Pepe Le Pen

What's going on with France at the moment?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hollande is a fag
>Marine is low energy
>Jews are jewing
>Niggs are nigging
>Muslims are disturbingly quiet
The usual stuff, burger bro.

Well, a pair of pussies at government

Is kek not creating chaos and bringing light to your country? Has the degeneracy started to decline?

Why are todays right-wingers all such kike shills? Le Pen included.

Kek does not seem to see us worthy enough for anything besides being akbared. The frog God has abandoned his people.

You must out Jew the Jew my friend

Because they're professional politicians. Their political career can be rekt in a min by the (((media))) and this career is all they have.

Kek sees all who are worthy
We must bump this thread and praise thy kek for he is good to those who believe

May Kek hear you brother.

Probably because you eat his people you faguettes.

Wait, wasn't it Kek that said: "Take and eat; this is my body."?


I hope FN wins, I visted Lyon last year and I thought I was in Fuckistan

She has to hide her power level until she's in power. Simple as that.

He is speaking

Ebyn :D


Lyon is not even the worst city in France :(
Anyway, old Frogs are going to give power to Fillon to make sure their savings are not fucked by FN with the removing of the Euro.

>old Frogs are going to give power to Fillon


I know and I really want him to lose. I bumped and memed in the MFGA gen thread when there used to be any on Sup Forums but it seems hopeless in France.

First, MLP is not fresh as Donald Trump, she's been in politics for years and has been president of the FN for a decade. Sure their ratings are growing but not fast enough. She tries to be as much PC as possible unlike Trump.

Second, nationalism in France is a giant clusterfuck full of pathological liars, ego-maniacs, retards, that all hate each others and hate Marine Le Pen for various reasons, some of which are justified but still... they act as if we have decades in front of us and we don't have time for this.
All the trolls that were shitting the MFGA gen thread are exampe of this.


This is Le Pen's main opponent, François Fillon.

Do not speak ill of Kek.

After 5 years of pic related, French are ready to elect anything... well anything as long as it's not Marine Le Pen.

Don't your people read Dumas?

What happened to the based Musketeers who thought everyone not French was some kind of degenerate or oaf in general?

Bring back that sense of national pride!

Bump for Frexit. We must free the cheese-eating surrender monkeys. You have my sword French fags.

>thy all powerful kek has spoken

No, our kids have been stripped down of their own cutlure because our leaders have been fags for the past 50 years.

Here's what happened.

One good movie should bring it back though. Just no Depardieu.


If digits france dies

Why are you giving up so soon? Member Brexit? Member Trump?

Did you forget that gigantic pile of shit?


Farage and Trump > Marine
I'll tell the discord guys to remake gen threads but it's really quiet there.

But we still have Kek, right?

Ca va mal, mon gros Bubba...

You used to be our friend Romania. What happened? I understand the Serbs being mad at us but you guys...

>Farage and Trump > Marine

J'espere que tu es un bougnoule, Jean...Marine n'est pas une complete truie a kikes comme Trump...

Putain de travelo, il parle même pas Français, y a plus de respect bordel.

Paris était un trou a rat dans les années fait juste s'empirer....

>Marine n'est pas une complete truie a kikes comme Trump...
Si seulement. Putain mais si seulement. On parle quand même d'une personne qui justifie la LDJ en France putain. Encore que ce soit, et de loin, pas mon premier reproche à son égard.

Hell if I know, I just dont go outside anymore except for work

>pas mon premier reproche à son égard

Et quel est ton premier reproche, Jeanne...

Je n'est parle pas GAY

>ce sentiment quand j'habite dans un pré carré blanc de la banlieue mais que j'ai quand même, de temps en temps, le besoin de foutre les pieds dans ce foutu cloaque
>ce sentiment quand je connais des gens qui se ruinent pour vivre dans cette fange

Va manger ta soupe avec un casque, James...


