/Fsg/ Fascism General

/Fsg/ - Fascist General

Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.

A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested





Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

Good fascists/similar or influential people to get an introduction

Oswald Mosely
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
Benito Mussolini
Adolf Hitler
Stepan Bandera
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
Ettore Ovazza
Gaetano Mosca
Friedrich Nietzsche
Charles Maurras
Enrico Corradini
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
Johann Plenge
Alceste De Ambris
Gabriele d'Annunzio
Juan Perón
Giovanni Gentile

Types of Fascism

British Union
Meme futurism
Clerical Fascism
Brazilian Integralism

"[Fascism] was an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy. It was a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly."~Oswald Mosely

Other urls found in this thread:


>philosophic conception
Fascism is thought and action. It is action with an inherent doctrine which, arising out of a given system of historic forces, is inserted in it and works on it from within. It has therefore a form co-related to the contingencies of time and place; but it has at the same time an ideal content which elevates it into a formula of truth in the higher region of the history of thought.

>spiritual conception
To Fascism the world is not this material world which appears on the surface, in which man is an individual separated from all other men, standing by himself and subject to a natural law which instinctively impels him to lead a life of momentary and egoistic pleasure. In Fascism man is an individual who is the nation and the country. He is this by a moral law which embraces and binds together individuals and generations in an established tradition and mission, a moral law which suppresses the instinct to lead a life confined to a brief cycle of pleasure in order, instead, to replace it within the orbit of duty in a superior conception of life, free from the limits of time and space a life in which the individual by self-abnegation and by the sacrifice of his particular interests, even by death, realises the entirely spiritual existence in which his value as a man consists.

>ethical conception
This positive conception of life is evidently an ethical conception. And it comprises the whole reality as well as the human activity which domineers it. No action is to be removed from the moral sense; nothing is to be in the world that is divested of the importance which belongs to it in respect of moral aims. Life, therefore, as the Fascist conceives it, is serious, austere, religious; entirely balanced in a world sustained by the moral and responsible forces of the spirit. The Fascist disdains the "easy" life.

>religious conception
Fascism is a religious conception in which man is considered to be in the powerful grip of a superior law, with an objective will which transcends the particular individual and elevates him into a fully conscious member of a spiritual society. Anyone who has stopped short at the mere consideration of opportunism in the religious policy of the Fascist Regime, has failed to understand that Fascism, besides being a system of government, is also a system of thought.

Anyone with questions or curiosities, feel free to ask them.

I had this conversation with an Australian user some time ago, he organised a poll of the political views of Sup Forums and also asked us what was our ideal political system. The group I belong to proposes the form of State organization I described in my comments, the ones in red. I'm asking for some opinions on both his and our ideas.

I think you're in the right place, I agree with what you are advocating for for your country. I've been going about the same thing as well, how fascism would work in my country.

A few things that I wanted opinions on, since I think they would seem unusual for a fascist government:

1.- The leading office of the executive branch of the government is taken by three people and they are elected democratically.

How long would their terms be? And would the process of Democratic elections continue to be held?

A problem we saw in previous fascist governments is that they where too dependent on their figureheads, it seemed like they would have some problem continuing without them, most of those leaders appeared to have the intention of staying in power until their deaths and the issue of the succession was apparently not considered.

By dividing leadership in three people no one takes the protagonism, no one is so fundamentally important that the project, can't go on without him.

The terms would be of six years. the election would not be like the ones we see nowadays anywhere, votes have different values and people are divided in three classes each electing one of the leaders.

So each class votes for its leader?


Yes, but they must manage the government together. Just like the roman consuls they can veto each others decisions, the fact that there are three of them means that there will always be a majority of them either approving or denying any given decision, which also makes said decisions more legitimate in the eyes of the general public when taken to accion.

What will the economic system be? And hm, it seems your going for a sort of "quasi-fascist" state.


There would be a chamber of industries where the plans to organize the economy, as per the basic principles described in this screen capture, would be drawn.

Interesting, so in terms of fascist Corporatism everything would operate the same? The state still regulating corporates and their products?

