Goes against the most powerful organization in the world, and exposes them as the liars, manipulators, cheaters...

>Goes against the most powerful organization in the world, and exposes them as the liars, manipulators, cheaters, etc that they are
>Uses the printing press (original meme magic) to spread this message through the world rapidly
>Sup Forums hates him because they would rather live an ignorant lie than a realized truth (very definition of bluepilled)

Explain. He is a hero and one of the greatest people to ever live.

Luther worked for Satan. He and his fellow protestants are the responsible for all Revolutions since the Protestant Wars.

He named the Jew. He named the heretical hypocritical usurpers and document fakers.

His ideas and mentality gave us the majestic Old Scandinavia, Old Dutchies and the magificent 2nd Reich.


Dumb argument when religion on the whole is false. One liar is no better than another

>tfw got baptized as a baby in a lutheran church school
>went there for a decade
>grandma showed up to each play/rehearsal even though she's catholic
she the mvp

>be Catholic "church"
>practice the Filioque, celibacy of preists, pray to people other than god, confess sins to preists instead of God, number prayers like pagans, believe the pope is infallible, practice idolatry
>call other people heretics

Catholics are cucks

Absolutely euphoric

The Catholics invented the Bible as it is known today. It's literally their fucking book. If you don't agree with it, then you don't agree with Christianity. Protestants are delusional cucks that decided to make religion even more make-believe by having cuck councils revise and already revised-to-death story.

>protestants are cucks

Damn, that Luther guy sure sounds like a modern-day revolutionary, I'm sure that having every man become his own priest and his own prophet won't lead to a trillion heresies that'd splinter the Christendom into several parts, weaken it in the long run against Jewry and Mohammedans alike.

You protestants are such a failure... return to the Church and repent, you fag.

95 theses were against indulgences. Realization on the toilet was about "sola fide".

He said during a table speech, many years after the reformation began, that he realized that mercy of God could only come from "sola fide" (faith alone) while on the toilet. This was clearly meant as a joke in the spirit of festivity. Luther was known for speaking in the way of the common people, with banter and jokes.

>believes the pope is infallible when speaking ex cathedra
>tells others they are making stuff up that was never in the bible

>Permenant secede from a more organized church
>Fails to understand that by the nature of trying to reform Christianity through Bible fundamentalism that Christianity would many hundreds of years down the road become crypto-jew
>Is still triumphed as the king of anti-Semitism
>By forcing people to relinquish the European aspects of Christianity for the semitic laws of the Bible

Former Christian here, esoteric volkish paganism is the true redpill.

Read more Jung.

Christianity was always a devisive religion designed to force brothers to kill themselves in endless purity spiralling religious wars and a kind of cuckolding colonialism where instead of outright genociding the inhabitants of the lands you converted them to Christianity and breedes amongst them.

Where were you when you realized Christianity is the source of the West's decline?

They did not invent the Bible you dip. They compiled the separate books together and called it the Bible. Then they introduced direct heresy into the church and changed the commandments all while ignoring what the Bible actually says.

any christian is a delusional faggot cuck. infact, any religious person at all is a faggot cuck

Luther was based


>They compiled the separate books together and called it the Bible
This is literally inventing the Bible. I don't even fully disagree with you about Catholicism. But being Catholicism's retarded autistic child is even worse. Did you know the Gnostics and the way up until St. Augustine believed in the doctrine of metempsychosis? And now the earliest members of the church are considered "heretical" by modern cucks. Religion is almost as worthless as atheism...pathetic

Sounds like something a 12 year old would say.

>Any religious person at all is a fuck

Too bad you're religious whether you understand it or not, Kraurfag, athiests are just self denying faggots

Lutheran reporting in. Luther was indeed based.

That being said, the last thing I want to be doing right now is splitting Protestants and Catholics. We need to unite under the umbrella of western civilization. We have bigger problems to fight. Namely Muzzies and Commies (Jews).

