Things Not To Say To A Refugee

>Things Not To Say To A Refugee...

This whole BBC3 video series is all about """'what not to say'""

Suppress your opinions, racists!

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so is this like funded by your taxes, lmafo if so.

HIT THE DISLIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

are those bones in the nigger's hair?

Yeah, and the fact that you have a tv license man who comes round to try and threaten you into paying for it.

that cunt is definitely Jewy looking

She is deep down hoping in some small way that he doesn't try and rape her later

It's racist to ask someone who has supposedly had to uproot and move here without much warning if they can speak English?

>can you speak English
Memes aside, what the fuck is wrong with that?

Eh? I thought "Go back to your own country" was perfectly reasonable.

It's just a power play, they want us to submit to the refugees because they are higher on the oppression scale.

FUCKING BOLSHEVIK FILTH!!!!!!! RAGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill all rapefugees.


>Things not to say to a refugee, Hände hoch!,
>Why don't you stay and fight for your country?,
>Why don't you go to a country where they speak Your language?,
>Why don't you go to a country of your own religion?,
>Why is it you are free in my country and not your own?,
>Why is it you feel safe among the very people you claim to hate,
>When you run away from your country because of religion, why do you hang on to your old beliefs?


things to say to a refugee:
>go home negro


probably nobody in that video is from siria

migrants just doesnt have that humanitarian ring to it

Why are any of these people in our countries? They shouldn't even be here, let alone dictating fucking Orwell speech codes to us. GET OUT, WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE... FUCK OFF........................... Go be oppressed in fucking NIGeria or something, get buttfucked by a hyena in the wild of Africa. It suits you better.







Just put 2 dislikes down.
The joys of being signed into Youtube on 2 accounts.

Already did, even posted a racist comment, too.

conditioning the owners and natives of the lands not to question or think of treating a foreigner as what they are and anything but someone whos exactly like you, someone who's apart of the same globalist culture you are, and any form of "rudeness" given to the "refugees" will be responded to in sarcastic entitlement, Fuck me lads there's a 4th Reich brewing.

They are climate refugees

And it gets fucking worse

Good lad. I would love to have some kind of mass down voting service. We should crowdfund shit like that.

Brilliant, good job man. If I posted a racist comment I'd prob get fucking arrested.

The 2nd one is retarded

jesus fucking christ

No it isn't.
Fuck you and fuck your heritage, you cotton-spined shitskin.

>black female
>"for the people who does not like my here they will have to put up with me"

Triggered my how they aswered the question "why didn´t you choose an other country for asylum"
>"nog nog I wasnt going to look on the map to chose"
fucking say that britain gives more benefits than lets say poland
>"We wanna go home"
>finishes the video with "home is here"

Im triggered on so many level right now

>Can you speak english?
>honk honk honk

I hit the like button, because you cunts deserve it

These are not the immigrants and refugees I come across in my day to day life. I don't know where they found these ones.

but honestly i can't stand seeing these shitskins anymore, how they always act like they would perfectly fit into our society. fuck you, you know exactly you don't belong here.
death to sandniggers

>It isn't most civil wars have no good side to fight with, take Somalia where you have to fight for the (((central goverment))), some tribe or al shabab

Is the tv license for the display device or receiving terrestial broadcasts?

do you have to pay it if you've got a fuckoff huge telly but the antenna is unplugged?

Even if they are from Syria, why would they flee if it's not money they are seeking?
Just go to Latakia or something.

Not an argument

>implying I would ever have a conversation with a refugee, not just greetings

>>black female
>>"for the people who does not like my here they will have to put up with me"

Fucking yuck. Even their own fucking men don't want them.. Why should we fucking want them????? Is this the answer to the mass migration of non white males into the west who are here take our women? We get to fuck fucking BAboons?!


>I literally committed suicide twice

You are probably Vee.. Don't know man, something about Romanians.

awwww yeah. and agreed

I don't care if all the sides are losing sides.
I don't want any more shitskins in my country, Jamal. And I will one day be standing alongside a true German, and watch you burn whilst hanging from a lamp post, you despicable subhuman ape monster.

A tonne of the Syrians moved to Turkey already anyway. Fuck them all.

No bennies for you then.

It is a perfectly good argument if you think running to a white country half way across the world is your only choice.

>I don't know where they found these ones.

Leftist fantasy land.
The same place they found all the others.

No wonder refugees hate their host nations, this shit asks they have their asses kissed.

I can have a tv but I need to pay for the license that gets me BBC, you even have to 'pay' if you livestream it but I never personally heard of anyone getting called out on that.





FUCK that's awesome.

Hey now. If I'm running from danger, I'll be sure to cross 5 perfectly safe countries to get to the one that will give me the most free money while allowing me to act like I do in my home country.
That's just how much danger I am in.

like the positive comments says

>"""people that come in lorries are super brave. that shit is dangerous. they wouldn't do it if they didn't have a valid reason"""

why aren't they broke already?


have a grill, aussie

Im not talking about that ; im talking about the fighting for your country bullshit also negros , us and me fags go to europe because its wealthy : its simple as that tho immigration to the gulf is getting more popular

>more likes then dislikes


>Things Not To Say To A Refugee...

>Refugee came in business class

A lot of people in our countries can't afford business class flights. Fuck off back to your own country if things are so well for you

And you go to Europe because your women are ugly and you want to ficki european women.

normies like elderly people who like their strictly come dancing shows and breakfast tv

>>more likes then dislikes

We are changing that.

KEEP HITTING THE DISLIKES LADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So the first one? If you can't fight for your home then why the hell would I want you in my country so that you will pull the same shit if anything happens?