I have almost no written material on the economical theories of fascism. My university is by no means a backwards hive of Marxism like most of the ones in the USA, but it almost seems like information on this subject was either never collected or actively suppressed, the faculty of economy has no book on the subject and the professors I asked simply said the knew nothing of the issue. I have however a copy of Mussolini's "the corporatist state" is pretty much all I have read about this.

Where does Christianity fit into fascism? Do they oppose each other? How do we attack egalitarianism, especially to normies?

Leaders of industries and representatives of labor unions would postulate members of this chamber. they would make the plans based in their first hand knowledge of the state of each particular industry.
But, as I described here , these plans and every other law would require analysis by the intellectual class and approval by scientific consensus. the final project would require approval by the majority of the Consuls.

This is similar to the current legislative process in Mexico:
Chamber of deputies -> chamber of senators -> presidential approval.

Not at all, each fascist society has placed some form of Christianity as the state religion. Christianity is a natural safeguard against degenarcy and instiller of good morals, the fascist state does not require you to be religiously faithful to god however, only to atleast be religious in your morals.

I remember Rivera noted Falangism was a supporter of the Catholic Church and Catholicism's influence on Spain and Spanish culture but that they were fine with religious freedom.

Interesting, if you're hoping for this to become a party I can see how you've made your system to attract people, it wont completely turn off people by using a full fascist plan. It couldn't be very possible for you to win democratically, I am guessing you would assume an authoritarian stance than a totalitarian one.

The Nazis created their own christian movement, I think the main reason was eliminating the influence of the Vatican.

No where here do you define what the word fascism means

What is fascism?

I believe that widespread acceptance of military values by our population is the only thing that could save Mexico, but we also need to get them to cooperate, The workers and their patrons are too distanced from each other and an undeniable hostility between them has formed over the years. We need to direct our message to both groups and ensure them that their interests will be looked after.

If fascism had been invented in an English speaking country instead of Italy, would it be called faggotism?

But those are defining fascism, fascism goes so much more beyond a simple definition. Which would be "a strong ultra nationalistic authoritative or totalitarian state"

Economic colapse when? Its inevitable, only after can fascism rise again

Do u have any phone wallpapers of Il Duce? Or anything fascism?

Here are some of his speeches with accurate translation

Indeed, a complete fascist rule is not always needed. And to the rest of the world, you'd most likely be called "fascist" anyways. It seems you are blending many elements form fascism into your countrys current system, changing and tweaking a few other things. But that is what fascism is meant for, to be molded and crafted to suit every countrys needs and situations.

hitler did so much meth and that shit is so awesome


Soon my friend, the midst of a resurrection is most definitely upon us.


Indeed, fascism most important element, other than militarism, is an strict adherence and identification with national identity, but said identity can be radically different between two countries, or even in the same country in two different times.



Indeed, for my country I've come to the conclusion that the current constitution will either have to be completely done away with or heavily heavily rewritten. Our founding fathers were classical liberals, they founded my country off the basis of a free liberal society and individualism, and well, we see where that has gotten us.



How many times the US constitution has been amended?

Nothing like to the extent I am talking about, like I said a completely new draft may even be necessary.

I miss Salazar every day
Angola is ours

It would be a way to tell how different it is now compared to it's original program. We recently reached 700 amendments.

What is he remembered for in Portugal?

I'm going to give you a tip OP. That quote about corporatism is confirmed fake, if you investigate a bit you'll find it was invented by a woman journalist for the NYT in the late 80s or 90s.

That depends.
If you ask the media or the communists, he is literally Hitler.

For the rest of the population, he was a great leader who was leading the country to greatness, who always had the well being of the country first, the one and only politic who died poor, although a bit hard on the censorship.

Facts speak louder than opinions, and the truth is that Portugal has been in a steep decline ever since the end of the regime.

700 amendments? Damn that's quite the number, and yes it would, a comparison.

Which one? The first one at the top?

Ironic considering he disliked Hitler

How could we reach this goal? What are the ideological precursors that push a society to our end goal?
What do we need to push above all else? How do we organize without being instantly dead on arrival? Where has groups like the KKK or communities like Stormfront gone wrong?

