What books does Sup Forums read that recommend fellow Sup Forumsacks?

what books does Sup Forums read that recommend fellow Sup Forumsacks?

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I guess Sup Forums doesnt read books

Sup Forums only reads circlejerk and "THIS BOOK WILL BE BANNED" Trash.
I liked Kissinger's china book


This book is a good summary of current thinking about IQ and genetics, and makes the case that immigrants will import their shitty low-IQ voting habits and degrade US institutions.

when u spend the whole day in front of the computer...

I heard Peter Thiel is a big fan of René Girard. I didnt know him but I read about mimetics and seems really fascinating.

Currently trying to find out which books is best to tackle the subject.

Also FBI user in his Clinton AMA recommended

The New Totalitarian Temptation by Todd Huizinga

to ebtter understand how George Soros thinks of the world

anyone gave it a read?

Reading peace to end all peace and storm of steel. Both quite good at showing what absolute clusterfuck ww1 was.
Would recommend if you are interested in relatively unbiased history of ww1.

I wrote down the name I'm going to check it out soudns interesting

which one looks better?

It's by a legit economist and is quite short/non-technical.

Peace to end all peace is quite long and dry but gives great info about situation in middle east today. Storm of steel is basically a diary of german soldier on western front, easier and more fun to read.

how does it correlate to the middle east?

I am not well versed in WW1

the Jews have ruined fiction. Off the top of my head some recent ones...all Dr. Scheuer's books, "Growing up bin Landen," "the Osama Bin Laden I knew" edited by Peter Bergen, "Relentless Strike: the History of JSCOC," "fiasco" by Thomas ricks, "empire of the Sea: Siege of Malta, Battle of Lepanto."

Public opinion-Walter Lippmann

Gives a thorough explanation of "fake news" and the way public opinion is formed. He's also really easy to read.

He also called out his fellow liberal colleagues towards the end of his career and they all got mad at him.

Also rules for radicals if you want to truly understand the regressive mindset.

i enjoyed that book. gave me a lot of insight.

I have like 5 gigabytes of political PDFs on my HDD, yet I never get around to reading them. I'm always excited when I find a new book that I want to read, but I never begin reading it. Instead I'm on Sup Forums 10 hours a day.

I have a problem.

do you have any rene girard books?

what about the books mentioned on this thread?

maybe you could upload the mentions



Turning the page is great, can't adapt myself to digital books.

bad person, world class politician

knows his shit

This was a good read:

No sorry.

That is true, but on the other hand real books tend to cost a lot.

>but on the other hand real books tend to cost a lot.
Yeah, someone should really fix that shit. It's killing books, and those that desire to read.


Wasn't this the same guy that said American soldiers are just pawn's for foreign policy?

Michael Lewin, Feminism and Freedom. Old but unequalled.
Ileana Mercer, Into The Cannibal's Pot. Describes the collapse of South Africa and lays out a possible future for America. I honestly believed the completely made-up hype about Mandela being some sort of nonviolent activist before I read this. Not only was Mandela massively violent, he was explicitly so.
Dave McGowan, Programmed To Kill. Everything the media chants about serial killers is wrong.
Jacob Sullum, For Your Own Good.
Savages public health reasoning, which is a way of normalizing totalitarianism.
John Taylor Gatto, Secret History of American Public Education. This is a completely amazing book and you have to read it. Gatto was a public school teacher in NYC for twenty years, and lays put a detailed and fully sourced history of how, not only is public school meant to make you stupid, but when it was first implemented, everybody understood this.

Kissinger, Brezinski and Soros are evil, but indisputably brilliant and centrally important, and therefore you should not look down your nose at their books.


know your enemy

This books is all you need for "white studies" A thousand pages truning faster than Atlas Shrugged

To this point find the old Glenn Ford movie Trial (unrelated to Kafka), it is pretty much a narrative introduction to Alinsky's methods and shows how they can be defeated.

this to be honest, I try to read on my computer but just by being on the computer I get distracted alot by other stuff.

since books (and the books I want to read mostly) are expensive as fuck I'm thinking of buying some cheap chink made tablet and have only apps for reading think of it as a guetto kindle

Henry "Agent Orange" Kissinger has the guts to write a book about (((diplomacy)))


for people like him it's always about

the ends justify the means

And how did that work out?

