheism is an invention of the Jew
Why was it around long before the Jew entered the scene in Europe then?

>why was atheism around long before the Roman Empire?

>I think everyone following an abrahamic religion and everyone that's not white with an IQ above 100 should be sterilized and upon refusal slaughtered.

t. communist shill

go back now. you are garbage and killing you would be better than killing a fly. at least flies have their place in our ecosystem.

Because many of those people would've been decapitated if they weren't.

>t. communist shill
But I'm not a communist.

I really don't see the basis of your complaint looking at how you agree with the sentiment that certain people need to stop existing. Is it because you'd be affected by the criteria I mentioned?

We are to love and forgive our enemies. That doesn't mean letting them go scot-free for the evil they do. In fact, St John Chrysostom's interpretation of Luke 19:26-27 is that Jews, because they are a people that fundamentally reject God as they killed Him and committed the greatest crime, can be killed without it being unlawful.

Modern atheist society. Any questions Sup Forums

Tbh they count such people as Bohr (Danish Christian with a part Jew mother) as Jewish. I remember a meme list of all the recipients and some of the "Jews" were 1/16 muh heritage ones. With the same retarded rules, basically 95% of all nobel recipients are either French, German or English.

>We are to love and forgive our enemies. That doesn't mean letting them go scot-free for the evil they do.
But not every Jew or Muslim does evil, user. You already contradicted yourself and showed the inherent weakness in your ideology - and we didn't even get started at how everyone could avoid punishment by simply converting, ruining that guy's interpretation.

lol look at your denial. of course you blame me for your own failings. atheism=marxism=communism and you CANNOT argue this because it is FACT. atheism DID NOT EXIST AS IT DOES NOW until marx came along and made subhumans believe that their lack of souls made them better than actual people. before the death cult became popular in america you were considered mentally ill if you couldnt feel god in your heart.

>Any questions Sup Forums
Yes, why don't we see these things in the Czech Republic or Estonia? Why do we see it in the a country like Britain with a Christian majority?

daily reminder godlessness is a mental illness.

I can't remember it was after he won his first or second NPP.

>Britain a christian majority.

Modern Christianity is more akin to atheism than traditional Christianity.

Not every atheism is marxist atheism, user.

Thanks for confirming that you'd get the snip which caused that little fit though.

>But not every Jew or Muslim does evil, user.

Every Jew does evil by virtue of being a Jew, which is fundamentally anti-Christian and is of course harmful to the world as a whole, as society as proven repeatedly. Not every Muslim does evil, but Islam has severely persecuted the Church historically because of its strange ideologies, and ultimately seeks to see the end or integration of both Judaism and Christianity. Knowing that our society is strongly influenced by these two religions, it makes us a target for any Muslim who knows a thing about their faith, and refusal to defend our family and nation is an offense to God.

>and we didn't even get started at how everyone could avoid punishment by simply converting

Exactly. However, St John Chrysostom also considers that people must not be converted by force, but by persuasion. People are free to enter the Church as they please. I won't mind any Jew who quits identifying as Jewish or pandering to Judaism.

That's a fine Christian lad you're posting there.

>no true Christian

lol you are so brainwashed you actually think that. good luck finding a coherent group of atheists that dont stab you and each other in the back the first chance they get. snakes and flies are more loyal than atheists.

Einstein was a Jew

daily reminder this is an albo or turk shitter.

>no true christian


becuase believing in god who created adam and eve then banished them because one of them believe in talking snake is totatlly real

t. subhuman without capacity for abstract thought

>very Jew does evil by virtue of being a Jew, which is fundamentally anti-Christian and is of course harmful to the world as a whole, as society as proven repeatedly.
And (I'm quoting you), "[you] are to love and forgive" them.

>People are free to enter the Church as they please.
There you go, admitting your complete defenselessness against the forces Europeans are facing.

Because anyone succesful and remembered for work he may or may not have done will coincidentally always be linked to the popular or useful faith of the moment.

