Are jews white or arabic?

Are jews white or arabic?


A dead man

jews are arabs==semites

but they are clearly white

Jews are jews

Memes aside, Ashkenazi=white, Mizrahi=arab

It's not that hard

They're basically Arabs with a lot of Euro admixture.

I have a few questions for you, kikebro. How do these 3 groups interact in Israel? Is there discrimination against Mizrahi? What is the birth rate like for all 3 groups?

I'm an Ashkenazim and i'm white

Think Italians in America in the 20th century.


kek no

>adjective: Semitic

> 1.
>relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic, and Aramaic and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian, constituting the main subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic family.

But wait!
Arabs is semitic!

>Sup Forums tells me this isn't white

>Sup Forums tells me this is a white person of pure European ancestry

Neither, they're Jews.

So what's my race then? Yeah i know i'm not Nordic or Anglo, but i'm more European than a Italian or Portugese


>says the Sephardi

Gr8 b8

you look like a normal german.



Mizrahim are looked down upon by ashkenazim,
ashkenazim also usually have higher paying jobs, etc..
a bit like whites and niggers in america, but not as much racism and discrimination. we have sudanian refugees for that.

As for birth rates, i'm not sure but i think that mizrahi birth rates are higher, because it always seems to be the case with less intelligent people.
Sephardim are kind of in the middle.

You look like a jewey Marky Mark with a retard haircut.

They are short now. I miss them

Israelites are White.


Arabs are Semites in the literal sense, so are some Jews on an ethnic/genetic level some are ashkenazi some are other (converts, race mixings and the like)

'Semite' now typically refers to Jewish people (of any ethnicity) however it's a rather specific term that at it's core doesn't mean 'Jewish' however the original Jews were all Semites (but not all Semites were Jews, some were Moslum, some were even Christian and many more were not aligned with any of those three)

They are a sin of the earth

>the original Jews were all Semites

This is not possible or true in the sense you seem to be talking about, which is using Semitic as a term for ethnicity instead of language.


Turkic Caucasian and Semitic, with varying amounts of Slav and German mixed in


Semitic with some Iberian mixed in



thanks for posting your code so I can filter you

ashkenazi Jews originate from Eastern Europe & Russia, they are white people that isolated only among themselves for thousands of years.

asking a simple question upsets you this much


Afro-Asiatic OR nigger-chinks

>White people
Pick one

Ashkenazim's genetic makeup is still more Semitic than it is white. Typically, I believe.


lmao got us! gonna have a harder time proving this than you might think, ya clownish ingrate. don't kid yourself-- the success of my people is what boils your blood. get your shit straight & have some goddamn respect. crush your dumb ass like a cockroach.

also it depends, op. do you know anything about the aliyah? the second aliyah? or do you just want simple clean answers that you can fit inside the shrinking perimeter of your comfort zone? silly sacka shit

Jews are special group for itself.

haplogroup E tho, they're north africans, pretty much

>the success of my people is what boils your blood.
Yes and the success of my people in knocking your ass out boils your blood.