>>ce sentiment quand je connais des gens qui se ruinent pour vivre dans cette fange

C'est quoi le point de vivre dans ce trou? Déoutant, violent, plein de shitskin qui veulent te voler et te violer si tu es une femelle...

80% of French don't like Fillon program

53% think that fillon is doing bad
Lepen will win !

Elle arrache pas la carotide avec les dents de la première journalope venue, de cette petite raclure chiée par science po, essayant de lui jouer la petite musique de l'affreux dérapage des heures les plus sombres de l'histoire du bruit des bottes stigmatisant l'amalgame. En tldr, qu'elle essaye de la jouer politiquement correct.

Voila en somme mon premier reproche. Tu veux entendre le second?

>Tu veux entendre le second?

Vas y fort, Jeanne...

Typical France
Giving up the fight before it even started.

France shouldn't exist. It's an unnatural Masonic conglomeration formed from Parisian destruction of all Catholic cultures within the French borders

Marine Le Pen won't win, unfortunately.
France, though it wishes it was, is not ready yet.
Next time though... next time.

Bah tu peux t'imaginer être une pointure vu que c'est quand même dans cette merde que réside toutes les pointures.

Après j'suis d'accord, c'est du niveau de ces cons d'Africains acculturés qui se ruinent pour une paire de basket mais bon...

Avec une population de shitskin aussi nombreuse ça devient vraiment difficile de ne pas embrasser le politiquement correct... Mais tu as raison elle devrait s'en détacher, elle a les arguments si elle parvient à faire durer la conversation avec ses opposants après les mots clés balancés à chaque fois contre elle "repli sur soi", "la haine", "les heures sombres", "fascisme rampant". Putain y'a quelques années j'étais de gauche étudiant en droit pro droits de l'homme et maintenant je considère que Hitler avait raison sur beaucoup de sujets (sauf nous envahir bien sûr).

Oh lord Kek, why doth thou not agree with my sightly seeings? Surely you were the one who gave me this vision?
Am I wrong? Doth I do not your will?!

And so it was told, that I was wrong.
France will succeed in voting for Le Pen.

>et maintenant je considère que Hitler avait raison sur beaucoup de sujets (sauf nous envahir bien sûr).

Bah en gros (je dis pas que c'est sa position mais c'est la position de tous ceux qui la soutiennent), il faut pas affoler le bon Français en ayant un discours un peu velu sur la diversité.

Par contre mettre un peu d'eau dans son vin sur la sortie de l'Euro et de l'UE, juste sur le discours hein, histoire de pas faire flipper les vieux Français qui, comme les enculés de baby boomers qu'ils sont, pensent d'abords à leur petite retraite plutôt qu'à l'avenir de la France, bah c'est juste pas possible.

Tu remarqueras j'ai bien dis second parce qu'il n'y en a pas de troisième. Du moins pas qui me vienne à l'esprit.

Yes probably but still we should not be defeatist. Unfortunately time is against us and dont believe the polls saying that there is only 10% of muslims, in reality its way worse, Paris is lost, Marseille too and a lot of big cities are turning too. Fuck even where I live in Grenoble, which is supposed to be white, about 1/4 women wear the islamic veil, i'm not even kidding I tried to count it with some friends during few weeks. France is doomed with the politically correct and the leftits, even if people are slowly waking up i'm affraid it is going to be too late

Oi, George. Don't give up hope now, KEK corrected me.
See I repented against my sin of falling for the tricks of Moloch and as I saw the light, KEK in all of his glory gave me his blessing.

Marine Le Pen will see the light of power, and France will be saved.

>comme les enculés de baby boomers qu'ils sont, pensent d'abords à leur petite retraite plutôt qu'à l'avenir de la France

Les boomers ont vraiment été un cancer partout sur la terre...

That's what you get for the world wars.

You do realise that muslims are poorer, so muslims walk more often than actual French who use their cars?

Holy fucking shit, I didn't think you Frogfuckers would be this fucking retarded.