I mean you can be as smart as you want but if you were a jew in 1939 you weren't going to get credit for even the best of inventions if you were in Germany.
Heck i've heard stories that even their cars were of jewish design originally, yet in their hate and twisted envy they could not even maintain their own honor by giving just recognition.

doesn't matter if god exist doesn't mean religion is totally true

When you have subversive culture that comes from atheists and jews, it causes people to turn against God, the Israelites did it many times in the bible. That's why as Christian we must not associate with sinners.

that has nothing to do with the natural healthy thought of God every healthy person has historically since the dawn of time, godlessness is insanity.

Fucking leaf Einstein was a kike

actually that's bullshit.

>And (I'm quoting you), "[you] are to love and forgive" them.

Loving and forgiving does not mean not punishing. A Christian is loved by the Church, but will face punishment if he refuses to repent for his evil actions. And Jews, by belonging to the Jewish clan, automatically refuse to repent. They are just like Judas, and deserve death.

>There you go, admitting your complete defenselessness against the forces Europeans are facing.

What do you mean?

>lol you are so brainwashed you actually think that.
Looking at pre-Marx atheism in Germany especially it's not that hard and has nothing to do with brainwashing.

>muh group
Go and spout the things you're hearing on Sup Forums in your church and see how well it goes.

I at least can hold my views without being inconsistent.

>Christians think these are arguments

>Doesn't understand allegories.

Atheism has literally zero relation to Marxism.
It existed long before him.
Not that it matters, it's always been the truth. There is no god. There is no higher power. We are the masters of our own fate.
All god has ever truly been is a lazy explanation for things we didn't know at the time. People used to think the weather was an act of god. And that was fine. Now we know how weather works.
It isn't the act of a higher power.
We used to think the planet was made by god himself and was placed at the center of the universe with everything revolving around us. Now, we know this to be false.
Now we get ever closer to truly understanding the universe and how it was made. But we still don't quite know yet so lots of people still think it's the work of a god.
That's fine too. But eventually that explanations too, will be cast aside as we learn more.
But killing people over out dated morals in your jewish fairytales is autistic and makes you a sand nigger.
So fuck off with that


atheism is a mental disease, theyt need help to get a sane mind.

>That's why as Christian we must not associate with sinners.
Why did you post Chris Chan of all people then?

>What do you mean?
You can't really defeat your enemies when you'll let them seek refuge in your own house.

Because I was illustrating what atheism does to people.

No. It's not a mental disease. That's the third dumbest thing I've ever heard. The fuck is wrong with you?

>Because I was illustrating what atheism does to people.
By posting a Christian?

>It's yet another "atheists are dumb because they look like pic-related" episode

Autism, many such cases. Sad!

Chris Chan is a staunch Christian, you stupid fuckin retard.

Would love to believe that it was, but between this and other incidents like this i can only say i'm inclined to believe it.
Hitler's nazi party was effectively just a bit of an umbrella for corrupt and anarchistic idiocy that took on the form of a rat race to the bottom, i mean there's stuff so absurd yet so well retained that it's almost funny in hindsight.
I mean imagine a present day politician spending half a billion on a megalomaniac mountaintop teahouse.
People would go nuts.
And this was with aid of the Fuhrer himself, if he himself is so corrupt already then what reason do i have to believe that his underlings, who were most of all the catalysing factor for the nazi's notorious actions with their zeal, incompetence and brutality, were even a hair better?

He isn't christian. he wouldn't be a tranny then. This is the obvious effect of atheism

Because they have no arguments. Only stale memes

>You can't really defeat your enemies when you'll let them seek refuge in your own house.

Catechism usually lasts for one or two years. And even if they manage to not let go of their hateful culture, they can be anathematized for major sins such as a rejection of the faith.

it's a mental disease, I could only not believe in God if I was mentally ill, any sane person has a God.

i live in the south so many churchgoing people i meet would agree with most of Sup Forumss views, sorry i dont fit your narrative.

