Is Power rangers a jewish plot?

Is Power rangers a jewish plot?

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Think about it, Haim Saban is behind it

Jew jew power rangers!


Funny enough, in Japan they are called Zyuranger (pronounced Jewranger)

>Rangers are just different colors to fill quotas
>Red and Green rangers were about banging pink ranger
>Yellow, black, pink rangers where quota spots
>Blue ranger was a pretentious weakling
The US version was about diversity of appearance and globalism

>Red ranger and Green ranger are brothers battling over tradition versus the new ways
>Blue ranger was a working class man who used hard work to over come
>Black ranger was a proud man who used strength positive male qualities
>Yellow ranger was a sign of youth and fought for the future
>Pink ranger was a big sister to the group and was there to support the men
The original Japanese version was about family, teamwork, and diversity of ideas

Well... What do you guys think about the reboot thats en route?


Sup Forums would have loved the original Rangers

It is an ADHD version of the US version

>black ranger is white
>white ranger is black

Do you guys still watch this stuff? I can't even remember most but I watch everything till galaxy

Only if it's pirated

Thinly veiled toku thread on Sup Forums?


the jew fears the samurai

That didn't stop Haim Saban from getting his jewish hands on it

Not only did he get it, he neutered it into something that was unrecognizable from the original.

Zyu is an alternate way of saying dinosaurs aside from Kyoryu.

Also, In Japan it's called Super Sentai, and Zyuranger is just a sentai team.

In case you didn't know. Haim is the one on the right of Hillary, in fact him and his wife were her number 1 donors.


Kamen Raida!!!



What ISN'T a Jewish plot?
