Left VS Right

Hello. I would like discuss my personal political views. I will be completely honest with my views. This will not be unbiased, actually, it will be incredibly biased because this is my personal views, unfiltered.
I will do my best to keep an open mind to any well-thought out responses. I am fully aware my views will not be accepted by many. Now to begin:
I believe Donald Trump is extremely corrupt, dangerous, and childishly arrogant. My reasoning for this is his views against Global Warming (97% of scientists agree it is real, and so does the one of the largest scientific organisations on the planet. (NASA)
(And a whole list of other things… ‘Grab her by the pussy’, mocking a journalist for his purely physical disability, mocking a Prisoner of War for getting caught)
Tump’s choice of Cabinet Ministers and his promotion of Coal based energy. I.E (making it easier for Oil, Gas, and Coal organisations to make money)
And lastly, his promotion of Nuclear Weapons.
Now: Regarding his views for Muslims.
I believe they key to world peace and sustainability is to encourage diversity. Like a team of engineers would benefit from a team with diverse skillsets, a country would run better with different cultural backgrounds to provide advice based on their histories. If you ignore a certain race, you are also ignoring the lessons they learnt in their cultural history.
This is why I am against banning all Muslims.
I believe that Trumps view of Muslim’s is mere fear mongering and propaganda.
But of course, there remains the issue of Muslim extremism terrorism.
My Proposal? Increase incentives for Young Muslims to come to America. As well as the normal Muslim population.
At the same time, increase SECULAR education (at all levels, primary school, highschool, Tafe, University that encourages free thought away from religion and encourages critical thinking.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cont. Increase social incentives for Muslims to break-free from harmful traditions while still being able to keep whatever religious bullshit helps them sleep at night. Education and Respect is the way forward. (Towards equality, you sure as hell don’t have to respect the negative parts of the Christian or Muslim cultures)
[And obviously No SJW bullshit. Just quickly by SJW bullshit I mean: There are only two genders. It’s ok if you identify as something else or a bit of a mix, but no one gives a shit and when they assume your gender all they are really talking about is your sex because that’s what people really mean when talking about people’s genders. Secondly. Just because someone is white for example, in regards to ‘white privilege’ does not mean their opinions may be any less valid, critical thinking not judging by race is required to determine if an opinion is valid or not.]
The Christian Bible contains some crazy shit.
The Muslim Quran contains some crazy shit.
I 100% believe that if Christianity was the main religion of Saudi Arabia there would be Christian terrorists instead.
The disgusting religious fanaticism and treatment of women in countries like Saudi Arabia is thanks to the royal family getting rich thanks to, surprise, Oil, and using their wealth to create an incredibly disgusting government in order to control the population.
To combat Muslim extremists, even stricter visa checks and border control must be done. However, this does not mean decreasing the amount of Muslim’s America allows in. Therefor:
This would of course increase tax-payers money. But I believe it would combat the Muslim extremism.
The solution to this would give less tax-breaks to the super-rich and stricter control of tax-dodging that rich companies. This, of course, will be incredibly hard to do and will only be possible with the support of people against people like Donald Trump

Continued. (Who, like I previous mentioned, only exists to increase the wealth of Oil&Gas companies).
Building a Wall is a moronic solution. It would only increase hatred. To combat Illegals it would be important to look at the core reasons why illegals migrate and obviously one of those would be poor conditions in Mexico. So instead of building a wall to separate Mexicans from Americans, America should instead work more closely with Mexico to divise solutions to increase the poor conditions in Mexico.
I believe the Media and Government PURPOSEFULLY pits democrats and republicans against each other. Divide and Conquer. Surpress the masses by turning them against each others. Just because we have opposing views does that mean we have to be enemies?
I was thinking. On issues like Abortion, Gun Control. The population is surprisingly 50%-50% on either side of these issues. This made me wonder. Maybe the human population evolved like this as a strength, not a weakness. A diverse population means that we can engage in debates to fully weigh the pro’s and con’s of such topics. If the population was too one sided, we would be blind to the other sides views.
So, Left and Rights should not be enemies. Perhaps the government should be neither.
A completely Neutral Government.

See I can tell what your problem is already. You're still stuck on the idea that all people and cultures are equal. This is not true. Some people and cultures are objectively superior to others. Muslim culture is one of oppression and violence. You can see that in every Muslim majority country in the world. It is not the countries that believe in stoning women for being unfaithful to their husband, or the killing of apostates, or honor killings, it is the people who live in those countries. When you invite people from these cultures you are also accepting and inviting these barbaric views into your own country. The results are predictable and horrifying. Massive increases in sexual abuse of women and rape, entire areas become no go zones for the police and people who live in those zones get pressured by the migrants to conform to cultural standards of those migrants home countries. Women become forced to cover up, or even not leave their homes in these areas without a male escorting them.

