Where should transgenders go toilet?


In hell

In the fucking gutter.

They should go to the one they can pull off.

in a gas chamber

In the restrooms of the psychiatric hospital

In their safe-spaces.

Disabled toilets. Special snowflake Trannies cause a fuss for no reason, while normal poofters quietly go about their business.

What happens if you're a transgender Indian?


They identify this street as designated for shitting

transgender indians poo in the loo

>cripple is a gender now

In a ditch, with a bullet in their necks.

they identify as wheelchair sexual
you are an insensitive bigot


go in there and use ur weiner for long-distance pisses and find out if gender is a social construct

Men's or women's bathrooms according to their biological sex or this /thread.

this guy get's it

make all restrooms gender neutral





>Trannies using disabled toilets.
>mentally disabled.

That's a subtle red pill right there.

>t. sign makers on suicide watch