The syrians are in danger but that doesnt mean they dont want to live in the best way possible ; thats why they go to germany but anyway you are exageration because poorer countires like turkey jordan and lebanon have much syrians than the west

Dislike that shit. Hang all traitors!

Most people dont have any side to fight for in syria other refugees are just economic immigrants

>tunisian women

whew m8

note that in order to push their agenda they always portray the refugee as a succesful men/women with a PhD and knows 6*10^6 languages, when the reality is that from the 150000+ "refugees" that sweden took only 200 or so found jobs

We don't want ANY. 1000 across all of the west is too many. And if you are going to send these people, at least have the courtesy to send some of your ugly as fuck women, just a bunch of fucking brown men with their hands open and a hard on for our women. Bring something to the fucking table at least. Pieces of shit.

> thats why they go to germany

Then they aren't refugees, they're just country shopping, they're better off in Turkey, Jordan or some other Muslim country where they can fit in.

I just posted this. Hope you dont mind

i was already quoting it from the comments

not even once

go back

In comparison to our women, you bet your fucking ass they are ugly. The only appeal they have is that they are a different genetic to put your dick in. They are better than nig women I will give you that.

Indeed, just a bunch of ape tier men aged 18-40 with fuck their fucking hands open and an erection.

isn't that fugee wearing an obey shirt? the face that's used in that movie with the magic sunglasses.

They have two choices in Syria. Fight for the rebels who are going around executing civilians that don't side with them and trying to basically overthrow any life they had before this event, or fight for Assad who is trying to keep the status quo of whatever their life was like before this shitshow. If you can't make a choice on where you stand for that then I don't want you in my country where you will do the exact same shit down the road and just run off to some new found land.

The economic ones shouldn't be allowed at fucking all since they come from shitholes with no education or way to benefit the country they are going to.

I thought BBC3 was cancelled as the only thing worth watching on it was "Family Guy"?

No you dont. Basically if you dont watch live broadcasts you dont pay. And after jimmy saville, alot of people 'dont' watch live broadcasts

>"nog nog I wasnt going to look on the map to chose"

Lmao the UK is the hardest country to reach


France is full of our sluts
Yeah sure refugees in germany are living in worse condition than in jordan or in turkey are you a fool ?

>I thought BBC3 was cancelled as the only thing worth watching on it was "Family Guy"?

Truth. They prob just put Family Guy on BBC3 to lure normies into watching their propaganda.

>France is full of our sluts

Well we need more, Germany is as joke.

>all the retarded fucking idiots in the comments

>do you speak english
Fuck you. Just because you asshole might have had an education and english happens to be your first language doesn't mean every fucking refugee speaks english. For crying out loud, there are migrants who lived here for 30 fucking years and still barely speak german. My fucking mail man barely speaks german. It's a legitimate question to ask you about your language skills if you want to fucking communicate. How entitled can those cunts be?

Swedish TV has the same shit. Cherrypick the progressive intelligent refugees and completely ignore the ones that has lived in the country 10+ years and still can't speak the language and are still on benefits.

It doest work like that : sunnis dont wanna live in bashar regions and shias dont want to live in rebel areas thats why they escape their cities

Damn, those syrians have a lot of melanin

They are chasing money. It's not about safety at all.
If it was about safety, you would go to the closest safe region that allows you and ideally matches your culture. Crossing half of Europe in the chase of some bennies isn't exactly screaming 'in danger'

dat nose

It's good.
Every time heavy handed bullshit crops up, someone else sees through the indoctrination

>any islamic region

>'did you come here on a lorry?'
>dude joking about arriving business class

Hmmm, what a true victim of an oppressive homeland this man is. Why when he just decided he could live where-ever he wanted because he's brown person he arrived in a the upper class section of the plane, champagne in hand while the flight attendants doted on him. The white masses shuffling their way passed him to jam into the economy seating while he relaxed in his $10,000 airplane seat.

I can't only begin to imagine how he's suffered. Truly we owe this man a permanent place to live in a country he has no fucking right to be in. Because he's clearly such a fucking victim! HE EVEN TOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY TO BUSH ABOUT IT REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

This video needs to be sent into dislike hell. Please uncuck this brainwashing media.

It works exactly like that. One mans choice doesn't need to be the exact same thing as anothers. You choose a side and you push for that goal. Indecisiveness and running to another fucking country to push your shit religion on it is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this planet and I don't want a fucking population with that mindset as my neighbors.

>Swedish TV has the same shit. Cherrypick the progressive intelligent refugees and completely ignore the ones that has lived in the country 10+ years and still can't speak the language and are still on benefits.

It's straight up calculated propaganda.

First of all, those aren't fucking refugees.
Those are as much refugees as I would be if I left Italy to go work in England or Canada or wherever else.
They are immigrants, and it's a completely different thing.

They said themselves, they arrived flying and with a visa, then applied for whatever they applied.

Refugees are the one swarming Italy coming on boats held together with mud and spit or passing through the balkan route by feet.
They have nothing to offer, they are barbaric mudslimes.
Using those """successful""" """"""refugees"""""" as posterboy for refugees is a fucking lie.
Man, why do I keep coming on pol if it makes me so mad.

Captcha: barrier child


Look at the state of syrians in jordan or turrkey and will understand , syrians have dignity they wanna live a good life just like in the balkan wars did the serbs and bosnians immigrate to ukraine or bulgaria , no they actually all went tot the better west europe

Get out of my country or you are fucking dead nigger. That ok to say?

How is nobody noticing the shirt?