The Metaphysics of Pepe with Jordan Peterson and J. Pageau

"Because Pepe has become this chaotic, fluid, shapeshifting thing he ends up acting like a mirror in the same way water acts as a mirror. And the way that works is that because there's so many images of Pepe that when people look into that huge chaos of images they can't encompass all of it. They have to mentally order it.

In ordering it, they use their own mental patterns. That is, they project their thinking into this chaos and as they force the chaos to take shape it becomes an image of their own ideas, their own ideological possessions."

"One of the things that has been happening is that some on the people on the right, what some groups are calling the Alt-right, or whatever, have been using this effect to act as a mirror against the social justice warrior types. It even went so far as for the SJWs to declare Pepe a hate symbol.

By declaring publically that he's a hate symbol the SJWs are pointing out their own absurdity, but hiding in this is an even larger irony. If you look at the images that they pulled out as being racist images there's this strange contradiction involved.

You see, on one side there's a Hitler Pepe, KKK Pepe, Trump Pepe... while on the other side there's the scheming Jew, the African American and the Mexican. This means that Pepe is at the same time the archetypal oppressor as seen from the side of the victim all the while being the archetypal scapegoat seen by the side of the oppressor.

Other urls found in this thread:

That is Pepe is both sides of racism at the same time. When the SJWs look at that, automatically without even thinking they organize it through their ideology. It exposes their program because they automatically decide that when Pepe is Hitler or KKK or Trump Pepe is identifying with those people. Yet when Pepe is a scheming Jew or a Mexican Pepe is mocking and criticizing those people.

Why is such an absurd image of Hitler as a cartoon frog not considered mocking Hitler? In fact, all the SJWs are seeing is a reflection of themselves, of their nightmare, of their shadow. The rather pathological desire we've seen in the past few months to accuse everyone of being Hitler or a neo-Nazi or a white nationalist is an expression of their secret desire. The desire to be confirmed through an encounter with their projected "Other".

It's funny because the discourse of "Otherness" has been an ideological tool of the Left since the 1960s and now we're at a time when it has come back to haunt them.

So by using this strategy the people have been wielding this Pepe image have taken advantage of the power of chaos, taken advantage of what happens when the frog jumps into the pond and goes down to the bottom to find the golden ball.

The frog can't stay in the water forever. That's the most important thing. At some point you have to finish the story. At some point the frog has to get the golden ball and bring it back to the surface of the water.

It must carry the most important thing, it must carry the seed of the new world to the princess so that it can grow. If that doesn't happen there's no telling what else can come out of the water. If the frog stays there for too long it will be eaten, or it will cause some darker monster because there's some other things down there besides the golden ball.

The frog can tempt the leviathan to devour it. It's not as if this is impossible, as the frog swims in the darkness the SJWs are still peering into the mirror are calling forth the leviathan's shadow.

We've already seen some intimations that this game people are playing might raise something more than a new day. It might raise the very monster that the SJWs hope to encounter."

tl;dr: SJWs aren't actually trying to put an end to racism/Nazism, the contrary, they're desperately attempting to bring it forth to legitimize themselves.


best timeline ever

we really are in the meme magic timeline bros we did it


That was an interesting video, also made me realize that's there's a whole lot more to Harry Potter.


I've waited so long for this. Almost too short.
I want to see what Peterson has to say about Kek.

>tl;dr: SJWs aren't actually trying to put an end to racism/Nazism, the contrary, they're desperately attempting to bring it forth to legitimize themselves.
Even when I was a liberal I was suspicious of anti-fa.

also good one

Is this real life?

your theory ignores all the synchronistic events around pepe. a meme is more than propaganda

Harry Potter taught us that no one should be forced to live in a closet

The plague of the frogs is, as in Biblical times, the sign that God is attacking their empire.

lol jordan peterson has gone full native

tfw when you're part of that plague.

The jew fear the frog.

Meme magic is very real.

I listened to this when I woke up and had to go for a walk and listen to again. I legit got freaked out. I'm glad I did though because now I can safeguard myself against these antifa fucks. They always lie, they never have anyone's best intentions in mind, not even their own.


Stop saying woke

>please kill me the face

Is he, dare I say, the prophet of kek himself?

shit this is the greatest thing.
he actually gets it.

I'm done. My sides just died on me.

Good watch, fampai desu.

