Would you rather be neighbors with a muslim or a jew?

Would you rather be neighbors with a muslim or a jew?

Jews dont blow up. So jews

>are (x) worse than jews?
Reminder that the JIDF is out in force today

whoever makes less noise, i'll go with muslims cause they dont have dogs

Muslim, makes it easier to remove kebab

Kike, definitely. If a mudslime is in my community, that makes me a potential terror victim. Jews cause mass destruction too, but with financial power rather than bombs, and the banks can fuck you no matter where you are.

Neither. Why are white countries expected to deal with these groups of people?


Jews. They live in nice neighborhoods.

>The jew will rob my silverware if I invite them over
>The muslim will break in and blow up

Will take the jew, also this:


Muslims have like 20 kids running around making noise 24/7

Jews are quiet and sneaky

jews every time, because they are white, hardly commit violent crimes, hate black people, and are generally more affluent and neurotic than most

Why not both.


>not a nihilist

jews, they arent stinky 10 wife having or blow themselve up

Sempai would have wanted me to pick, Muslim.

> i love sempai.

The mudslime is about 50 times more likely to blow up the neighborhood or rape my girlfriend, gee what a though choice - also if my neighbor is a muslim chances are I'm living in a commieblock

>muh juice

Muslim. Children of the book? Or steal Christian livers? Israel is spiritual so who are the real cows? Not me!

I'll take Jews please. Safer, probably quieter, no butthurt about my dogs, and it indicates that I get to live in a generally nicer area.

That said, Israel can still fuck right off.

I'll take the mudslime, I know they die easy.

Jews make EXCELLENT neighbours.


muslim. when they're a minority, muslims act white and are fairly redpilled (family oriented, conservative)

as a kid I lived next to a jewish family, and it was a shit show.
> insufferable hippies
> most of their property surrounded by a tall fence (taller than what the neighbors had, and covering more of their property)
> not enclosed yard was literally a fetid compost heap (they were into gardening)
> didn't participate in WASP neighborhood community (meeting for dinners, swapping baked goods)
they had a kid my age who was a straight-up oven dodger:
> jew example 1: the son my age taunts me to punch him, and says his dad will pay me if I punch him. i punch him. he runs off. 3 hours later he comes over with his dad, crying, to try to guilt my white family into punishing me. it fails.
> jew example 2: tells me to paint his family's wheelbarrow. leaves a bunch of oil paints in the wheelbarrow. i paint some designs on it. he tells me he told me not to paint the wheelbarow. he gets his dad, and his dad tries to guilt me into getting my family to replace the wheelbarow. it fails.
> jew example 3: to repair relations after this incident, i go fishing with the jew dad and son. the jew dad asks me to sit in the nose of the boat and watch for rocks. i do for 10min, then get bored, at which point he steers the boat onto a rock, then blames me. i tell him it's unfair to expect me to stare at rocks instead of fishing, and to chill out. he huffs and puffs and stops talking to me.
> jew example 4: the son sets up a row of bricks on a fence at the edge of their property, then calls me over to lift up some larger bricks. he says it's to throw at the heads of the goyim. my dad finds us, tells him he can't brick people, and forbids me from interacting with him in any way again.
but justice was served in a way. their daughter went to Europe and got into the drug scene for a few years, then came home when her looks faded. she's unemployed now.

Jew, it means I would be living in a nice wealthy area.

Muslims because they don't drink and party so wouldn't have to wake up with vomit on my doorstep after every weekend.

would you rather get blown up or have your house and neighborhood increase in value?

Since when do they blow up houses? Jews salt the property value behind them as they eventually leave (because they're not so secretly fucking gypsies).

muslims invite you over for ramadan so muslims

jews will secretly try to get you evicted so their cousin can buy your house for cheap

Anyone that picks Jew needs to take a ride through Kiryas Joel in New York.

Jews are filthy animals.

But a shitload of children, which they dont give a fuck about.

muslims. i look pretty muzzie so we'd get along well

fuck Jews, if i had a jew neighbor i'd wear zyklon B cologne. shifty fucker would have to smell my antisemitism