This is my problem with you modern right-wingers. You're a product of modern humanism, believing that your genes or your skin colour are more truth that the Truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Evola was a pagan faggot but at least he understood that race wasn't physical but spiritual, yet he stopped short of understanding that it's the blood of Christ that makes us all brothers under the cross.

And the cross is European, for it's here where it bloomed, where it became what it is now under the guidance of the Church of Paul. Catholicism is the very definition of the European soul and as long as the Church stands, so will the West and everything beautiful it's stands for.


Yes I know they believed in reincarnation. Pretty sure it can be argued by scripture too, last chapter of Malachi, few others I'm sure.

I'm not atheistic. I don't even deny and god or gods at all you fucking faggot.
I just think that cucking yourself by worshipping and literally serving potential imaginary beings that, in case they're not imaginary, don't care for shit what you have to say.

The truth is that I have no ideology. And that's about it.

Then you shouldn't want to unite with catholics. They are satanic cult and Francis is not our Pope. Christ and the cross not the Pope and heresy mkay praise Jesus

yep the early Christians were the best. Metempsychosis in the Christian sense actually makes sense. The new-age hippie version of it is blasphemy though.

The canon that they disagree on was only settled after the reformation. The obes they agree on was settled before the east-west divide. Catholics have no authority to claim they invented shit. If anything the eastern orthodox did since they're the direct descendants of the earliest churches in the places where the bible was written (in greek), while the west was barely even christian

The church is now the symbol of degeneracy. Being Christian or religious ist valid but our western institutions are just corrupted. The Pope is a cultural marxist and the Antichrist

The only thing worthy of praise is a perfect incorruptable being.

is shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet*

>not a useful idiot for cardinal richelieu


Go on.

t. a Catholic thinking of converting to protestantism

Of course Luther is based. He did go after the papacy, who have commited so much evil, from ordering every single person in the Low Countries dead during the 80 years war to the Ninth Circle sacrifices.

Also, nowhere in the bible is it mentioned Peter needing successors.

follow the manliest religion, Eastern Orthodoxy.

>Then you shouldn't want to unite with catholics. They are satanic cult and Francis is not our Pope. Christ and the cross not the Pope and heresy mkay praise Jesus
Again, I don't disagree with you in principle. We can deal with the Catholics after we destroy the muzzies and commies.

Martin Luther was based and I'm proud to be a Protestant. The catholic church is cucking harder by the day.



The rise of Protestantism was key in keeping Germany from becoming a united state, something that cardinal Richelieu worked very hard on.

>Ninth Circle sacrifices.

To be very honest, I think the only being worthy of being worshipped is yourself by yourself.

You're the only one that can take action. You're the only one to influence your life.

it is true, but it also almost killed France too

>Catholic church tries to move away from kikebook embracing a little platonic philosophy and european pagan traditions

Not going to happen mate, all while you post this imagery too. I am beginning to think you either forgot or ignored the part where it says we will be persecuted. It's happening now. It seems it is okay to say and do almost anything to someone as long as they are Christian. But if you do that to anyone else you are a hateful, intolerant, racist, bigot. This world is a lie, we lose on this earth. Prepare to be a martyr. Walk into the fire. We will be delivered.

>Modern paganism worships blood and soil

That's traditional volkish paganism that understand that religion is nothing more than an expression of the collective unconscious and history if a given tribe of people , and in order for the concept of worship to function without say endless amounts of gay religious civil wars, you need to have an objective religion which united people by blood.

>Ebola considered race spiritual

No, he considered race beibg genetic and spiritual.

All you did to argue against is what every Christian does when I present them with the Judaism and subversion of their beliefs : endless ad hoc rationalizations and non-sequiturs. Christianity is just a reactionary form of Judaism which includes Gentiles among the new chosen people. It still has a central doctrine and mode of worship which is similar to the synagogue and worships a God who is a part of the semitic collective unconscious , and thus is the Prometheus of modernism , post modernism, and of course the Enlightenment era ideals which have doomed the west.

