New Peterson video:

New Peterson video:


Stupid fucking frogposters you'll be the first to go on the day of the rope

He doesn't understand the meme magic part of it well or Doesn't seem to believe in it

How can we heal Peterson? He seems crushed lately

hes got cancer

It's more a Jungian exploration; Sup Forums choosing Pepe as part of an unconscious decision.

Has he said so or is this the same leaf shitposting about it from before


Could be seasonal affective disorder, winter puts the blues on people up here. He also is having his entire life turned upside down due to his belief that he shouldn't be mandated to say preferred pronouns to mentally ill people.

Read pic related then Skip to 925

Wow. Sup Forums spills out into the normie world!

What does this portend I wonders?

Pic not related

You're playing a dangerous game with your own life when you threaten the lives of the followers of Kek. Do not trifle with the forces of chaos.

>frog posters
top kek i hope kekposters top themselves

And y'all think he's joking. Kek has spoken!

>Kek has spoken!

pray you haven't caught His eye

Your imaginary friend can't do shit, look

you don't understand how metaphysical punishment works, it could have already happened and you just haven't realised yet

>Praise KEK!

What does r*ddit atheism (where the fedora meme derives from) have to do with Kek?

Gee, I wonder, you stupid atheist faggot

>reddit atheism
Yeah, you're totally not like one of those reddit atheists!
You're a non-reddit atheist!
Which is, well, exactly the fucking same.

>(Not) implying atheism

Man you are one stupid bong

>he said, denying the existence of a deity

think it's you who should be tipping laddo

Yes, only an atheist would pretend to believe in "Kek"

You're right: only non-believers pretend to believe something, by definition.

It's ok kid you can go before you rek yourself any harder


How do we stop the eternal bong? Do we need a day of the beater?


go and tweet Dawkins about it lad just stop making a fool of yourself

You can accept the truth whenever you want, Jesus is forgiving

Hold it still until it stops vibrating, beating it only makes things worse

Kek and Jesus are cyclical, little fedoratipper. Open your eyes to the Truth

former student sameleaf here

Without beard/goatee he looks like that. It's from his smoking days. You will look like that after smoking for a long time.

Jesus is Wojack