Daily reminder Swedan WANTS Non-White immigration in

Stop feeling sorry for them.Most of population wants cultural enrichment specially their women.I have been to Malmo and ask them myself.It's not just the government their entire society is one big cucked machine.

He's right, you know.

Of course, Swedebro.
Talk more about how we're gonna start a rabbit farm and feed them alfalfa.


Sweden is like some sick gore webm or like a nazi experiment, I can't stop watching.

Sweden can be saved. It's natural to hate niggers, they just have to do something about the (((media))) brainwashing.

Saved? I think that boat had sailed long time ago for Sven

There is no such thing as Sweden's level. They're in another world. It's almost like the country has been chosen to lead the vanguard experiments, with its white, blonde, placid and peaceful population.
No matter how cucked Germany, Spain, France and UK are, Sweden is another dimension. Humans being socially engineered to cheer while they are literally getting raped. That's fascinating.

>Muslim mayor and white-minority capital says this

Listen up poorfag, our nationalist party is the biggest in Sweden right now. We just have to gaze our eyes to the future.

>Daily reminder Swedan WANTS Non-White immigration in

wow, water is wet in conclusion

I'm sure they said that during the weimar republic. People will learn and come together to cleanse Europe of muslims and shitskins.

Nah just the women and a small group of nu-males.

Really?That study was done in 2015 so why aren't they getting elected?

Ask a random swede on the street and you will not get an honest answer. For all we know you could be working for the left wing death squads.

Fuck Russia. I want Putin's tiny manlet skull on a stick

''Swedes agaisnt Afrophobia''
They even invented a word.

Because our election was in 2014? It got a lot worse


Swedish womb crave the BBC
You can't stop the Swedes from wanting immigrants Sup Forums

Turns out eugenics was a Jewish plot after all.

>encased in Chelsea and wielding a cruel machete
>protected by fierce Ooga-Hai bodyguards

Third World:Total War

I'm talking with a Swedish girl now and she says Swedish guys are not confident like big strong Aussies. Face it Sweden you're fucked.

P.s. by talking i mean fucking.

I don't want to stop them. I want them to import more and have their country collapse into a 3rd world shithole ASAP so they can serve as a warning to other countries not to go down the same path

right, sweden has to take one for the team

>Born too late

Hey, Uruk-hai are Saruman's superorks in plate armour and with sophisticated tactics. Too good for Nigs.

That awkward moment when the kike supporters is getting labeled as Nazi's