>itt: humans get goosebumps over coincidences and handpicked references like a bunch of chimps

What's funny is the whole memetics/kek movement mirrors the early inception of primitive religions. Noticing patterns in nature and general phenomena is an evolutionary beneficial trait, albeit one that's prone to convincing humans of falsehoods as well. A nice little microcosm of that is general superstition. It's basic confirmation bias. When people like Jordan Peterson divine up all these ancient, grandiose references - the amalgamated effect can be stimulating even to the biggest skeptic.

Yes! He is 100% right. The SJW elites here in cuck-sweden have been going on about how horrible the racism and nazist are, while the nazis rarely could come up with more than 20 or so people for their demonstrations.

Today the nazis was suddenly 700 in a demonstration. They been calling anyone who isn't in love with multiculturalism nazis, and stopped any possibility for the rational critic to emerge. Instead they are getting the real deal now.

Moloch and his SJW army is summoning the hitler-demon. And Hitler is starting to seem alright to me...

What's that, user? I couldn't hear you...

Yes he is. No matter if he know or admits it.

They will get their monster Sven, and it will devour them.


Clearly that ear doesn't match by far.

Off by one

Just embrace the chaos. It's the only thing you can do in actuality.

Haha woah... an academic essay on a meme... finally memes are real guys. We did it, Reddit.

Its real, all of it. Even the dinosaurs in 4th dimension

It's not even a organized cult. Kek is Pepe.

Look at the digits. Life is greener.

>SJWs aren't actually trying to put an end to racism/Nazism, the contrary, they're desperately attempting to bring it forth to legitimize themselves.
hit the nail on the head

Sjws/leftists need nazis to exist to legitimize themselves, their lives have no meaning except where it is dissolved in 'struggle' having rejected gods and objectivity. If this were not true we would not constantly see them fake their own oppressions through scrawling poorly drawn swastikas on their places of worship and screaming about invisible nazis. Its simultaneously a call for self destruction as well as a pleading of mercy "we're not so bad, we're not terrible people, just think how good we are compared to those nazis we fight!"

Another one

praise kek

Exactly right. It's a combination of wanting to legitimize themselves and wanting to garner sympathy when their provocation gets a response so that they can grow their constituency.

It's text book Alinskyism. From the Rules for Radicals:

>RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management’s wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)"

just this

basically we are servants of god, angels

basically we are servants of god, angels

>We've already seen some intimations that this game people are playing might raise something more than a new day. It might raise the very monster that the SJWs hope to encounter."

what the fuck i got that shitty "connection error" and look what happened

this is masochism on a huge scale never seen before. not only begging for their annihilation, but wanting to be the very progenitors/creators of their demise. the kikes have implemented their self hatred and a longing for their own genocide on a mass scale. this is going to be ww2 x100

The SJW is comming from the marxist background. The very core of marxism is struggle. The problem is that democracy and capitalism have given the working man all the things (and more), so the marxist had no longer a purpose (and kinda became exposed as a murderous horror). So they transformed into this culture marxism to be able to label anyone and anything as oppressor or victim so the struggle could continue. marxism is a hate-ideology and can't survive without an enemy.

>mfw these constant kek threads will actually serve to further our knowledge hopefully to the level we can prevent the end of humanity by preventing the worst.


The death rate and body count of WWII was only limited by the technology available. WWII was one of the first wars of the industrial age. Once humanity was able to industrialize death the rate at which people died exponentially increased.

A World War today would make both previous World Wars look child's play.

wanna try that shit finbro?

The cosmic angst of the human race as it destroys itself dashing against the very values they wish they could believe in.

i hope so, user. this shit is fucking dangerous.

cultural marxism is a result of the revolution never spreading to advanced societies. Since the revolution would never come in a country where the proletariet have what they need, the Frankfurt school realized that the revolution had to come "within" the country. This means that you have to develope a culture that embraces marxist values.

The reason identity politics is gaining popularity is because marxist dont have anything else to offer.

We've got Peterson on our side now, that's already a massive victory.

When you say "within" the country you're correct. I read something about how members of the Frankfurt school came to the US and setup in UCLA? or some other college. From there they began to subvert thought and mold the culture into what we have today which is everyone revolting against everything and everyone seeing themselves as a member of an oppressed class.

The problem is that they're being revealed for what they are and what their intentions are. The curtain has been pulled back so to speak.

Once you see how the magician performs their magic trick it loses all of it's power over you. And THAT is what they're truly terrified of.

That picture is among the greatest pictures of the decade.

It would just start another war. I don't want to sacrifice my relationships for a battle that can be avoided. This cyclical, never-ending battle people are advertising are merely attempts to drag out the darkness in their opponents idealogies. I push comes to shove, I wouldn't be surprised if we will bear witness to a totalitarian pathos being pushed by the media soon, just to make sure that this "us-them" mentality will remain. I fear that this could come from both the left or the right due to how public mental patterns work(systems, not goals).

