Ww2 thread

If hitler really did nothing wrong, why did he invade poland and all the other places?

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Poland were killing germans in Poland

hitlers response to that youtu.be/28cbwWvsM2M

but what about all the other places?

At some point it becamse obvious to hitler that the allied powers were all fully behind the zionist agenda and that over the long term it was only a question of time before they crushed his govt.

He invaded poland after many ethnic germans were being tortured over there. He offered Warsaw surrender 3 times and they still didnt take it. Poles ended up being massacred due to the jewish plans to use them to create outrage throught the western society, and it was easy since they controlled the media.

Everything that happened after that was a massive propaganda campaign against the reich so as to never leave any doubt that they are evil mfckers.

In truth they were just another nation, an unkiked one, that wanted to survive and thrive.

The british under zionist control did everything in their power not to allow a german victory. Bolsheviks were jews.

So many things..

After WWI Ethnic Germans in German land given to Poland were being attacked, raped, even murdered.
Hitler wanted to not only save these people, but to restore that land back to Germany.

Because the Poles attacked and genocided thousands of Germans in an autonomys, NDSAP ruled region free of Polish soldiers and with a German military ship right in its harbor just before the invasion.

Horthy did nothing wrong. Hitler did all kinds of shit wrong starting with his insane megalomania and refusal to consider the advice of those much more experienced than him.

it was for economy reason

yeah but what about all the other places?

They were rightfully German because they belonged to a separate country that also happened to be run by Germans.

His occupation of Czechoslovakia (after he had already annexed Sudetenland) was wrong, and you can't argue against that. Hitler himself even said that it was wrong later.

>It's okay if Hitler does it!

>Hitler himself even said that it was wrong later.
in which way? need more infos about this.

Lurk more.

Because he was a COOL GUY and did not give shit about killing common people. Bombing London and Warsaw was important you know, he didn do nothin.

Hitler big plan was always russia. Whole eastern europe just had bad luck to lay in between germany and russia, two very agressive nations. The only country he was really interested in were the former german grounds (Danzig, Böhmen, Mähren, ...).

Regarding the west; Hitler didn't want to invade any western country. Preventing a two front war was his biggest goal towards the end because he knew it would make the war 100 times more harder for us. It was the Brits and France who declared war and Germany tried it with peace treatys and even tolderated french troops on german ground.

To fight Bolshevism.

Poland had the largest population of Jews in Europe. More than a quarter of the population.

He went where the fight was.

Hopefully after reading this thread you became redpilled OP. This is basic stuff

Hitler literally did nothing wrong. He was a hero

Ive been here for 6 years and Ive already read that image. That doesn't explain german occupation at all.

It was Hitlers first military action that wasn't for "liberating" German people under foreign control. It simply was to gain the resources (especially the military resources, Czechoslovakia was a huge industrial power). It ultimately ended the appeasement politics of the allies and lead to the "alliance" of GB and France with Poland.

So new or bait, probably new because you don't capitalise Hitler or WWII. Czechs wanted him to invade, so did Austrians, Poland wouldn't negotiate the return of 99% Germany city Danzig so Hitler tried to carve out a land corridor and Britain/France started the war like retards. Baby's first history lesson there you go.

Except no one has explained german occupation for any country except poland

Why would Hitler be interested in a load of generally poor and uneducated Jews?

read long

man i already know all that shit. i just want to know what he occupied all these nations

> It was Hitlers first military action that wasn't for "liberating" German people under foreign control.

This is straight up incorrect. Do you think there were no Germans between central Germany and East Prussia or something?

He was interested in murdering them, and liberating, redistributing their ill-gotten property.

Your not a holocaust denier are you?

His plan was as follows:
1. Create landbridge with Danzig
2. Annex Austria and Sudetenland
3. Capture Ukraine (bread basket of Europe) to feed his people (mass starvation in ww1 made the war effort extremely unpopular)
4. Capture Romania and Bulgaria for oil/mining materials

The rest was reactionary to the Allies declaring war

You're referring to Poland, Czechoslovakia had no major German minority asides from the already annexed Sudetenland.

Czechs are Germanic whereas Slovaks are Slavs, all Germanic peoples are part of the Fatherland and they voted overwhelmingly to be returned.

Im not necessarily denying the rest was reactionary, but can anyone explain WHY he occupied, say, france for example?

They voted for nothing, there was nothing to vote, get out of the sun, you seem confused.

Because that's what you do if you've won a war against a country. Germany was also occupied after the war. Sry for doublepost.

Stop questioning Hitler's greatness.

Well if you are winning,are you gonna take advantage and weaken them or just gonna stand there and do nothing

He needed to knock British forces out of Continental Europe and smash the French state before they could mobilize. Belgium and the Netherlands were in the way of that.

He went into Africa to knock out the Brits there and control Gibraltar/Suez Canal

That's a great pretext. Putin made the same argument when he invaded Ukraine. The US argued Iraq had WMDs before we invaded.

You morons do realize there is ALWAYS a reason given before some sort of action like this is taken? And usually that reason is bullshit.

