What country is the most autistic? I'm generally interested in Sup Forums response

What country is the most autistic? I'm generally interested in Sup Forums response.

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probably canada

Finland and it isn't even close.

Why don't you look up global autism rates and find out for yourself?
Or do you mean Sup Forums defined autism? If so, it's impossible to know.


We are all the same user.
However fucking Romania is pretty up there.

India or Pakistan.


I love Finposters, I think their memes are the golden standard, but let's be real here, they're autistic down to the last man.

Finland is by far the most autistic country.

A Finnish guy told me that the entire country has social anxiety so no-one even talks to each other lol.

Also, they all drink exclusively by themselves...

So are all the gorgeous Finnish women really into autists or do they not care? Or are they equally autistic?

Can we get a Funland thread going.

In Finland, the Autists bully the Normies. Its like a /r9k wet dream.

Women only date men with an Autism level of 9000+

Ayy! why is everyone agreeing fins, im on vacation in alaska, are the most autistic. we are not that autistic. we love parties, drinks and the sex. we also love walking on the beach and bus rides.

> Bus Rides.

Yeh, just as I thought lol.

Also, what sort of Autistic cunt would go on vacation.... in Alaska.... in January.

If only Finland was like Sup Forums makes you believe.

All the workplaces or work environments where I´ve been are full of normies who talk all the time, non-stop, on a repeat.

Being naturally quiet guy who loves his autismal silence, this has lead to problems in every single job I´ve had. I can keep up the appearances for few months and actually force myself to talk but I always fall to total silence and people actually get hostile since they think it´s arrogance.

So that thing about stabbing your neighbour for violating your 2km comfort area is bullshit?

Is bulgaria autistic?
I need someone non-bulgarian opinions

I've never seen a Finn on the internet that isn't a self-acknowledged Autist.

Also, there was a Finnish guy at my University that never spoke to anyone. I held the door open for him once and he pretended to go on his phone so that he didn't have to acknowledge us lol.

I honestly don't know a thing about Bulgaria.

And women are the alphas, picking up men in bars/clubs

Post more Middle East news subtitles

wtf lmao

I was in finland almost a decade ago but I was still a teenager who didnt care about girls

is picking up women in finland easy mode if you have some confidence? or do they want autists excusively

>bus rides


>and the sex

>we also love walking on the beach and bus rides
Jesus fucking Christ

Canadians are the clearly the most autistic. We see evidence for it in every post from every leaf.

Ban all leafs.

Holy shit. Please still be lurking. You need to answer this

Who in the fuck goes from Finland to Alaska on vacation in January?


Japan by a MASSIVE bargain

though that was kinda obvious

1. Japan (161 cases per 10,000 children studied)
2. United Kingdom (94)
3. Sweden (72)
4. Denmark (68)
5. USA (66)


>come to thread
>play videogames everyday with a piece of shit Fin that NEVER talks
>is always extremely fucking annoying in videogames
>always fucks off to steal loot and shit when we play co-operative games
>fucks around and never helps the team etc
>has never fucking spoken a single word in over a year and a half of knowing him
>mashes the keyboard instead

Are all Fins this fucking weird? How do they even reproduce???

>we also love walking on the beach and bus rides.