Does anyone else feel like 9/11 gets forgotten a lot? It seems like millennials really forget about it...

Does anyone else feel like 9/11 gets forgotten a lot? It seems like millennials really forget about it. This video popped up on my recommended videos on youtube, and it really blew me away watching the news live. I was only 8 at the time, so I didn't really understand what happened. I can't even imagine being an adult at the time.

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I was 17 at the time and watched the bodies falling live.

I'll probably never get over watching my countrymen murdered then my government do fuck all about it.

It seemed like none of the politicans knew what was coming. Bush was talking in front of fucking Kids. The other guy they put on is blabbing about businesses in America, they had no idea what was coming.

Yeah. It does seem like watching 3,000 of our fellow citizens being murdered in live tv would have turned us off to Muslims completely. But the virtue signaling started about two weeks after. People hated Bush and so half of the country just stopped thinking about it.

Of course they knew.

Literally who?

PNAC much user?

no. and i am just testing my proxy. disregard.

history ended that day.

we're in the twilight zone now.

I don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, and if it was I don't think bush knew

>tfw sometimes get drunk and get really sad watching 9/11 videos

It was, George W Bush didn't personally know in advance
George H W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and the rest of their group did

Those of us who are oldfag enough to know understand that there are two Americas:
The one before 9/11
and the one after 9/11

They are completely and totally starkly different
Day and night
Trump knows this, it's why I supported him 100%. He's completely 9/11 red pilled

What was different? Just people more scared and pessimistic?

It is a horror.

The whole tone of the MSM changed that day
The entire psychology of our populace changed that day

It's hard to explain to someone who is too young to have processed it.

The only thing I remember is kids getting called out of class one by one, and none of the teachers would tell us what happened even when there were five kids left out of 25. And then my mom crying a lot.

People used to care about freedom, now they care about being safe and will give up freedoms to do so. Honestly, the terrorists won...

Just a concrete MSM example:

You know those scroll tickers on the bottom of CNN, FOX, and MSNBC's video that constantly distract you from what is being shownn and said.... Those did not exist before 9/11

All three cable news networks adopted them on 9/11 and have never stopped using them since

It's one of over 9000 strange things that demarcate pre-9/11 from post-9/11

100% true
US Patriot Act, NSA surveillance, of course the wars in the middle east, none of that shit would have happened without 9/11 as a catalyst

People started waving USA flags and denouncing freedom the instant 9/11 happened.
"Safety outweighs liberty" became the American motto

And that set your mindset for the rest of your life in many many ways
Mission Accomplished

I know that feel, user.

The woman's reaction as she's watching from her apartment or hotel room and sees jumpers

Of course it's forgotten, you're buddies with AQ these days after all.

bush was ordered by Karl Rove to sit down and shut up, him sitting in a public school for 20+ minutes was a message he would be killed if he didnt play along.

Theres a recent video of Rumsfield denying he knows what building 7 is, or ever heard of it





Never forget

true story

when my afternoon anime was interrupted by burning buildings I was very excited and I thought it was really cool

I guess I was born a Sup Forumsack

It's not just 9/11 either, we don't remember anything about the Cold War area either, that's what allowed Bernie to have a voting base. There was a time where people would be ashamed to be called socialist, but Bernie wore it like a medal.

I always spot the towers in old movies and it reminds me that they got btfo, sad. They were really cool structures

At least eddie bravo brings it up on JRE 24/7

Most millenials are liberals and liberals are nothing but a poison to every country they live in
They'll never care about 9/11 but will constantly talk about muh slavery
Literal human trash that is worse than niggers

That day was literally the first happening thread, but it happened irl before Sup Forums was even conceived of
The internet was very different back then, but nothing has changed really.

This is why I love Sup Forums:
Itt most resembles the pre-9/11 internet out of all available options.

UK special relationship. What a terrible day.

We should have just rebuilt them bigger, with a memorial on the bottom floor and maybe with some kind of ciws on top for lulz.

I was actually vacationing in the US at the time. I woke up in my Las Vegas hotel, turned on the television and went "Oh...Fuck". Then I went down to the casino and everyone was playing the slots like nothing had happened.

Meanwhile Japan is voting to re-militarize to defend against a potential North Korean threat in the future and their own millenials are doing the same fucking thing.

It's all over the planet now.

Every 9/11 I watch 9/11 videos, and read more about personal accounts, and I shed tears for my fellow Americans and their families.

9/11 was a weird phenomena. Human fear is a bizarre system designed to keep an individual person alive in their daily life. This system has been selected for because it allows us to be fearful of the most present and imminent dangers.

Huge unusual threats startle us, but our brain doesn't catalogue them in the section of our brain that would make us conscious of their possibility.

On the other hand, our brains are great at keeping us fearful of the present dangers of our lives. Things like speeding cars and blacks are far more likely to threaten our lives than a terrorist attack, and our brains recognize the difference in probability.

So much of our thought process is built around self preservation and fear assessment, and only clear and present dangers are at the forefront of our minds. This keeps most of us from having strong memories of 9/11, as they don't trigger true fear within our minds.

When was the last time you looked both ways or crossed a street because you saw Tyrone? Probably within the last 24 hours. When was the last time you checked the sky for planes heading toward you?