A Jew Tortures and Kills a Child

... and liberals delete historical facts from history books to correct the record.

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Even many Catholics are cucked on this issue. If you just lay out the facts, many people today are convicted of murder with less evidence.

Fuck off kike, the Catholic church no longer observes his feast day. You're thinking of the faggot-enabling, heretic Anglican Church.

A read several Catholic sources that pull the bullshit "one can't know what really happened" meme. The case against Koppin/Copin is incredibly strong. To say we don't know for sure what happened is to defend a child killer.

>jews can do no wrong so we're going to say it's just folklore
there sure is a lot of folklore portraying jews as an evil species, I wonder why!

It is always antisemitism, goy. Ignore all facts that contradict this. Facts are antisemitic.

Facts lead to prejudice and prejudice is bad. Jews have been commonly hated throughout history and all over the world because fact-obsessed dickheads like you started asking indiscreet questions.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Wow. This is just... listen to yourself. You sound batshit insane.


>"There was little basis in fact..."
>Deletes all facts
This is how academics operate. You shouldn't trust them.

I masturbate to the thought of little Jewish boys and girls getting a nice raping of the ass, while inserting glass and hot, burning metal into their most private of parts.

The little Jewish girl, about five year old, will learn to not disobey against her Aryan masters, she will be beaten and raped for hours. Her no longer tight pussy will be loose and dry, after being mistreated by blunt, metal, and sharp objects so much. Imagine her high-pitched cries as she is cut in half.

The little boy will have a pink ribbon tied upon his pathetic little cock. He will be made a real cum toy. His whole body will be covered in semen. His young anus will prolapse under the pressure of such big, wooden logs stuck into it. He will be chained down and raped. Hot, boiling water will be poured upon him. He will be made into a little girl as his "cock" and "balls" are sawed off.

The sexual torture of young Jewish children is a delight.

The ADL was literally founded because some gentiles lynched a Jewish factory owner, Leo Frank, who had raped to death one of his child employees, Mary Phagan, then used his political connections to overturn his death sentence for the murder:


This is the ADL's memorial to Frank. It makes no reference to the murdered girl.

What am I missing her? I love dead kikes and all but it seems like he was convicted without much evidence

Why focus on this when it's happening in Hollywood today?


Not one single jew throughout their entire existence has ever done anything wrong. Anyone who even fathoms disagreeing with this fact is a psychotic tin-foil hat wearing antisemite.


based texas


Here's a video detailing some news reports and court cases on pedos in US Gov and agencies. Didn't think it was this common.

It is sick how many people ignore evidence when it implicates powerful people

Holy fucking shit.

what's considered powerful evidence to you is career ending bait to others. it's understandable that these people choose to not come forward, it takes equal parts altruism, bravery, and intelligence to defeat evil.

Is there any proof of corruption? I mean I'm willing to bet this fucking Kike actually did the deed but is their any proof that he used his influence to overturn the sentence?



Yes, this case and all the related cases were major redpills for me about Islamic culture and the dangers of political correctness.

All of these events show the dangers of liberalism. If historians are willing to edit out facts from our encyclopedias for politically correct reasons, should we be surprised that the common man ignores evidence of pedophile rings? This is a top down corruption in our culture. The brutal torture and killing of Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln was known for centuries and our modern, progressive historians simply delete all the facts of the case so they can lie and blame it all on antisemitism.