>not muh Hebrew
He was a sperg.

>Worshipping the ideal of archetypes of your people to better yourself and your community is cucked

Really? How so?

So literally pride and vanity all in one nice bundle. Yeah OK Satan, get thee behind me.

He was redpilled while the Catholic church was making up bullshit and forgiving sins for gifts of gold and abusing the papacy for simple political gain. AKA Pope Benedict IX

well we all saw what happened in WWI an WWII, united Germany = war with France, cardinal richelieu saw ideological subversion via Protestantism as less of a threat than a united German state

>He hasn't begun to consider the ontological question of what constitutes the self

Blue pilled as fuck.


>“Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well about whom St. John tells us. Was not everybody about Him saying: ‘Whatever has he been doing with her?’ Secondly, with Mary Magdalene , and thirdly with the woman taken in adultery whom he dismissed so lightly. Thus even Christ, who was so righteous, must have been guilty of fornication before He died.” (Table Talk , Weimar edition, vol. 2., no. 1472, April 7 - May 1, 1532; Wiener, p. 33).

This is something I have studied all my life. Wa raised reformed protestant and now am not protestant anymore. Luther didn't start anything, but Germany and some other countries found out a text that was claimed to have been written by Constantine giving Rome the universal control of government was found to be fraudulant. Luther lived in Germany, and was in his "safe space" when he did what he did, and it was already becoming cool to do so. In fact, the real reason for the uprising was due to the fact that Islam was destroying the Greeks, and many of them fled to the west to teach people Greek, and they are the pnes that helped aid the west in their views against Rome. However, Luther was wrong about so much. The dude was a Franciscan monk, who at the time was heave,h influence by Nominalism, and is why the west today is in the shape it is in. Read more about that.

Just because we're going to be persecuted doesn't mean we aren't allowed to fight back.

>inb4 turn muh other cheek bullshit

there is nothing wrong with lucifer its satan's name before he fell

>We aren't allowed to fight back

You aren't. Jesus stayed Peter's hand for a reason. Your religion believes that the world beyond is more important than the world below, and so murder in the name of the protecting the faith is not justified.

Many Catholics are taking Francis I as a God-given manifestation of all the evils that Vatican II ushered into the Church. He is the open and modern Pope many Catholic cucks campaigned for and now even they can see the error of their ways. The reaction his Papacy is brewing is a beauty to behold and, if God wills it, it will shake the Catholic world to its core.

Francis is the right Pope for this right moment for he forces every Catholic to take the shield he refuses to take, to be the sword he won't be and speak the truths he seems to have forgotten.

Actually most view Francis as what will keep the religion alive - by killing the white race (a racist lie, surely) in order to convert more brown people to Catholicism.

The cuckoldry of the church began long before Vatican Council 2. Did you know that nationalism is heresy in the eyes of the Catholic Church?

>hmmm, wonder whos behind this post
Some on Sup Forums love him, others hate him. As he hated jews, I love him.

>You aren't. Jesus stayed Peter's hand for a reason. Your religion believes that the world beyond is more important than the world below, and so murder in the name of the protecting the faith is not justified.
So you're saying you fundamentally don't know what turn the other cheek actually meant. Got it.

Guess you don't know what "stay thy hand, Peter" meant. Got it. Turn the other cheek has always been pacifism, even it you could find a way to interpret it differently we are no examples which supports righteous self defence through violence

Sauce, pretty please

Right Wing politics are concerned with the long-term survival of Civilization

Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation to become part of a nebulous afterlife for which no evidence exists, and for which this world needs to be sacrificed, which is best expressed in the way early christians like Martin of Tours refused to fight enemies of their nations, insofar killing in this world could cost them heaven

When Jesus says "if they take your coat, let them have your shirt as well", "do not resist evil", "I have come to turn a man against his own household", "if you don't hate your self and your own family you can't follow me", "love your enemies, pray for your persecutors", "the meek will inherit the Earth", "those that wanna die will live", "blessed are those the persecuted, for they will be my Kingdom", "do not save treasures for tomorrow", "carry your cross so that you can receive eternal reward", "Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you'll have treasure in heaven", "it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter Heaven", "Woe to you who are well fed, Woe to you who laugh, for you will mourn and weep"...