I think this is actually... very subtle bait....

for them? worth

for me? terrible. I am a civiliam. I am a subject of their geopolitical experiments. fuck that


Just another Rothschild agent.

The "Balance of Terror" shit worked out terribly, friend.

>listen and take notes
>look incredibly stupid
>good goy

you dont know what kind of notes thugh

The Conquest of Happiness
Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Thinks About
The Timeless Way of Building and it's sequel, A Pattern Language
Laws of Form if you like math

get outside the box boys

bumping based portubros thread with a shitty infographic

>Reading anything by him for any reason other than to know how (((they))) operate

I highly recommend Starship Troopers and Hammer's Slammers as a good starting for redpilled fiction, specifically science fiction. From there, you can read some Phillip K. Dick, Palahniuk, Asimov, and Heinlein in general is pretty good.

As for non-fiction, I highly recommend With The Old Breed, The Shock Doctrine, What's The Matter With Kansas, The Persian Expedition, and I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but there's a book written mostly from the journal of Zhukov on how the Russians fought through eastern Europe to the gates of Berlin. Troop movements, casualties, break down of tactics and strategic overview, etc.

As for philosophy, if you haven't read all the great thinkers yet, go and do that. They're not easy reads, and you may not agree with them, but you must if you want to expand your way of thinking. Kant, Voltaire, Hobbes, Plato, Aristotle, Camus, Nietzche, etc. Basically, go to a book store, find the philosophy section, start grabbing shit.

And finally, I can not recommend this highly enough, Clausewitz's On War. It was never finished, but if you want to understand the shift in how states, militaries, and politicians behave that occurred post Napoleonic Wars to our modern forms, do it. It is the basis of modern military and political theory.

from the "know your enemy" department...

Anything by Zbig (especially between two ages)

And for Red Pillage:
Gore Vidal

Sykes-Picot, the stoking of Arab Nationalism by the British to gain an ally to fight the Ottomans, the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and their fairly brutal regime that kept everyone in line, the simmering hatred for Europe and delusions of grandeur. WW1 did more to shape the modern Middle East than anything else. It's a long and complicated story, a lot of which is based on 1000 year old grudges, splits, and prophecies. If they weren't such dumb fuck barbarians, it would be a pretty epic story.

Oh also I'm looking for a book on modern economics, not by a jew though


Fucking saved

Already read Dugin, 10/10

The Shock Doctrine. Talks about how the IMF brutally fucks countries for corporate gain. Goes into pretty good detail. It basically outlines the collapse of the EU way back in 2007 and even predicted the 2008 housing crisis. Modern economics is based on boom and busts, all in an attempt to hoover up more money from the poor.

Reasons not to kill yourself
>I wish I was joking

I like Wood's libertarian stuff and while as a non Catholic I still enjoy his Catholic History stuff he comes across as kind of a goober when he tries to do apologetics. How was this?

hold on I think I have a few more

also nice digits all over the place


ooh thank you

>The Shock Doctrine. Talks about how the IMF brutally fucks countries for corporate gain. Goes into pretty good detail. It basically outlines the collapse of the EU way back in 2007 and even predicted the 2008 housing crisis. Modern economics is based on boom and busts, all in an attempt to hoover up more money from the poor.

No, that's a bunch of leftist claptrap and as requested
>not by a jew though

I think Naomi (((Klein))) doesn't meet those criteria.