It's both too soon and too late to elect Le Pen, we're dead actually, just look at the french posters on Sup Forums, even here they will not vote for her, i bet not even 30% of them plan to vote because "muhhh she will not win so whatever" and she will lost by like 10 votes

at this point we deserve it, i don't feel bad for France, french people really don't deserve to live, i'll leave this shitty country and if things turn bad i'll bring my family safe with me

>Unfortunately time is against us and dont believe the polls saying that there is only 10% of muslims, in reality its way worse

20 millions de mudslimes, Adrien...

As shown in America: to beat the Jew, you must become the Jew

Yes even in the campus right? Doesnt change the fact that they are slowly outnumbering us, numbers arent important but tendancy is

>Les boomers ont vraiment été un cancer partout sur la terre...
Et pas qu'un peu. Encore que, si j'ai bien compris, ils ont aidé à la victoire du Brexit, ça reste faiblard en comparaison avec toutes leurs autres conneries.

Degenerate, yet degenerate.

We already won, with the blessing of Kek.

We shall kek our way to victory.
Do not forget : kek is the Toad of laughter.
I laugh everyday when I come to this place, and that is my prayer.


We share a part of responsibility for the first one but the second one is 100% because of those fucking autistic Germans.

I truly don't understand the people on here who think revealing your power level to normies is somehow a good thing. Look at the whole Richard Spencer debacle. People who can't shut the fuck up need to be gassed with the rest of them for sabatage.

>Lmao thats my real name, touché
Yes not a surprise, and check this
It is sick

Jew or be Jewed

Use the Jew to beat the Jew

No pun intended

We have the most Jews of all Europe here in France. That makes a lot of outjewing to do.

But we also have Zemmour (pic related).
A jewish journalist that drops redpill everytime he's on TV, radio or writing articles.

Zemmour is nothing special.
He's just the only one allowed to speak... because he's a jew.

Some people say that he's controlled opposition, but I really doubt that, last time I went to a LR meeting (I'm not with them) where he was and it was pretty based. He talked about Hollande's last book which says that the communautarism is leading us to a clash. And the LR representatives were embarrassed about the reaction of the people against the mudslims.

Still, for now we have to find as many allies as we can instead of being divised and so weak, doesnt matter if we dont agree to everything our cause has to be nationalist



Le Pen will be elected. Kek and Pepe be praised.

>>>it shall be done as kek wills it

Come on.
>supported Trump
>warns constantly of the upcoming civil war
>tells everybody how Islam is a danger to Europe
>has pointed out that mass deportation could be a solution
>put pressure on Marine Le Pen to be more based
>always speak with the perfect mix of cultured and vulgar terms so he can convert a shit ton of people
The guy has redpilled more people than anyone here. Hell, more than any nationalist in France.



>And the LR representatives were embarrassed about the reaction of the people against the mudslims.
The cuckservative are really the scum of this nation, they applaud Zemmour but will vote for Fion. They just love to be assfucked.

Et sur les accusations de l'opposition contrôlé j'ai entendu ça que de Riton le Mesquin et d'antisem rabique qui accepte même pas une seule putain d'exception.

Checked and saved

We just need to meme harder.

As in, AT ALL.


>Second, nationalism in France is a giant clusterfuck full of pathological liars, ego-maniacs, retards, that all hate each others and hate Marine Le Pen for various reasons

La dissidence ? Quéque


What in the fuck is that degeneracy

>tfw there is more political diversity in the "extreme" right than all over the rest of the french political spectrum
>tfw we can't take power even though on average, Islamist attacks killed one French every 3 day since 2015

It's "French" rap, don't be a bigot user, there are the Voltaire and the Zola of our times, I guess.

It's all apart of (((the plan)))

As long as they're waving their guns around saying the right to bear arms for the protection against tyranny is the number 1 rule otherwise its degeneracy and needs robbery purged