Trump's Nigger Navy^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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Yahoo are a bunch of hacks. I'm surprised anybody caught this. Who actually even uses yahoo for anything at all


Best current year


2017 is off to a good start.

Holy shit its real. Someone archive it before they delete the tweet

Goddamn russians got them too huh

I fucking love 2017.

They just shut it down

i took a nap for tow days
why is this tweet funny ? are they reporting fake news or what

fuck it's gone

nvm I just noticed the nigger part

tell me that people know how to use twitter archive

>hey, let's fill our navy with crew members that can't swim

>MFW I use Yahoo Mail because it happened to be my first email, and I never bothered to get another one.

>MFW over 4,000 junk emails because Yahoo's spam filter doesn't do jack shit

7 is a magic number

2017 is a magic year

trump was elected

we entered an alternate right timeline.

Freudian slip?

uh oh, some poor PR schmuck is getting fired for this


I think they should formally apologize for being so racist.

I don't know, they seem to love it


>implying the navy isn't already primarily fat black women

>I don't know, they seem to love it
Yeah because niggers can actually take a joke unlike cucked whites.

Here is the actual article.

much nigger

how embarrassing
do you think the social media manager will get fired over this typo?

Probably an autocorrect from looking at nigger porn.