>i just want to know what he occupied all these nations

>claims to know all that shit
>actually doesn't know that shit

strong tldr

Poland starts polonization process trying to remove minorities from Poland, either get them out or "convert them". Britain gives clean slate to them (after Britain got it from the US) and Poland stops listening to anyone, going full retard actually expecting war. So Hitler went for the "first strike" approach which was the smart move here. The Wehrmacht ran out of artillery shells after 10 days, had to ration aviation fuel after 2 weeks and nearly ran out of bullets after 3 weeks, the Wehrmacht was basically just for show, barely able to fight a prolonged war at that time (Nazi Germany was basically "saved" until 1941 due to US and Soviet resources needed to build up the war machine).

>Belgium and Switzerland
France and Britain declared war, moving massive amounts of troops in the north east of France, close to Germany's biggest industrial complex, the Rhineland. He though it necessary to move in to protect that area in case the allies try to move through belgium/netherlands (inb4 they would never do that). Also they let british planes fly over their countries, basically showing they were not neutral and Hitler thought it necessary to put anti air defenses close to the coastlines in addition to securing the beach against british landing ships.

France declared war, peace was always declined, so in order to make them stop fighting, they had to be defeated


Only mistake was the occupation of the czechs after already taking the sudetenland

There weren't WMD's in Iraq, though.

>Czechs are germanics

Go to sleep Emu, you're tired

>but can anyone explain WHY he occupied, say, france for example?

Are you retarded

What do you think would have happened if he just left france after their surrender, considering he was still at war with their british allies and the french had barely lost any manpower in the war


Britain made plans to invade Norway to cut off Germany from getting resources via Sweden, Britain basically made the first move. Germany got wind of it and had to move through Denmark to get to Norway preventing Britain from getting the country. In the end, the Wehrmacht was just a few hours faster from securing an important strategic position close to a river and kicked the brits out.

Commies made a putsch and basically installed a pro soviet Government. Commies are a no no so invasion go.

Mussolini fucked up by just attacking Greece and he lost. As a result, Greece was forced to enter the war and allowed Britain to use Greece as a military base. The end result was the invasion of Greece from preventing Britain to start a "southern front".

>Invasion of the USSR
As mentioned, most relevant resources the Nazis actually got from the Soviets (let the fascists fight the capitalists and move in when the moment is right). Then Stalin made errors, he showed aggressive behavior by invading Estonia etc, trying to take Finnland and then invaded Rumania stopping 100 miles close of the oil field providing Germany with oil (in bomber range). This tipped Hitler off at the end of 1940, now knowing that with a single order, Stalin could stop all relevant resources from flowing into Germany, meaning the death of National Socialism. As a result, he made plans to invade the USSR (was a do or die situation at that point) and they were lucky Stalin refused to believe his intelligence reports saying Germany was mobilizing... just as he had started (USSR fron from 900k soldiers and 3-4k tanks in 1939 to 5.5 million soldiers and 25k tanks in 1941). In the end, National Soclialism still died but the invasion prevented the commies from taking europe and that they even got half of it is thanks to the US lend lease programm.

>inb4 butthurt muh hitler dindu nuffin simpletons


It's make sense. Soviet scums do nothing for people instead they build tanks preparing MUH World revolution.

Hitler wasn't delicate enough. He could of had a race superior to jewish control. But no, he rounded 6 trillion of them and offed them for a reason that had yet come to fruition.

This meme again

The thing that starts to piss me off about Sup Forums is that lately more and more people are becoming as fcking blind as the lefties are with their bullshit.

Let be honest we took what belong to us, that all.

>Get germanized for 400 years
>Still polish
>Krauts butthurt that we do same thing but on much smaller scale
Brilliant logic cunt

to keep germany from going bankrupt

I dont get what you mean

Can someone link me the reason Poland was invaded during ww2?
I believe it was because they executed some german nationals a little before, but I cant find a good link for it.

>Find Poland
>protip: you can't

Germans false flagged attack on Poland. Used it as a excuse. There was also a case where in some village germans were said to be genocided but it turned out that they obviously werent and when germans invaded and soldiers started fighting, the "dead" attacked polish soldiers helping germans. Don't have screenshots, i'm not on my laptop. Someone will probably provide unless the Hitler the Saint mentality allowes them.

>find kosovo
>find crimea
>protip:you can't

>Commies made a putsch and basically installed a pro soviet Government.
Wut. They had an uprising because ruling traitors signed Dreimächtepakt with Germany. You're putting things upside down.

If poles were killing muh aryans Germany wouldn't need to do a false flag about it (Operation Himmler/Gleiwitz incident).

Even german historiography dont agree with this stormfag tier retarded meme despite that it often tried to make nazi Germany less guilty.

It's not about anyone being butthurt, it's that your retarded leaders at the time should have realized that doing that gives Hitler a casus belli, and since they had the French and the Brits on their side they couldn't stop with their POLAND STRONK bullshit until they got smashed

If only Pilsudski had lived a few years longer all of that shit would have gone differently

learn history, same reason US invaded confederates.

I'm not saying anything happened or didn't happen, but the only historian I would trust less than a jewish historian when talking about anything WWII related is a german one

Hitler was an autistic little manlet, just like most of you guys.