I don't know.
He ordered the flags to be flown at half mast when he knew about Hitler's death.
He was a very neutral man about that whole situation.
A genious and a leader like we will never have again.
He managed to stay neutral during the war, and influence Spain to do so.

Can a fascist system maintain the idea of democracy in a way that allows the people to have a say in government? Maybe only people who have earned the right to vote and show they have a love for their country and hold the same nationalistic values that should be expected.

The only thing I don't like in a fascist system is the idea of an autocracy and the leader abusing the strong government to go against the wishes of the people and go mad with power.

Any good books on fascist monetary policy?

KKK and groups like stormfront have done it wrong in the way they are strictly white nationalists, there has to be more to it than that. For us I'd recommend creating a group and laying out fascist ideals, without saying its fascist. That way you can have a higher chance at attracting people, and then once you have a considerable amount of people. Maybe you could let a few of them know what its really all about.

Most likely out of respect, he personally disliked Hitlers promotion of pagan symbols within the reich. And Spain? Well, they definitely heavily supported germany with troops and air support on the eastern front, with the blue Division.

Maybe so, that is the only thing that was never really considered in fascism. Who would succeed the current leader and how, the system you proposed could sound like it'd work.

Do you mean like the economic system, Corporatism?

Anotger depression, mass unemployment from automation, and racial tensions are all looming. I will not be surprised at all too see a totalitarian movement come forward. Hopefully it will be nowhere near as bloody as the last century.

Yeah, Salazar was heavily Catholic.
"God, Motherland, Family " was his motto.

Well, Spain did support Germany, but that was as far as they went, instead of full support (as Salazar feared).
We also supported the allies, while making deals with Germany.


Indeed, Salazar completely kept it neutral between both sides. Although maybe Portugal and spain joining the axis would've meant the better for the world. But at the time it was difficult, Portugal having the alliance with Britain and all.

I know of one but I can't remember the name of it right now, I can just recommend reading the doctrines of fascism though and read the chapters talking about the corporate system.

Yeah, Portugal would never betray the alliance with Britain, even though it would have probably benefited us in the long run.

Unfortunately with the amount of enemies that would oppose us, violence would have to be used. And we'd have to win, to finally end these brother wars.

Indeed, how is the situation in Portugal today?

The country is turning more communist everyday, SJW are starting to appear.
Currently we are led by a coalition of the left wing parties.
It is a great country, led by terrible people. Low wages, old population, the interior of the country is neglected.
People only vote for the same parties (PSD and PS)
One is supposedly center right, and the other center left.
Both of them are lefties, comparing to many countries.
We have no real right wing.

Thats terrible to hear, is there any hope for the future? Any possible candidate or movement going on?

The only "true" right wing party we have is the PNR, a meme party that feels like controlled opposition.
There is no candidate or movement that I am aware of.

Don't lose hope user, the worsening of things is what may be needed, to eventually lead to a social and economic collapse. And a chance to start anew

I really hope so.
Right now I dont see the situation getting better though.
I just hope I can see it turn back to the good old days during my life time.

Fucking finally with al these left and centrist faggs i thought this board was lost forever.Sieg heil brother.

Ha, don't we all. I can only pray we something as glorious and awe inspiring as to what was born after ww1, if I could even witness anything slightly resembling that, I'd be beyond satisfied.

Heil brother, long live Codreanu, we'll never forget what they did to him, and what he fought for.


It's rare to find a mexifag that's not either a leftie or a diehard capitalist




Recently I discovered that my great grandfather was part of the military when the Falange Española was formed and that got me curious about what fascism truly is. I only had heard it was kind of like the polar oposite of communism and barely anything else. It's really interesting to see that there's a whole lot to it more than that vision of KILL AL THE KIKES/NIGGERS/MINORITIES that everybody seems to have about it

Thoughts on Strasserism and Germany Tomorrow?


Maybe it's because I'm a lefty but it's the only "fascist" ideology I've seen that isn't aristocratic snobbery.

Pick one