These who idea of "all things must be equal" shows again in your handling of Christianity and Islam. You try and handwave away the differences by saying "They both say crazy stuff so they're both moral equivalents". But when you look deeper you see that Christianity was founded by a man who discouraged violence and had such a strict moral code that he admonished his own followers for trying to defend him from men who were going to crucify him. Islam was founded by a man who beheaded his political enemies, married a 6 year old and fucked her when she turned 9. Christianity and Islam are not moral equivalents.

In short you need to get over this idea that everyone is equal. We're not. You need to state what you stand for clearly and then actually stand for those things. If you are truly a progressive person who values womens rights, tolerance and an open and welcoming society, shouldn't you decline people to enter your country who embody the exact opposite of all those things?

>A completely Neutral Government.
You're a fence sitter. You have a wishy washy ideology of "Can't we all just get along, maaaan" that doesn't work in the real world. The people you are championing have no interest in a diverse world, they want to dominate you and force you to act as they believe you should. And you are being their useful idiot.

Faith in Germany restored.

>The disgusting religious fanaticism and treatment of women
>wanting more Muslim immigrants

I'm pretty hungry lads, I'm going to go and eat something.

Also shit thread.

Thank You, I am glad for your thoughtful response.

I understand where you are coming from,
However, I disagree with your overall view. I believe that not all muslims agree with their own barbaric culture, just as americans don't agree with christians. Unfortunately, you are right in that the percentage is significantly higher, and muslim culture is still far-behind.

However, I still think you are over-generalising all Muslim culture. I doubt all Muslim's support the current way, and many do only because their government forces it upon them in education and sharia law.

Stoning and Sodomism was plentiful in christianity. And the first Testement. The first testement contains plenty of passages as sickening as the quran.
When you look at christian history it is little different from Muslim history. E.G the Crusades. And Priests that molest Children.

Now, you are right that Muslim countries have a much worse overall culture and are still far behind in history.

I think that this is due to demographics and economics. I.E Government and Population control, but the specifically why that western culture managed to improve but middle-eastern is still far behind, I'm not sure.

But, the more you expose Muslim's to Western Culture of womens rights, tolerance, and open and welcoming society, the better.

As for your point that welcoming more muslims will welcome in people with more barbaric views (I realise that border control cannot look at personal beliefs as a factor), you may be right there and I don't have a solution for that. However, Banning all muslims will only make it worse.

> You're a fence sitter. You have a wishy washy ideology of "Can't we all just get along, maaaan" that doesn't work in the real world. The people you are championing have no interest in a diverse world, they want to dominate you and force you to act as they believe you should. And you are being their useful idiot.

I am no fence sitter, mister. I am very strongly left.

But I can't ignore the right. Considering that human kind is roughly 50-50, there must be a reason.

I don't know, i'm just rambling here now and not being completely serious....

but lets say that, if the left wants equality at all costs, then right can help us keep in check to avoid being taken advantage of :)

If the world was only right, I bet the world would be a pretty shut-off, xenophobic world.

But if the world was only left, we would assume that all people have good in their hearts when they frankly don't,and get taken advantage of.

So that's why I suggested a neutral government.

I'm going to be honest here. You sound young and naive. Ever seen the movie Elysium? Living in a first world western country is like living in Elysium. For you it's easy to believe the only difference between us and the people in third world countries is economic status. A visit to those countries will fix up the twisted view of the world you have due to living in the first world bubble.

The rate of AIDS in Africa is astronomical because there is a pervasive belief that having sex with a virgin will cure it. Many countries in Africa kill women accused of being witches.

China has one of the most selfish cultures in the world, they don't give a fuck about racism or any of your progressive beliefs.

Been following whats going on in the Philippines? President Duterte has authorized killing of drug users with death squads and has personally admitted to killing some himself. If your personal beliefs were universal then surely the public are furious with him for such flagrant human rights abuses? Nope, his popularity is sky high. Such is life in the third world.

People overall are not altruistic. They are selfish and greedy. You are opening yourself up to be abused.

