You wake up one day

And half the United States is gone. Destroyed in nuclear hell fire.

How would you REALLY feel?

1812 times a million

Nobody would be happy about that whether they dislike the USA or not, except for maybe terrorist organizations. It means shit's going down.

I'd probably feel dead, because I live in the half of the country that voted Hillary


fuck yeah that means no bedtime and i dont have to go to school!

as long as it includes half of these places I'm fine: California, Chicongo, New York City, DC, Maryland, Detroit, Oakland, border cities, Compton,

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't wake up in that situation since the US would have launched nukes as well. If anything half the world would be gone, not just half the US.

Can I make a half out of choosing individual states myself?

Which half? Did we lose every state touching the Pacific along with Nevada? That should be half our landmass, because Alaska is fuckin huge.

If so I'd be ecstatic, we'd lose alaskabros but its a worthy sacrifice

millions of Murricans would flee to Mexico, effectively tearing apart the time-space construct because of the irony.

Mexicans would still be crossing the border regardless, because old habits die hard. Canadians would be too busy celebrating National Fag Day or something to even notice what happened.

That depends entirely on whether my internet connection is still up.
No: Fear and rage
Yes: Fap

>How would you REALLY feel?

I really need to get the fuck out of California within the next two upcoming years. jesus wept.


I'd weep then kill anything that moved before my inevitable demise.

oh man where am i gonna get new computer parts now

It'd be no different than any other day out here...

gotta go golf. fuck i care about those niggers.

If it was the east coast I would be dead. If the west then I would be going in the woods.

Imagine all the great nuke footage

Which half? I'd be okay with everything west of Kansas tbph

I would surrender

Not sure why you're asking permission to do anything on Sup Forums, but why not

Knock yourself out


It depends which half.

happenings a happening

Which half? If we could hit just the coasts I would be fine with it.

Which half?

If I'm still alive and in good condition I'll bugout asap, otherwise give a final prayer and die

depends on which half, and what you mean by half

half the landmass would be devastating, but half the population could potentially be a Godsend depending on which half

>live in vegas
>how would you feel

i'd be dead

Assuming I'm still alive I would be fucking thrilled.

No more anxiety over future career success
No more melancholic episodes during lonely nights
No more uneventful days void of any significant events
No more wondering what is even the point anymore

My and everybody else's destiny has been determined the moment the bombs dropped. I will embrace the end times living out my apocalyptic fantasies and will gladly accept death when it comes to me.

Whats the crypto-arrow point to?

hmm cryto-arrow and fallen cain seem to be pointing to a spot.

Depends on which half. Though I guess that question answers itself because I wouldn't be waking up if it were where I am.

The whole world would be fucked. If not just from losing half the US, then from what we'd do in retaliation.

Sad. Sad they missed the other half.

Depends what parts. If California or New York is gone then I'm ghost because this country is gonna go down the tubes without that huge chunk which produces all of our GDP.

If it's the dumbfuck rednecks then who cares?

Have fun with your defunct country that makes less money than Trinidad, but hey at least everyone who disagrees with me is gone!