Did America really have to kill all of their Indians?

Did America really have to kill all of their Indians?

Here in Canada, we learned to coexist...

Did America really have to kill all their Indians?

Here in Canacuck we learned to coexist...

>learned to coexist
Nice 'boarding schools' you got there bud.

and that was a mistake

honestly, we should have finished the job

>Here in Canada, we learned to coexist...

The end result was exactly the same idiot. Natives were completely marginalized on shitty land poor as fuck doing drugs.

Also stop calling them "Indians". There's a whole nation called India and it gets really stupid to call two completely unrelated people the same word.

It's called conquering, and its been going on since the dawn of mankind. Only recently have shed barbarism from our first world societies, but it will probably start again soon.

I don't know where in Canada you're from but we hate the tree niggers here.

If we actually coexisted we wouldn't have to hear about
Muh residential school
Muh smallpox
Muh cant handle firewater
Muh all whitey raciss

Fuck off chugs go eat a native 6 pack and die

Leaving them to live in squalor and become even more fat and stupid on government cheese was more cruel. We should have just kicked them into canada and let them have a country, or just given them all honorable death.

Viruses and alcoholism ruined the Natives. If they don't like it here they could always go back to Mongolia.

I'll call muh injuns anything I damn well please.

Implying parking them on reserves is coexisting.

Stupid fucking leaf you should know better than to police language on Sup Forums.


My question is how can whites even have the audacity to call this a white nation?

because we took it from them
now it's being taken from us and then the minorities can fight among themselves over the corpse

Because we're not fucking pussy bitches like yourself

Implying it isn't

And we're paying the price hard

They refuse to assimilate, and the smart chiefs are mostly corrupt.

who even calls this nation white?

Well let's see... anyone who can look at numbers

Had we actually killed them all no one would care now.

Cheap bait. 1 post by this loser.

The Spaniards and the French pretty much did all the work before America was even truly established . all we did was take care of the stragglers.

Verbally, who states this is "white nation"?

No we didn't. Shut up, worm.

Cities in Saskatchewan (and some in Alberta) are crime ridden shitholes because of Indians having free reign to spray paint "terror squad" graffiti everywhere and stab random people.

At least once a day there is a stabbing, robbery, or life threatening B&E... Always involved a buck acting out his savage ways.

I can confidently say Indians are retarded and I'm technically an Indian.

They're called indians because Columbus thought he landed in India you fucking leaf. The name stuck. Besides, they're not even native to America either.

Fuck Indians and fuck shiny beads

>check flag
checks out.


>learned to coexist
>literally pays each indian a six figure which goes to booze