Watch this video: youtube.com/watch?v=qBCLXZmMQNs

THAT is the people of the world. Out to get as much for themselves as possible and they don't give a fuck what the cost to you is. Third worlders see a buffet and take 5x as much as they're going to eat because why not? It's there and you're just letting them take it. If you open up your country to these people they are going to take everything you have and not feel a moments guilt, they will laugh at your naivete. I know because my country is currently being taken for all it's worth by over a million of them

>If the world was only right, I bet the world would be a pretty shut-off, xenophobic world
That is how life is like for anyone outside the first world. People in other countries put their own people first. The first world has been living the high life for so long we forgot that 90% of the world don't share our high minded ideals of tolerance and social justice and just handed over our countries over to people who will force our daughters to weird hijab within a few decades. You do not want this. This is cultural suicide.

Well done Hans, Munich Beer Hall Putsch when mein kamaraden

You don't need to further incentivize muslims coming to America shitposter, they're already trying to come here even without incentives.

As for incentivizing them to give up their radical beliefs, that is the most naive thing I've heard thus far. Not everything is about money, and those who are genuinely truly convicted will just play the part, take your money and then blow you up. Money isn't the end all be all many think it is, and when you have such large scale, high tier indoctrination going on with young children, even all the wealth of the Rothschilds aren't going to do much.

Also, the global warming by consensus is bullshit. If it was such an established fact, you wouldn't even need a consensus to begin with. As for coal and other fossil fuels, it should be made efficient to the point where their byproducts are almost harmless, which is a win-win. Because in a capitalist sense, you are creating demand for a new product/service, which creates more jobs and new innovations, which keeps the cogs spinning just a little while more.

Yes, sadly you are right that I'm from a well-off, first world country with little knowledge of life in third would countries. A bit arrogant too perhaps. I probably do need some real-life exposure.

At the end of the day, human beings are just animals.

However, I doubt i'll ever change my beliefs about the importance of fighting for equality between cultures and all people.

Using the Chinese as an example; it's so easy to say 'Chinese are all greedy'. I mean, clearly it's true. But it's probably due to overpopulation and poor-discipline. Both of those things are fixable. Obviously over a great deal of years.

Saying 'The third world deserves to rot because of their backward beliefs' is also not right.

Perhaps we should think of third world countries as children. Uneducated-Messy-Disgusting-Childish. But what do you do with children? You help them. You teach them the proper ways of the world.

In all this, I'm talking about a perfect world, which obviously is very far from the real world, but is something that I believe we should all aim for.

But thanks for the reality check. I'll keep working on it.

I can't disagree with you, we Chinese tend to become Jews when shekels are involved. But those China are true turbojews, mainly due to Mao destroying all the thousands of years of Confucian wisdom (see Mao's imprisonment of Confucian intellectuals)

Sorry Budd. In literally everything I've said, Global Warming is the one true indisputable fact with as much scientific proof behind it as gravity. (There are still evolution deniers, aren't there?)

And the reason why coal and oil is more popular is because it's cheaper to produce. Hence why the world isn't covered in Solar-Panels, which is literally free-unending electricity.

> As for incentivizing them to give up their radical beliefs, that is the most naive thing I've heard thus far. Not everything is about money, and those who are genuinely truly convicted will just play the part, take your money and then blow you up. Money isn't the end all be all many think it is, and when you have such large scale, high tier indoctrination going on with young children, even all the wealth of the Rothschilds aren't going to do much.

I never said it would be easy. Yes, it is naive, but I still think it's the right direction.

>I believe they key to world peace and sustainability is to encourage diversity.
Opinion disregarded. If people are all the same then why does diversity have any benefits? If people are not all the same, then you tacitly admit that some will be better than others, so there is reason to discriminate.

-Most Scientists don't talk or care about ''Global warming'' hoax.
-He was insulted many times,what's your point?
-Increase Muslims but as the same time increase Secular education LOL

There is a right way and a wrong way to do immigration. You are correct when you say you believe that people from other cultures can acclimate to the first world. The wrong way to do immigration is obvious what we did, allowing them to flood over the border en masse. It is a mistake we will be paying for for decades, with our tax dollars to house, feed and clothe people who have no interest in contributing to our society and making our streets much less safe for our wives and daughters.

The right way to do immigration is in small doses. Allow a small group in, spread them out amongst the native population and allow them to assimilate with assistance. By no means allow them to congregate in certain areas and create ghettos because that is how you get the "no-go zones" that are a huge problem for us and Sweden.

