People who are against free healthcare/college don't understand long term planning or economics

Yes it may cost more initially. But see it as an investment, it will pay dividends when EVERYONE is healthier and able to go to college. But most of you just don't understand that

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really changes the mind

Sick ignorant people are easier to control through fear. But most of you just don't understand that.


>Yes it may cost more initially. But see it as an investment.

In fact thats what it is but you can't force people into it, before making college and healthcare free I'd call for elections and let the people decide if they are willing to pay with their taxes for it. If they don't want to, then it will not me introduced.

wtf i love paying for niggers to study niggeromics now

No, you just don't understand the ROI from keeping dead weight alive and paying for Mickey Mouse degrees

voice of truth spoken Venezuela. how's the situation down there?

Fucked up, not so bad for me but makes me sad to see friends of mine literally starving


Maybe when we stop importing black and brown people, and gooks.


yeah yeah, we have all that fancy socialist bullshit, but at the same time the most depressed population in the world. 5/5 investment. and you seriously believed a commie would win the elections?


Someone has to pay for it.

>Doesn't realize that if everyone goes to college that its just advanced high school/daycare for another 4 years

China has free education and health care, and they already graduate more engineers than all our US college graduate in all fields combined.

And they don't start their early careers with crippling $100k student loan debt.

How is it an investment when you're paying for our 40% non white niggers to go to college? They are unteachable and it's a waste of everyone's time. We're better off putting them in jail.

chinese engineers are garbage though

How about simply just having sponsored degrees based on the demand for them?

At the cost of 50-70% increases in taxes

While healthcare I agree, I think at very most, 1/3 of the population should go through an academic education. More and your degrees become worthless.

Make it so that only degrees that are needed, such as STEM degrees are free. Make them pay for their XXX studies degrees.

Higher education is a big commitment but "free" makes people treat it not seriously. Decision and choice of the sphere. I think better would be subsidized system where government takes about 75% of expanses. This way way you will not have dead weight students who doesn't even understand what are they doing in college.

I love for every career field to be saturated with now useless degrees. Comp sci majors are feeling the effects of that right now.

"Everyone is healthier" actually does have some benefits, i.e. less sick days costing the economy, less costly emergency treatments.

Everyone going to college is not even desirable. Those cut out for it already are able. The rest should just not fucking go.

More healthcare won't make people healthier. It will just subsidize and validate the fatties who are already here.

>oh, you mean now being fat won't impact my wallet either??
>I'll have another piece of cake please

The only people who lack true foresight are liberals, every time

Fuck off Soros with your purple bullshit.

20 trillion dollars in debt