>when I first heard of white ethno-centrism, thinking of white interests, white nationalism, I thought this is crazy! crazy! what could possibly justify such a perspective? how could it possibly make any kind of sense? but this kind of... incident, the incident itself, horrific, horrendous, ungodly and evil, is terrible and terrifying enough, but the fact that this is the legacy after Obama and the supposed racial healing that was meant to happen, the fact that the media is going to cover this up, the fact that there's so much hesitation in labeling this thing for what I, admittedly as an amateur, damn well think it is, all of this manipulation, all of this lying, this is why discussions about something as hitherto inconceivable as white nationalism is on the rise, I think I can understand certain perspectives where people say "well, if we're so terrible as white people, we should really leave you all alone, right? we should just withdraw ourselves to our own areas and we should just separate" because this is not working, and its not getting closer to working, its getting further away, further apart from working, things are getting worse in many ways in the black community

Panderneux strikes again

The wait is soon over

delet this

Goddamnit... Someone post the Stefan Nazi image... I can't find it.

heres one he made himself 3 years ago when it was entirely ironic

Havn't even seen this yet.

I was looking for the full blown SS uniform Molyneux shoop

This one?

Or this 1?





I watched this last night. I thought he was going to name them. at one point he was so close you couldn't slide a cunt hair between him and the truth

I stopped watching him years ago, when i realised he had authoritarian ideas. And socially conservative beliefs.

This is just one stop on his inevitable journey to full-blown National Socialism.




This whole thread is now a molynazi goldmine.

These are not arguments!

Other than the fact his videos run on longer than they need to, I personally like him, especially with how he's transitioned his channel.


Based molynazi

Molykike is slowly waking up

>"when I heard the begging and the pleading and the tears, something changed inside me. I realized that if we do not do something now, we will not - nay, we don't deserve to survive as a culture."

What did he mean by this?

Gas the kikes! Race war now!


Waiting for cherrypickers to quote him saying "Black mothers are inresponsible thug factories".