... he is not kidding, or meaning the opposite, but actually setting down a morality where the world is a lie and only the afterlife is the real deal, so destroying your life in this world, "carrying your cross" as he says, is completely logical

Sup Forums "christians" seem to believe Jesus actually meant the OPPOSITE of all that, and that Jesus wants you to defend your family, that Jesus wants you to kill your enemies, to become prosperous, well-fed and rich in this world, and to avoid persecution and death!

Only a person that does not actually believe in the Heaven for the persecuted, the meek, and the martyred would actually re-interpret Christianity as a cult of earthly power which declares "the strong shall inherit the Earth", "my kingdom is of this world" and "you must destroy the enemies of your nation"

Only some one that just wanna use Christianity as an empty shell devoid of any true religious promises would claim that Paul and Peter misinterpreted Jesus when they submitted to their enemies and died to them while praying for them, instead of fighting the romans back and establishing a crusader kingdom, thing that one would expect them to do if Jesus meant "be a fighter and impose your will on your enemies" when he said "love your enemies and lend all they need to them without expecting anything in return"

But using Christianity as a shell devoid of any religious promises simply allows its poisonous morality to survive into the next generation.

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "I didn't come to bring peace", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing what Jesus wanted is for them to put christian morality above the good-being of their own families.
You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because "Buy a sword", but you can't stop them from reading the next chapter and realizing that Jesus stopped Peter from using the sword to fight and defeat the romans, and reprimanded him for misunderstanding, all while asking him to carry his own cross (Peter, fully realizing that Jesus meant all the stuff about embracing death and his kingdom was not of this world, that angelic chariots were not going to slay his enemies and bring him victory, realized he was doomed, and would then deny Jesus 3 times)

You can tell your children that Jesus wanted them to be earthly warriors because ""Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces", but you can't stop them from reading the rest of the paragraph and realizing that Jesus was asking them, not to destroy their enemies, but to not put in risk their own moral position by criticizing others. You may want them to believe that Jesus, in the middle of a speech about not judging other people and sharing, suddenly decided that speak against the muslims that didn't even exist back then!

That is not going to fly.

Sooner or later, your "strict catholic crusader" state will be reformed into liberalism, because the Gospel will still exist, because your children, like Peter, will realize that Jesus meant it when he said "you are to be persecuted and martyred for me", that Jesus didn't say "you will live in a stable and powerful civilization, free of oppresion and death, thanks to me".

Christianity can't cure a disease it caused

Pagan Romans were fundamentally free of the chains of jewish power, so much that they almost exterminated them all in their own homeland after the rebellion of Bar Kocheba

It would be Christian Europe that would fall under permanent jewish influence, with the jewish-controlled churches banning europeans from financing and loaning, giving them as a monopoly to jews

By the modern era, Christians were so throughly judaized, that they started to actively wish for the restoration of Israel so that the end of the world would finally come around and their civilization would die!

And why would it be otherwise?

A religion which such obsession with death, with promise is the end of the world, is fundamentally a time-bomb in the basement of a civilization

The nation is a mistake, a liberal invention that separates man from blood, cross and fealty and ties him to a secular authority that purports to be above God. The nation killed the old regime, the proper order of old, where every man was ruled not by state-given rights, but by loyalty and honor.

I'm sure that you as a pagan can understand. It's time for the old ways to return, and that means a crown, not a constitution.



There's also several missing books that may have been omitted by the church cause they didn't like their messages.

