Kek, how can you not love this guy. He posts like us, his favorite movie is TDKR, and has the same views...

Kek, how can you not love this guy. He posts like us, his favorite movie is TDKR, and has the same views. Well except maybe the whole Jew thing.

Still, I'm happy he won. He a good boi.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not really supposed to say this, but the whole anti jew nazi thing is a meme.

Wut . . .



Don't worry, the Jew-loving is only a facade.
He will reveal his true power level soon.

>his favorite movie is TDKR

But it really is. Pol has always been Pro-Israel.

Does TDKR stand for The Dark Knight Rises?

>how can you not love this guy

Because the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

In another life, Donald J. Trump would have been on Sup Forums shitposting alongside us.

He's here now

>his favorite movie is TDKR

You're kidding.


He will get Israel nuked by Muslims on his second term. Isreal would be safer at unending war with enemies than in peace with Trump.



>tfw too intelligents to not fall for class warfare and polarizing political propaganda.

[ ] disadvantaged/impoverished (dumb people to you) voted for Trump
[ ] all disadvantaged/impoverished people deserve help.

pick one

can i pick none?

They're not disadvantaged, they're just dumb and are incapable of functioning in a complex urban environment.

Literally genetic waste.

Because he is a liar and a fraud. If you voted for him, you got conned.

>Picks the most establishment cabinet in the history of American presidents.

Americans, you never cease to impress us with your gullibility and stupidity.

And yet you still managed to beat our high scores.

The third choice is that you are a nigger faggot... it's the obvious choice

I know you're just trying to meme, but why do so many people think that paying tens of thousands of dollars over the course of 4 years for a piece of paper = educated?

Trump fans are literally JIDF

why do rural and suburban retards think their opinion matters

Draining the swamp is about getting rid of corruption in the establishment, not the establishment itself.

It's litterally a way of saying "i'm rich and better than you" without saying "I'm rich" or "I'm better than you"

why does yours matter? You're not even American faggot.


a fucking leaf

>nu-pol (((civic nationalists)))

Thats only because keeping them all in once place makes things easier in the future.

Will Canada ever recover?

>Calls other people stupid and gullible
>Believes fake news

The best part about trump is that he's managed to get liberals to show their true colors.

They are actively wishing for America to fail just to undermine him. Their racism is coming out in pure form. And to top it off their doubling down on these concepts.

Remember, if Trump does anything like pic related, you'll never hear the end of it.

The big one that's missing there is wealth inequality. It's skyrocketed under Obama.

LOL - Trump's picks are ULTRA corrupt! What the fuck are you even talking about?

>his favorite movie is TDKR
is he, dare i say it............ big guy?

He has picked three ex-Goldman Sachs people, and the former Chief Executive of Exxon mobile to be Secretary of State. That's ULTRA-CORRUPT.

I'm not reading any fake-news you idiot. These are facts that you can't deny.

The fake news is your dumb Democrat talking point that that somehow violates his Drain the Swamp policy, you stupid fucking A-rab. His Drain the Swamp policy is a five point policy proposal that has nothing whatsoever to do with his cabinet picks. That's the Drain the Swamp policy he campaigned on, that's the one that got him elected. Any other definition of Drain the Swamp is fake news and comes straight from the DNC, Ahmed.


I agree. Israel is everything that Nazi Germany wanted to be but couldn't.

>never lost a war yet against its neighbors, no matter how dire the circumstances

Hi. You must be new here.

His favorite movie is citizen kane

For you

I'm pro-Israel but kinda not because of this video

>favorite move is TDKR

Hes a bigly guy

You're parroting DNC talking points.

Draining the swamp is about setting up in Gresham term limits. If you go to this website you can see what 5 things he wants to do to drain the swamp.

Avoiding people because they are successful isn't one of them.

>it is for the plebians

He sounds like Gauis Gracchus, and will probably die like him too.

Oh my God, you are so fucking stupid.
Trump talked about how he wanted to get rid of the corruption in Washington. That was his "drain the Swamp" policy. His picking corrupt people that will serve their wall-street.

Back to /r/thedonald

Get the fuck out.

It's wrong tho

Jews are sick enough to larp white nationalists, but many are self hating because they know what is posted here is true and the holohoax was made up for sympathy

Just fuck off you stupid fucking mudslime with your fucking lies.

This is the Drain the Swamp platform. It is the only one. It is a five point policy proposal that Trump unveiled on October 18, 2016. Everything else is fake news.

Cry about it you fucking Muslim faggot.

>taking Trump's words literally
And they say Trump supporters are the ones with low IQs. If you followed the Trump campaign at all, you'd already know what he says at rallies shouldn't be taken literally.

you're sick

You're dumb

stop crying

israel is not civic nationalist though

Yeah they are. I went there and asked them about Christians they said they have no problem with them.


>jews always tell the truth
as usual, a fucking leaf

Nice anti-semitism. I had dinner with a Jewish family they said they don't want their daughters or sons marrying Christians but they said they respect Christians Athiests Canadians Americans everyone

I dunno, it gets annoying at some point. Maybe it`s different your site of the Atlantic, but it would drain me if we had such a shitfest every day here.

Probably not.

>>Picks the most establishment cabinet in the history of American presidents.
What did he mean by this?

>his favorite movie is TDKR

well that movie isn't very good

Get off my plane.

>But h-he's racist
>Guys, he's evil, t-trust us
>Oh look at these p-polls, 93% favorite Clinton!
>Guys, the election can't be rigged, it's to hard, listen to Obama, p-please.
>FUCK, guys we were wrong, the Russians hacked the election, Trump shouldn't have w-won T_T
>R-Russians and white people are evil.
>Listen to these celebs, y-you care about what they think r-right?

with pleasure, too many snakes on this damn plane anyway

I don't know where you heard that TDKR is Donald's favorite movie.
According to Business Insider, his favorite movies are:
Citizen Kane
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Godfather
Gone with the Wind
Bloodsport (oddly out of place)

Aside from Citizen Kane, pretty good list.

>Bloodsport (oddly out of place)
The Donald loves combat sports, boxing, MMA and JVCD endorsed him so they might be friends.

>h'ave a vodka viff mister poutine

Jean Claude is also woke as fuck