Would Hitler have tried to kill them off?

Would Hitler have tried to kill them off?

post more shart girls.

Not my Fuhrer!

I looked up his thoughts on redhead's once.

He said two redheads couldn't have babbies because they would breed a "perverted offspring" but he seemed okay with them.


How did Hitler feel about black people?

Too bad he didn't succeed

Hitler was not killing anyone off. He wanted Germany to be for the German people. He wanted kikes out of the financial system and out of his nation.
What thread are you sliding btw?

Nope cause I would have fucked them
To freedo

You can't kill what doesn't have a soul

No. Gingers are the proto whites. The extreme end of the spectrum.

hitler never tried to kill any race. he just wanted africans in afrika, anglos in anglosphere countries, asians in asiatic countries, etc.

the way its supposed to be.

stop following for the hitler did anything wrong meme

>He said two redheads couldn't have babbies because they would breed a "perverted offspring"
So THAT'S what's fucking wrong with me!

ebin original joak dood

Gingers might actually be Hitler's genetic experiment desu.
>They burn in the sun, so they have to stay inside and study physics and shit all day.
>No souls. Perfect for train and summer camp coordination.
>So racist, their skin actually can't stand having melanin unless it's rounded up into concentration camps.

Aryan super weapon, bitch niggers. Fucking SWERVE.

pretty much this hitler only ever gave a shit about deutschland and only deutschland
and promoted german nationalism not white supremacy
your hero death squad the SS, very often acted on their own
their idea of race purity meant perfect people, those without disease or deformities
meanwhile half the elite shot callers were all short, fat, balding, dark hair/eyed mediterranean look like folk
the nazi philosophy was more political then anything, they wanted deutschland at the helm of europe, wanted to break up the ussr and yogoslavia
which were all achieved, hitler was just a useful idiot to (((them)))
and so was/is everyone else
excpet for stalin/putin, them dudes play by their own rules

my bad for the sage
that was meant for a slide thread

Well I mean, he's not wrong.

Theoretically, no. Redheads (Celts) are the whitest and most pure race and have the highest IQ in general.

In Himmler's SS they were considered the second best race after the pure Germanic (blonde, blue eyes).

The fuckin netherlands

Obviously not.

if he did i would have fought against it
ginger women are best women

T. 90 year old nazi vet

The racial theory that the Nazis subscribed to did see hair color, eye color, skin color, and the like as being evidence for biological "types." This included the obvious stereotypes and hated groups (e.g. Jews, Gypsies), but also extended towards dividing up different types of ostensibly "white" Europeans. In the case of the Nazis, they mostly seem to have acted on this in the case of Slavs (who they treated almost as bad as the Jews), but the racial theories they liked the most also divided Western Europeans into multiple groups.
Looking over the work of one of these major theorists, the American Madison Grant (whose book, The Passing of the Great Race, Hitler called "my Bible"), I see nothing in particular against red hair. Grant notes that it was a common-enough trait amongst Teutonic Germans, and that while its presence in Ireland might be thought to be somewhat alarming (Grant was no fan of the Irish), he seems to think that particular trait came from the "Nordics." (Hitler's theory basically took Grant's Nordicism and made it into Aryanism, so that's a good thing from his point of view.)
This isn't a comprehensive answer, but in terms of the underlying racial theory, red hair in and of itself wasn't necessarily a bad thing at all, and arguably could be seen as a positive thing, depending on one's guesses as to where the trait came from.

TL;DR Nah they would have gotten shit for being ginger like everywhere else though.

Nice racial theory coming from a half jewish man with brown hair and brown eyes. Hitler was a lunatic. Nothing more.