Catholic church= muh fee fees

reminder that christians don't have any problem with pic related, and would prefer them over agnostic Whites, if they would take their religion seriously

c-change pic pls

I'm interested. Please tell me where you think I should start with my research. Is there a go-to book on this?

Sure thing, Achmed. Your day is coming.


Best Martin Luther

>Christianity is only concerned with personal salvation
you are wrong from the get go man, Christ made Peter form a church for something, we should be a commune, look at amish or jews people, pushing each other to have faith and live those life, those are Christian people

Could you please give me a sauce?

christians were the first revolutionaries, progressives, striving to undo the traditional Roman society and culture, subverting wherever they could.

>During the transition to the Christian Empire, Symmachus argued that Rome's continued prosperity and stability depended on preserving the mos maiorum, while the early Christian poet Prudentius dismissed the blind adherence to tradition as "the superstition of old grandpas" (superstitio veterum avorum) and inferior to the new revealed truth of Christianity

literally; dude it is 400 AD, come on, it is the current year, don't be a bigot

Too bad Luther is also as stupid as the church of his time, for he dragged it even further in corruption and contradict all the church fathers

Monarchism is dead Moldbug, the only hope if returning to the old ways is through ethnic nationalism sadly. The Enlightenment can't just be undone, although it would be nice if monarchism wasn't completely overthrown, it has been. People still want to live under a king (whether they understand it or not), but it's impossible to get us back on that track without ethno or at least racial nationalism.

Whenever I see a whore fucking someone madly in front of a camera with a cross around her neck screaming," oh god fuck me harder!"

It always puts a smirk on my face. Protestant women.


well jews maybe not so Christians but they are a fierce group of people

well look around you man, how on earth can you claim christianity today is anything but a weak religion that works against us?

what you see as good in the history of christianity is the classical greco-roman/ traditions and background, and the european white racial population that made it a strong life-affirming religion.

those two factors have been completely eroded, and christianity has been reduced to its core; a semitic cult believing in a fanatic rabbi preacher, spread from the jews to the goyim.

Nice blind assertion with no evidence. What actual data indicates that some kind of democratic ethnostate is more feasible than cameralism? The continued success of the gulf states, Singapore, and HK only demonstrate moldbugs vision is already coming to pass, whereas ethnonationalism is just some utopian, emotional snake oil.

Useful idiot, pawn in a Jew scam

Good job for not being a cancer for once, britbong, I agree with you fully.

>Uses the printing press (original meme magic) to spread this message through the world rapidly

>dude Deus vult lmao muh crusade remove kebab ave maria

reality is pic related

the problem is beyond the church, you can help people, but leftist are making thems kings, this good faith for the church is tainted with the globalist thinking of inclusion, and they dont allow the church to help them to improve, if you tell immigrants are doing something wrong and they need to learn , you will be called racist

>Church founded by the apostles themselves
>"Church" Founded by one man 500 years ago removing the parts he found offensive

Nah sounds like he's the bluepilled one, ignoring tradition that has lasted millennia in favor of an easy more inclusive version.
Are you also Anglican?

Brilliant. Made me kek

t. cucktholic


Good luck trying to realistically re-insste monarchy and the royal bloodlines in a western world which has lived under extreme Democratic rule since the end of WW 1, where the Enlightenment ideals of the French Revolution have become the new religion of our people.

The only way to gradually convince people of the faultiness of these ideal is through nationalism, you can't just completely different away with democracy in a post-fascism world. It's not going to happens. If you want Traditionalism to have any future then you need ethno-nationalism, which was the implicit idenity of the old ways regardless, even it lacks the royal bloodlines.

As long we start to recognize the importance of homogeneity and lineage, then I'm fine with nationalism.

He is bluepilled but this is because he could actually made things better but paved the way for Christianity's destruction and hatred for its fathers

Isnt it the catholic pope who tells africans that condoms and birth control is a sin? Fucking cuckolics