>replies without reading
>accuses others of autism

we should have nuked you instead

>Henry Ford and Johannes Gutenberg "scientists"

also Gregor Mendel faked the fuck out of his data. of course you don't know that though, because you're a eugenics-believing fuckwit.

missing lots of jews, btw, along with a few arabs and a lot of pagans.

i guess i can't fault you for basking in other white christian mens' intellectual successes though- clearly you will never have any of your own.

daily reminder that Christianity is the most potent Left wing force in history

it must be eradicated

>Ignoring all the pagan foundations to these philosophers and scientists


A point for the rare Amerilard with a point.

>Genetics isn't even real

Pls enlighten me on how the Human Genome Project is a Republican funded lie.

Atheist culture.

Christian culture, prove me wrong.

>replying to point i wasn't even trying to make

Mendel was basically a fraud, that's all. Eugenics was and is bullshit because genetics is more complicated than undereducated fuckwits like you can understand.

No, theism is a mental illness. Your neurotic desire to have a creature constantly watching everyone waiting to strike at anyone who steps out of line just so you can feel safe is retarded. And frankly, it's the exact same mentality that brought us the NSA and the UK cameras everywhere nanny state.
Try and reign in your autism please. It'll help you live a happier life.

I can't


Daniel Dennett is the only philosopher in that pic, and he's a fifth rate one at that.

From left to right: Journalist, biologist, sophist, philosopher.

That you would claim Sam Harris to be a philosopher is evidence enough that you should kys now. Drug addled kike took fifteen fucking years to complete a Philosophy undergrad, went to "find himself" in pooinlooistan and now poorly hams the advaitic spiritualism that still can't convince them to shit in a toilet.

He's the bottom of the intellectual gutter, anyone with a day of serious training in philosophy could tell you that.

Two words

I think the big problem with atheist philosophers is two-fold; the first is that their entire philosophical career is 'nuh-uh, God's not real' so, even if they had the capability, they never end up making any points about humanity, or even any clear concept of philosophy.

But that's likely a symptom of the second point, that being there's no philosophy without a deity. Without that absolute anchor of reality, you can't even attempt to argue there's such thing as higher meaning, and as such 'philosophy' is wholly internal and just comes down to personal preference. Therefore you can't say that your concept of 'honor and glory first' is better than the psycho down the street who gets his kicks killing people

Wow, really makes me think OP. It's almost like if a culture is super religious that you were born into, you will probably be religious, too. Really creates some nice new neural pathways, thanks based Leaf.



this is communist thinking you fucking moron. you think man created god and not the other way around. this is how CHILDREN think.

>He isn't christian. he wouldn't be a tranny then.
Cite the part that says you can't be a tranny.
In the meantime I'll grace this thread with his baptism program.

>Catechism usually lasts for one or two years
Behaving for one or two years isn't that hard, user. Being able to continue to operate will lead to the same effects, but you'd probably praise it because it's a Christian doing it then.

>i live in the south so many churchgoing people i meet would agree with most of Sup Forumss view
Funny how the south is also the place with the highest density of blacks and spics proving the ineffectiveness of Christians - even Sup Forums aligned ones - to deal with the problem.

Atheist high culture.

that's some masterrace-tier debate skill right thurr

Suppose, atheist one, that you die and there happens to be a god and a judgement, what do you say to excuse yourself? Let me guess "I didn't know I was gonna get caught!".

>You can't stop the expression of phenotypes or behavior through environmental manipulations within the womb

Wee fucking lad, how retarded are you?

muhammad, moses, and jesus (peace upon them) weren't christians

>everything I don't like is communist
t. Someone who doesn't know what communism is.
Also, god doesn't exist so he didn't create anything. Sorry to break this to you

lol you think im trying. im just laughing at faggots here, dont take it so seriously

>again, completely fails to grasp the fucking point.
>calls me retarded


Nice meme. Even the Barbarians were more redpies than the fucking Christians. It was Christian Germanic a (arianists) who sacked Rome. Claiming that your religion invented anything is hilarious. White people invented this shit, not your religion. if it were your religion, then where are all the black christian inventors?

Wait a second Achmed.

lol you dont even know what atheism is or where it began yet you continue to spout your bullshit. return to your subreddit now.