Canada isn't part of the UK monarchy

Every time I make an anti-gun post I get a bunch of dumb burgers commenting that Canada is still ruled by the UK.

PSA retards: We severed all ties in 1982 and have absolutely no connection to the UK anymore. And we did that without needing to fire a bullet. It just goes to show you can use intelligence to get what you want, not needlessly kill.

Other urls found in this thread:


We're still in her commonwealth and she still is techinically our Queen, you slant-eyed cunt.


No she's not, you're retarted. That's like saying America is still part of the commonwealth and that she's their queen.

Fuck Canada and fuck Canadian people

she has a representative that has the power to overrule anything your house of commons or w/e says

Technically, no. All that stuff is ceremonial and done for tradition more than anything. We are our own sovereign state.



The Governor General can't do anything of that magnitude, stupid burger.
>Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II being the head of state.

Now fuck off back to China.

You're not in the commonwealth

that's what she wants you to think

As a formality, the queen still owns canada. every single land we bought, and developed is still hers.she has the right to seize everything
she is still on our bills and coins.
but she will do none of that because it is only a formality.

Only Ontario does that

Who really cares, the British Empire started to go down fast about 1800. We roll with the burgers and are Pax Americana. I am more a fan of 16th and 17th century English history, what have they done lately is always the question to be asked.

Nobody cares. She's nothing. Trudeau is our leader.

Wow nice Wikipedia link, I'm going to edit it to say that the US is part of the commonwealth


That's irrelevant because our gun laws are none of your concern.

Make sure you email these guys and tell them they're wrong too.

A new way to trigger leafs discovered.

She is on your money and gives royal assent to your laws (bestiality)

>British empire started going downhill around 1800
>1800 ad
>empire getting worse
>Canadian education

>brit who knows nothing of his history

Britain became THE world power after defeating napolean at trafalgar (1805)
then again at waterloo in 1815

it's time of greatest wealth and peace was pax Brittannica (1815-1914)

it's largest empire was post WW1 after ascertaining old ottoman empire

Do you understand what the conept of something " going down hill " is?

>Brit who knows nothing about Brit history
>I got an A in a level history
>one of the units was the English civil war

Canada is a fucking constitutional monarchy you dumb fucking easterners.
This has been the dumbest fucking thread I've seen all day.
I moved up here from the States with my mother and got citizenship, and guess what faggots, I had to make an oath to the Queen.
Got a problem with it? Get the fuck out of the Commonwealth.