We weren't genociding anyone. Kicking someone who declared himself as german and not polish wasn't something uncommon back in that time. Border control and citizenships were much stricted that they are now. We got our land back so we wanted it to be ours. Also we made referendum about parts of Silesia that wanted to become part of Germany and they got them(obv pre invasion)

>We got our land back
No pole ever lived in a polish state prior to ww1.

So stop making us into little slavic nazi death squads.

Is that supposed to be shitposting?

No pole alive prior to ww1 lived in a polish state so none of them "got" land back.

He just wanted the traditionally German part back that was lost in WWI. Also access to an important port so Germany could trade again.

I like how everyone on pol has this dindu nothin' mentality. Poor innocent victims. You killed germans before war and after in ended as ethnic cleansing on lands gifted to you by Stalin.

Does anyone have any proof that Hitler invaded Poland because Germans were being killed there? And also does someone have an explanation as to why Poland was killing whites for seemingly no reason? Isn't it just jew word vs other word with no evidence at this point?

>There was also a case where in some village germans were said to be genocided but it turned out that they obviously werent

There are plenty of diaries where German soldiers describe finding dead German civilians during the Polish campaign, not genocide-tier but it happened. And it's hardly fiction that the Silesia Germans, Sudeten Germans and Siebenburgen Germans all were secondclass citizens in their respective countries after WW1.

Hey Poland, you have pretty wimenz, thank you for sending so many over here, I can always tell at a glance who is Polish & who is native.

why did Britain invade ireland?

They were hoarding all the fucking potatoes !

I'm not saying that you were or weren't genociding anyone, I'm not even saying that hatred for native germans after your history with them was unreasonable, I'm just saying that treating them badly when you're the neighbor of the country where their from, and said neighbor has a nationalist government that works on centralizing their peoples into their reich and is a nation known for being a military powerhouse is a just really, really bad idea; especially coupled with semi-aggressive posturing that happened the last few weeks before the outbreak of the war

But that just seems to be something that you slavs love doing for some unholy reason

Slavs already live in such a horrible position in europe, being stuck in between great powers like the various german empires, russian empires and the ottomans, why do you have to keep trying to fuck yourself over when you finally have a chance to improve your situation for once?

Slavs in history are always the underdogs that you want to root for but they keep screwing up when they finally have a chance

This is where you're wrong. Germans historians often tried to blame Poland and were bitching over some irrelevant crap like the so called "Bromberg Bloody Sunday".

If they had the opportunity to blame Poland for mass killing germans before the invasion they would do it immediately, but they cant. This is just a retarded internet hoax.




No pole ALIVE lived in a polish state for centuries prior to the versailles treaty which gave birth to poland.

What lands did Stalin give us? The fuck are you talking about?


Honestly what those that have to do with anything?
If you were invaded and after generation of occupation kids that would be born without knowing usa would have no right to wish for their country back? (WHICH THEY DIDNT LIVE IN OMFG)

Third Partition of Poland
The Third Partition of Poland (1795)
versailles treaty 28 June 1919
124 years, no pole alive during or after ww1 lived in a polish state nor their grandfathers.

That is his point you fucking retarded nigger Jesus Christ kill yourself

Are you fucking stupid?
>No pole ALIVE lived in a polish state for centuries prior to the versailles treaty which gave birth to poland.

They never lived in something thus nothing was taken from them nor was theirs, the land was German for the people in WW1 and then WW2 all of those people lived when half their country was taken from them, they have more rights to that territory than a memetier historical map centuries ago.

This was an act of humanity to bring civilization into a basically empty land, populated with a few natives. Hitler was nothing else than a pilgrim wanting to settle in the east.

Yes in WW1, they took German lands.

Ok what about polish Legions that fought for Napoleon and got Poland back for a while. Does this count? Surely someone could survive or be born during that time right? Oh I forget, you know jack shit about other countries yet you talk shit like all knowing lefty shit.


8.4 people per square kilometre
Russia's population density is 8.4 people per square kilometre (22 per square mile), making it one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world.

Why the fuck do I even argue about this with you? This whole point is so fucking dumb it doesnt make sense.

>They never lived in something thus nothing was taken from them nor was theirs, the land was German for the people in WW1 and then WW2 all of those people lived when half their country was taken from them, they have more rights to that territory than a memetier historical map centuries ago.
You fucking piece of shit, I would punch you in your ugly mouth. Fucking retard.

P.S. Prussia was created by Poland.

Do you deny that Poles were born in the German state prior to WW1?
And that all the Germans of WW2 lives when their state included parts of poland?
btw, Hitler did not annex Poland, he only annexed east prussia which was German in WW1 and for centuries.

Show me Polish nationality from 1795-1920

>Hitler did not annex Poland, he only annexed east prussia which was German in WW1 and for centuries.
Yes, it was "German".
Prussians = ethnic Germans, Poles, Lithuanians.

the poles in WW2 were not even born in Poland, they were born in Germany.

Poland's greatest mistake was creating Prussia in 1525, after inviting the Teutons to their northern lands.