"We have been kidnapped and tortured for over 500 years."

"We have been kidnapped and tortured for over 500 years."
He looks good for a 500 year old dude. They all do, really.

Other urls found in this thread:


blacc don cracc

>"stop poisoning our water supply"
he is right you know, they do do that

Lol kidnapping do they know that their ancestors were the shitty people even Africans didn't even want so they rounded them and sold them. And also people forget that Arabs were the biggest slave traders even more than white people and even committed a black genocide but no one remembers this or cares because the people that did it were brown.

"Push a person so far" WTF they kidnapped someone who is special needs, who did nothing to them and tortured him because of their twisted views. What a disgusting post.

>t. General Ripper

>Politically motivated man assumes four politically apathetic teenagers vaguely associating a random white person with Trump and all racial issues against black is the same as him

That's what is happening there.

No, they aren't fucking Black Panthers. They aren't going out and getting active. This wasn't a protest. They are hardly vested in BLM or the anti-Trump movement either. They are just fucking retards.

You can take anyone in the population who thinks that they are for a certain issue, grill them enough, and find out that they don't know shit. They just say it because they kinda believe in it. "Oh I believe in it man that's fucked up yeah racism happened fucking america built on racism yeah man I'm all for BLM if that's what it means"

If this piece of shit cares about Black Lives maybe he should stop encouraging them to ruin others.

All lives matters. Hey, so does the fucking white boy in that video. Hey, maybe those niggers matter too. Fucking rehabilitate them if you have the money, and I'm sure they'll chipper right up. But nobody is willing to do that, especially after they commit a crime.

So there goes that "RELEASE ALL AFRICANS" Fucking bullshit coming out of this faggot's mouth

I made it two seconds before breaking out in laughter, jesus man

>"Release all African prisoners"


I should have known that I wasn't going to go through a Gazi Kodzo post without him asking for handouts.

>Gazi Kodzo
kek he's a stupid nigger faggot but I do have to admit he's entertaining. Cave Becky makes me laugh.


The more they bitch about slavery, the less I care.


Probably 80% of blacks in this country depend on gibs in some form that without it, they would live in total squalor. We pay about $1-1.5 trillion/year subsidizing their assets. I think that's enough.


I require reparations from the British for bombing muh ancestors in 1807.

For every liquor store a nigger robs, we should subtract the sum of money and product stolen and take that out of the gibs to be returned to the owner. The entirety of the blacks in the welfare system will pay for this, and it will incrementally increase.

That's how to get rid of the welfare state quickly.

I'm pretty sure after all the welfare etc you have given to African Americans' they owe you money.

if his ancestores wouldnt have been enslaved, he would not even own the phone he wrote this piss with.

So America was built on the kidnap and torture of niggers? These niggers kidnapped and tortured a white, so where is their society?

>We have been kidnapped and tortured for 500 years

Presumably, niggers have been around the English language for about as long.

*smacks lips

Still caint be speakin' no Anglish and sheit... Gnomesane?!?