The truth about leftists accusing Trump of being "zionist neocon"

Leftists don't want a peace deal between Israel-Palestine. Trump promised he would try to make this deal. The left want this conflict to last forever because that's how they divide and conquer and how they justify the revolution meme.

>be a shill for Zionism
>it's the liberals!

>Wanting to end the conflict between them

And I then I'm paranoid for thinking leftypol is not here.


Do you even read history?
>conflict solved
Israel is constantly in war. They will never get solved.

I'm just stating two facts

1) Trump said he would try to resolve the conflict
2) Leftists hate this idea because they need war to spread the revolution meme

I really don't understand how someone can't see this.

Sucking off a terrorist state and applauding a faggot like Putin

Actually these are lefty-polyps

OP is a Brazilian right wing dumbass.
>there are nice and good right wing people, but this specific kind of asshole is dense and wrong, and he knows that

People say things, it means jack shit you retard, he's another kike puppet just serving for the Zionist agenda. Which means no peace, just Israeli expansion

I really don't understand how you think it's only liberals that are terrible people

Seriously go read history of Israel since world war. Zion is never satisfied.
>muh poor Jews only want a home
Then they import every half-Jew, 1/10 Jew and non-Jews to Israel, now they running out of room.


It's funny that this right-wing compares themselves to Hitler, when they are total opposite of Hitler.

leftist do not hate trump for trying to solve the israel-palestine conflict.

they hate him because he is an asshole about a lot of sensitive left-matters.

wait do we want peace? i thought we want the muslims to kill the jews or at least for the jews to become a minority in their own country

That could be the case but my argument is still correct and is not refuted by the "Israel will be forever at war" argument.

If they are forever at war that's their problem, but if Trump get the peace deal he will save taxpayer money.

No evidence of Jewish battles, no evidence of temples, no evidence of anything. Yeah well Napoleon's land also stretched far and so did Alexiander's and of many others and that was actually based on truth.

>leftist do not hate trump for trying to solve the israel-palestine conflict.

Yes they do. They don't care if Bernie sanders passed laws for 30+ years to send money to Israel
The only thing that makes them nervous is the possibility of Trump making a peace deal.

This is why the globalists are trying to incriminate Netanyahu ASAP. They have not forgotten about his speech at congress, and rumour has it that he was behind the leaking of the Podesta emails.
The real question is, will he be able to hang in there until Trump takes office?

Israel had 1000 peace deals. Even in Hitler time from 1930 to 1939 Hitler tried many peace deals with Poland.

I'm happy to see that we share the same vision about that subject, bro.
Thanks! It's going to be a long way to this fucker understand...


Lmao fuck off shill

>not mentioning UK provoking Poland and Germany at the same time
>Blaming Poland for starting WW2

That's why you are wrong about WW2 and you are also wrong about Israel-Palestine peace deal.

For fucks sake, OP. Pull your head out of your ass.

goddamn i wanna punch him in the face so bad
>dude on the left's also an idiot

>F-for fucks sake user....

What a fucking redditor bitch.

left sides better desu

the left on it's core only hopes to everyone to live free from the shackles of the bourgoise. WHY, THE LEFT WOULD LIKE A LONG TIME WAR AS THIS ONE?

I am not blaming Poland entirely. Many people don't know that Germany won WW1 at first, offered a peace treaty to defeated UK, but then their own ex-German citizen who were Jews living in USA/UK backstabbed Germany after Zion Jews promised Israel, then UK/USA attacked Germany and Germany lost, which dragged on to another world war 2.

>What a fucking redditor bitch.


Fuck you. born and raised Sup Forums


To justify the permanent war = worldwide revolution.

>War Is The Locomotive of History
- Leon Trotsky

>Either revolution breaks out in the other countries, in the capitalistically more developed countries, immediately, or at least very quickly, or we must perish.
- Lenin

You are too stupid to realize it.

Not there. on the middle of fucking nowhere.
And a religious war? Letf itself is "secular"/"laic". Left does not give a shit about the religious motivation. assfuck

gonna go eat.
and fuck you bolsonaro Kid/Mises prostitute/Chupa Rola do Kim MBL

When you die i would love to spit on your grave and the graves from averyone that thinks like you.

JIDF is getting good again.

I support trump. I dont support israel. I am not a blind sheep and not criticize trump over something I disagree with nor should any of you.

Stand up for your beliefs but never punch right. Constructive criticism. Trump will listen to his people

You won't get near my grave, antifa scum.

>how they really are

it's worse then I thought

>being this retarded

Vermelinho de merda.


Realises there is no such thing.

