


me on the right

Yup, I think liberals would be terrified if they knew 250,000 active Sup Forums users walk around every day and most of them are completely normal looking.

Now imagine the sphere of influence those 250,000 have over the internet and in real life.

I think we really have started the fire gentlemen.

The White Man's Day is here.
Ring that bell and shout for joy.

This is not true, we are all blood thirsty aryan neo nazis seeking doom against Big Bagel Bastards (or as we haters call them by code, the B3)

This is what I look like
Not all Civic Nationalistic Socialists look like thugs. Most of us are normal looking people.

Better that they think its the right side pic, being understimated is the best way to catch your enemies by surprise

>most of them are completely normal looking.

Wrong. The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

literally me on the right but with longer curlier locks and no facial hair besides upper lip.


True enough in my case, I suppose.

A lot of people fail to realize that Socialism is the future. We are here to stay.

why does this make me laugh so much

I'm redpilling everyone I know left right and centre, at first they look at you with a lot of disgust but after the 3rd or 4th time the men want crusades and woman can't find Blacks attractive anymore.

You saw that Tommy thread too? What a burn. Hilarious how they took the piss out of him and his reactions. "You aren't the victim here." LOL

me on the left


We must continue our Holy Crusade to reclaim our BIRTHRIGHT from the Filthy Kike hands that want to seize it.

Naaaaa not that socialism

I actually look more like gg than the other guy

yep, me on the right, on my daily commute

GG Alin is more Sup Forums teir.

Did you just THIS your own comment? Forgot to change proxy?

GG Allin is the physical manifestation of Sup Forums

I feel bad for the kid.
Guy can't post anything without people making fun of the way he looks.
I also post with a face and I hardly ever get people this savage blasting my ass. He also can't handle it. Responds and retweets every single insult.

I'd just ignore it.

Pretty sure GG would hate Sup Forums and everything we stood for. He was the ultimate degenerate. He even had the proto-tranny mustache.


We memed Trump into office and Brexit and KEK has blessed us with numerous celebrity deaths in 2016. Sup Forums weilds godlike powers.

me in the middle

russia actively tries to nuture chaos on the internet
by saying things just like that


Would've liked our methods, just not the message.

Gather all those equals up and herd them on the peer!

America for Whites!
Africa for Blacks!

Ship those apes back to the trees!
Send those niggers back!



that actually looks a lot like me on the left



My 8/10, friendly, /fit/ face hides the brutal racial realism and fascist leanings that stir underneath.


Person on the right is the German unconditional base income guy, btw.