Harry Potter taught me that no matter how much you and your friends may have achieved, there will always be some old faggotty jew that will say "HOWEVER" and try to pull the rug out from under you.

Amen. I never actually thought that my shitposting during the election could be seen as "nice". The universe moves in chaotic ways.

> Three blocks of text to describe perceived downward causation.

This is why philosophy should be more important.

We should meme ourselves the gf we deserve anons.

don't let this slide! BUMP!

Like this?

Kek is real.

the way he describes their mindset is very interesting and i don't think i fully realized just how dangerously insane they are.

this is going to be almost impossible to resolve peacefully. they are so far gone and so wedded to their hatred that they don't want it to end peacefully; they want death and lots of it.

and if the terrible monster they seek is not all that big and not all that terrible, they will beat and taunt it until the beast properly despises them and feed it until it grows large enough to devour them whole. and right before they are consumed by their own creation they'll squeal "SEE, TOLD YOU SO!" as they think they are finally being proven right.

they will escalate and escalate and escalate until they are genocided, and then weep at how bad they've got it when it happens as if they had nothing to do with provoking it. god damn it's sickening.

Literally a jewish mindset.

Absolutely, we've got to stop them somehow


Trying to understand the chaos god or how this fucking works angers KEK.

And they want to be genocided. It will validate all their imaginary oppression.

This. Have faith and practice what we have been doing. Kek works in mysterious ways.

Be a aware of the whole conversation. Make sure none of it is lost. This is what we have said so far.

Which is how niggers operate as well. Ever have a nigger fuck with you over and over and over and over and when you finally react they go

>DAMNNNNNN SHIEEEEET MAN why u so mad nigga? I was just joking LMAO check dis nigga out!!

Same shit.

How long util Peterson hits the 'too popular' threshold and Sup Forums has to pretend they always hated him/knew he was a shill?

Note this at 21:26:

>"[A shape-shifter], like a trickster taking on several forms to operate his mischief."

At this point in Pageau's addendum to the video, we are presented with pic related, a depiction of Jacob/Israel's deception of his father (a deception conceived with the help of his mother), in order to steal Esau's birthright. Note that Orthodox and other devout Jews view this story as a representation of the Jewish people's righteous theft of the goyims' world from them.

post rare petersons

Here is a rare watercolour peterson in vintage canadiana style.

We know he is a liberal and doesn't like fascism, but communism as well.
We like him for his will for freedom of speech, acknoweledge of Kek and how his brain works.

>I read something about how members of the Frankfurt school came to the US and setup in UCLA?

I think the entire field is called "critical theory". It is about tearing down the institutions that create stability within a society. This shit combined with the fundamental ideas of marxism is a deadly cocktail. This is why BLM and other feminist groups are simply useful idiots for those that really want to have power through a revolution.

There was a thread some days ago where i dumped my folder.

Couldnt leeave this unchecked

I was surprised how interesting this was

So true.

By shutting up right wing authoritarians they have actually forced them into the corner and created what they feared the most.


>tl;dr: SJWs aren't actually trying to put an end to racism/Nazism, the contrary, they're desperately attempting to bring it forth to legitimize themselves.

Well yeah I mean isn't that obvious at this point? There is a saying that applies here; "be careful what you hate, because someday you will become it"

Yep. It's the exact same holocaust type mentality. I was thinking of all the zionist 6gorillion propaganda and how out of nothing they basically created and fulfilled their own prophecy. Pretty convenient.

>yfw the golden ball has already been revealed to us
>yfw it looks as if it rests inside a head
>yfw peterson says to look inward, find the golden ball, and sort ourselves out
shadilay, brothers
may you find your golden ball

They don't fear it, that's the thing. They're doing it with the intention to get a reaction. It's like trolling in real life except the outcome isn't someone getting hurt feelings or at the most extreme committing suicide.

The outcome is genocide. That's their goal, they legitimately want to be gas chambered just to prove that they're right. That's why they're so dangerous.

Except we're not gonna kill 6 million kikes

We're gonna kill every single one of them, this time

Just watching his new years' letter video, fucking wew lad. He's killing himself with this stuff



Is this nigga for real?

He made it very clear what the golden ball is in his previous video.


praise em

praise kek

magic is real and you best start believing in it

A genocide to end all genocides. If that's what it takes to rid the west of its cancer once and for all, so be it. No sympathy for these rats.