The end goal should be bringing these people in in a controlled manner that will result in them accepting and contributing to our culture. Not bringing them in 100,000 at a time and allowing them to re-create the terrible sexist, homophobic cultures of their home countries while enjoying the amenities of a first world country.

>You help them. You teach them the proper ways of the world

I agree. Though it should be noted that our past efforts at helping Africa have backfired. Their countries are still backwards as ever and they take our money to reproduce endlessly causing even more food shortages and humanitarian issues. This is the exact issue I was talking about before where the first world extends it's hand and says "Here are some resources to help you get on your feet" and the resources are squandered by short sighted peoples who do not have the foresight to plan even a week ahead.

If you're interested in reading further about this read this:mpcdot.com/forums/topic/8316-raped-in-the-peace-corp-now-i-post-on-mpc/page__st__120#entry232441

It's a guy who was in the Peace Corps for Africa and details his experience trying to help them.

Singapore is not third world.

''f you ignore a certain race, you are also ignoring the lessons they learnt in their cultural history. This is why I am against banning all Muslims. ''
Muslims are race now?It seams that everyone is become race for Liberals

Yes. ^.^ I definitely agree with first post. I think I got carried away in my original one, but your strategy is good. However, I would suggest taking 'medium' and not 'small' groups, but simultaneously increase the efforts that go into assimilating them. (While still respecting their 'normal' traditions... Yes you will probably freak out when I say that... but I don't mean stuff like circumsision or force-marriage I just mean just stuff like preparing food or waking up at certain times)

"Like a team of engineers would benefit from a team with diverse skillsets, a country would run better with different cultural backgrounds to provide advice based on their histories. If you ignore a certain race, you are also ignoring the lessons they learnt in from there own histroy" You must of missed this bit.

Yes. ^.^ I definitely agree with this post:>105740019

Was what I meant to say.

He's not entirely wrong, we're technically heading back to third world status due to how our current cuck in charge is running shit

The left are terrible. You can call this place an echo chamber but just take a look at reddit from pic related.

This was on a video game subreddit aswell.

>expecting plebbitors to be more than cucks

Cmon newfriend

>expecting plebbitors to be more than cucks

Cmon newfriend

>2 Different ID's
>Made 30 seconds apart
>Same post
>Same country
Really made me think.

You didn't actually contribute anything to the discussion.

Who cares if the game made fun of Donald Trump. Are your feelings that hurt?

You generalised an entire group of people on one idiot who got offended by a video game.

You aren't making a very good case for yourself..

>Tump’s choice of Cabinet Ministers and his promotion of Coal based energy. I.E (making it easier for Oil, Gas, and Coal organisations to make money)

Tell me why this is a bad thing. People being rich is not a crime, especially when the rest of the nation prospers as well.

We need to promote national energy instead of relying on Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries for oil. Tillerson and Perry will allow us to use the newly-found Texas oil reserves and also the Keystone Pipeline, which greenfags have been constantly trying to stop.

I know what you're gonna say "We shouldn't even rely on oil at all, we need to go green!"; that is a misconception. Assuming it's even possible to power the entire US on "green" energy, we would still need to use oil in the interim. It's best that the oil come from a source we can control, and not a corrupt group of Muslim princes at OPEC who hate whites.

Maybe Germany still has hope after all

>Building a Wall is a moronic solution. It would only increase hatred.

It's an effective way to ENFORCE THE LAW. You're arguing that more people should just be killed/robbed by Mexican illegals because the sight of a wall hurts your fee-fees.

>To combat Illegals it would be important to look at the core reasons why illegals migrate and obviously one of those would be poor conditions in Mexico.

Mexico literally has a socialiwt party in power, and they have multiple socialist parties in their government. You're arguing that they apparently don't give them enough gibs, and that it's the US's job to fund welfare for foreigners. How about you just give half of your paycheck to Indonesia from now on, cuck?

Haha upvoted friend

You do make a good point about the fact that it is impossible to go 100% green so making oil national should be a priority.

Also wanted to say good on you for actually making intelligent arguments and not being a blind sheep by having your only argument being about climate change denial

>As well as the normal Muslim population.

I was thinking actually more about political discussions not foreign donations.

We already "discuss" things with them all the time.

Just because two diplomats shake hands, that doesn't mean that narcos will feel guilty and not try to cross the border.

Yeh, after you take them away, you are still left with 230 Million people.

Anyway I'm done for tonight.
Thanks, It's been great. Peace Out.

A wall that big would also cost about 25 Billion...


Imagine what the US could do if they weren't spending 1.2 Trillion on welfare for niggers