Hmm I need to check another drive, but in the meantime check out this guy twitter.com/eBookExtremist

He has a mega link in his description which is an amazing collection of right wing and especially traditionalist literature

>Atlas Shrugged


Anyone else here gotten into Audio books? I listen to them on train during commute. Problem is, SO fucking expensive, 2x the price of a hardcover book. Total scam. yes, the performer has to be paid, but they are paying for no paper, no ink, no cover, no printing, no shipping, and yet STILL 2x the price? They are scum.

and the torrents for audio books are almost dead since no one listens to them.


let's see if I can post this link mega.nz/#F!6sgETKCa!vGFF5iTfCR6lH3ZLXaQorQ

Hoooooooooooooooo incoming dump









Was gonna dump this, thanks user.

I recommend this book to everyone.

NatSoc+Heidegger+Psi Research+Deus Ex+ Cyberpunk anime

>defends the IMF
>yeah goy, the IMF is a good thing!
>She's a jew, goy, best not listen to her
>Now, about that low interest loan for your country, you just need to make a few teeny tiny changes to your economic laws and investment restrictions...

also haven't seen Culture of Critique yet but get that too

Every /po/ack wehraboo should read this book.

I recommend Understanding Human History by Michael Hart.

Also requesting Defend the West vapor wave images

as long as you don't take the things you read in kissingers books as fact ..

I feel like Cernovich's book shouldn't be in there, along with the Clinton stuff. Both basic bitch babies first conservative books.

Clash of Civilizations by Samuel P. Huntington is a great primer for many of the coming conflicts on a global scale.

You realize you sound like a beta orbiter right now, right? You're probably a cuck, too.

yeah I just saved these pictures because somebody posted them here one time

I really like the stuff in the mega link that the twitter guy curates. A lot of the stuff that we like to read is too modern

thanks a lot

will try to pick jsut 3 or 4 for the next few months thats jsut too much to process

Thank you. I'm always looking for stuff to read.



KEK has spoken

Yeah Kissinger is biased

you and me both, brother.

Samuel huntingtons book "who are we?" Predicts with anazing accuracy the rise of the alt right and even trump

Also his book clash of civilizations

Diplomacy by kissinger def worth reading


I recommend just keeping a list somewhere and each time you are done with something (or if you get bored and need to change it up) just take a look at the list and pick something new that you think is interesting

NO ONE here is a fan of Dr. Scheuer's books? In "marching Toward Hell.." literally every prediction he made has come true.

Fuck you you filthy spic


The Road to Serfdom

1984 and Fahrenheit 451 seem appropriate.

Samsung's Smart TVs Are Collecting And Storing Your Private Conversations

On Dr. Scheuer? He is a legend. He was former CIA, head of the bin laden unit. He has been banned from all mainstream Tv for naming the Jew, and naming the Jew to such an extent that he went to a congressional hearing to personally name the Jew and get on record as doing so.

He is..literally my favorite American, the last honest man left in that nation.


fuck, I have one of these, although since eI have no friends and don't speak, not sure it matters..

1984 and Fahrenheit 451 seem really, really appropriate.

The undisputed documents show that AT&T installed a fiberoptic splitter at its facility at 611 Folsom Street in San Francisco that makes copies of all emails web browsing and other Internet traffic to and from AT&T customers and provides those copies to the NSA.


Here is Dr. Scheuer--in 2011-- telling Eliot Spitzer why the "Arab Spring" is a joke and is going to end up with all of North Africa led by terrorists. As is exactly what happened, and as he predicted in..one of his books, the final one:


I giggly, highly recommend Dr. Scheuer for anyone on Sup Forums who doesn't know him already. Id Dr. Pierce is the father of Sup Forums, Dr. Scheuer is the uncle. He's fucking amazing, and honest to a fault to where he's named the Jew even knowing it will cost him jobs. And despite his remarkable record of accurate predictions on Arab Spring and numerous other things, he is black-balled from ALL MSM.

Here he is telling the CNN bimbos they are "carrying the water for Mr. Obama:"


Reminder that you can dl lots of books for free at bookzz.or

Also Ozzy Osbourne's autobiography is incredibly entertaining and gives a small insight into English life in the post ww2 era

Isn't Scheuer the guy who was on Politically Incorrect, and Bill Maher reminds him that Israel is the only democracy in the region, and Scheuer says, "so what?" and Maher is speechless.