Trump wants the US taxpayer, NOT Mexico to pay for the wall


Other urls found in this thread:’s-second-term-ambassadorial-nominations

>uk reactionary newspaper

Stop nurturing chaos.

> A leaf doesn't understand that Congress regulates the US budget
Surprising. Sage

I stand with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.

a border wall is a international project that both nations should pay for.


>Knowing anything about our politics

>Mexico in utter anarchy
>Not desperate for work for their hopeless unemployed masses
>Not going to beg to pay for the wall so they can fill the endless void of unemployment there

If Trump bides his time and waits a year to start, Mexico will be on its knees begging to build the wall just to stop the anarchy and give their people something to do besides loot, rape and behead each other. God what a horrendous country.

Also, to all the spics here: You have to go back.

I'm sure you trumpets will find a way to blame the democrats for this. Even though he promised he'd not push the wall on taxpayers.

another broken promise from the meme president

Obama made 55 political appointments to the state department. Trump is denying their extensions

Here is the list

Political Nominations (including Civil Service)
Reuben Brigety African Union
Noah Mamet Argentina
Nina Hachigian ASEAN
John Berry Australia
Alexa Wesner Austria
Linda Taglialatela Barbados
Denise Bauer Belgium
Carlos Moreno Belize
Bruce Heyman Canada
Max Sieben Baucus China
Andrew Schapiro Czech Republic
S. Fitzgerald Haney Costa Rica
Rufus Gifford Denmark
James Brewster Dominican Republic
Anthony Luzzatto Gardner European Union
Charles C. Adams, Jr. Finland
Jane Hartley France & Monaco
John Emerson Germany
Ken Hackett Holy See
Colleen Bradley Bell Hungary
Michael A. Lawson ICAO
Robert C. Barber Iceland
Richard Rahul Verma India
Kevin O’Malley Ireland
John Phillips Italy & San Marino
Caroline Kennedy Japan
David McKean Luxembourg
Roberta Jacobson Mexico
Dwight L. Bush, Sr. Morocco
Douglas Lute NATO
Timothy Broas Netherlands
Mark Gilbert New Zealand & Samoa
Samuel D. Heins Norway
Mari Carmen Aponte OAS
Daniel Yohannes OECD
Daniel Brooks Baer OSCE
Robert A. Sherman Portugal
Joseph W. Westphal Saudi Arabia
Kirk Wagar Singapore
Patrick Gaspard South Africa
Mark Lippert South Korea
James Costos Spain & Andorra
Azita Raji Sweden
Suzi LeVine Switzerland & Liechtenstein
Mark Childress Tanzania
John Estrada Trinidad & Tobago
Sarah Elizabeth Mendelson UN / Economic & Social Council
Pamela K. Hamamoto UN / Geneva
Keith Harper UN / Human Rights Council
Isobel Coleman UN / Management and Reform
David Pressman UN / Political Affairs
Laura Holgate UN / Vienna
Crystal Nix-Hines UNESCO
Matthew Winthrop Barzun United Kingdom
Samantha Power United Nations



I love trump, but if you thought at any point trump was going to make Mexico pay for that wall you're an idiot.

it was always going to be paid by us upfront

Mexico was never going to write us a massive multi-billion dollar check upfront
I feel genuinely sorry for anyone stupid enough to think that

but yes we'll get that money back from them in one way or another



Trump ( who is not even president yet) is already preventing industry from moving to mexico

Mexico's economy is already tanking

Once the wall is up and their little bit of industry is totally fucked they will have no choice but to accept shitty trade deals through which we can extract the wall payments.

This is literally what is happening

Fuck, with a little luck we can force them to buy a bunch of American ag and start massive production of luxury crops we get at a discount and we can finally push California into the ocean.

>Implying Trump wouldn't embargo Mexico to get his point across

>daily mail


>Using 2006 expedites process. Give Mexico the bill later. Beforeyoudothislookhereafuckingleaf.jpg

Who cares?
If Trump called u on the phone and said hey bby I need 20 dollars from u so I can build the wall wouldn't you give it to him?
And im sure the actual cost to the tax payer will be much less then 20.

>implying it's a bad thing that we have to pay for the wall but not pay for millions of lazy spics
>canadian intellectual
Hope you enjoy having illegals come to canada, Trudeau opened the border to them

he literally said that increasing border fees and temporary visa costs being increased could pay for it. obviously waiting for nickle and diming to gross a billion isn't efficient when the wall needs to be built right away

typical fake news misrepresentation what he's said. or just completely ignoring what he's said and coming up with their own narrative that they want to make you believe is the real one

He said that The Wall should cost ~$9 billion.
That's around $27 for each and every American citizen.

but you're wrong, nigger.

Stanley Black and Decker building $35million plant in the US after Trump tax threats

Trump is a fool. I'm glad I didn't vote for him.

Make it a modest $32 and China will leave us alone, too.

This is his 4d chess, you nooblet.

Trump will blame the democrats for the taxpayers having to pay for the wall, ensuring his re-election even if he doesn't finish it.


>Phase 1: Bill Passes House and Reaches Senate

>Phase 2: Senate Dems rally together and stop Wall bill through a filibuster under the guise of "U.S won't pay for such a (racist) wall," and "Trump is breaking his promise we cannot support this." Dems have to do this because they have to many seats at stake to go full SJW blocking the wall.

>Phase 3: Gridlock for two days. Trump shitposts on Twitter burning several Dems in flippable seats.

>Phase 4: Behind the scenes Trump has Senators insert a tariff on Mexico/tax on Remittances/some other way of making Mexico pay.

>Phase 5: Trump moves on vunerable Dems and tries to switch them to vote by claiming their excuse to not build the Wall is gone now that Mexico is in fact paying for it.

>Phase 6: If the Dems are still reluctant he gives them some nice juicy infrastructure pork spending in key Rust Belt States to flip several Senators to him

>Phase 7: Tells them they don't even have to vote for the damned thing just end the filibuster with a 60 vote cloture.

>Phase 8: Declare victory because you accomplished 3 of your campaign goals in one bill in the first hundred days of your office, and can claim credit for something Obama never managed to accomplish: End Gridlock in Washington.

>Phase 9: Become God Emperor and MAGA.

Optional if Dems are clinically retarded and still filibuster.

>Roast them all on Twitter, and have them lose everything in 2018.

Trump literally cannot lose. Doing this only opens even more avenues of victory.

yahoo makes boo boo

Using the Patriot act, Trump can tax remittances and force the illegals sending money back to pay for the wall, crippling Mexico's economy and taking the reason to stay in America away from many illegals.

There's no point in stopping, either.

he is not a piece of shit just look at the state of our shithole he knows that we cant afford that shit no sir let the water calm and he'll talk about the wall soon enough

I'll give my entire paycheck if it gets both walls built.

Yours will be higher, leaf



i think mexico should pay, but honestly, they're pretty bankrupt and civil society is on the edge of collapse

if making them pay would bring positive change, i might still be for it, but's a tough decision and i'm not totally pissed at Trump for backing off (if this is true)