Merkel party growing stronger

She has 40% in newest polls.

When will Germans learn?

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No she has 32 - 37% you lying pollack.


>not 40%

Oh okey germany is saved then

how many parties does germany have

If only PiS would make their way to Germany...

Wouldn't surprise me if they are letting these rapists and overaged children vote


Pis is a shtty party voted on by retards

The only thing that can save Germang now is another Dresden

merkele merkele

Bunch, all but one of them further to the left than the CDU. Parties who demand the police justify why they shot the rapefugee who chopped up the Chinese family on the train rather than just incapacitate them.

Real issue is the media though. There is no balance in the report at all. Imagine 1984 Orwellian media supporting an equally as fucked up government and speaking up might get you in jail.

Good news for an open and charitable Europe!

>what is media manipulation
>a poll cannot be faked, r-right guys?
stupid polack


>faked polls
>faked news

Is tour tinfoil hat on Hans?


Our polls didn't even predict the win of Hofer in the first(!) round. Beside the lead he had...

Don't trust polls

PiS is a party for idiots.

>refugees are bad, evil people
>but we want every Ukrainian we can get so "our wages can stay competitive"

>give retards, excons, human trash, single mothers and gyppos 500 PLN per kid for being on welfare with their 8 kids


etc. etc.


>Ich schäme mich für unsere Polizei. Ich bin betroffen, daß die Menschen in Deutschland wie zur Nazi-Zeit nach Herkunft, Rasse und Hautfarbe selektiert und mit rassistischen Spitznamen (#Nafris) benannt werden. Pfui Polizei, die Muslime und Araber gezielt verfolgt (Racial profiling). Ich stehe hinter allen Afrikanern! Ich protestiere dagegen, wie menschenverachtend unsere Polizei die Muslime und Araber unter uns behandelt. Wie der letzte Dreck werden sie behandelt! Ich glaube Angela Merkel ihre Neujahrsrede nicht, die sie am 31.12. um 20 Uhr gehalten hat, wenn wenige Stunden danach schon wieder Polizei, Poltiiker und Medien gegen Afrikaner in Deutschland hetzen. Afrikaner, Araber, Muslime und alle anderen Mitbürger - ihr seid es wert mit der gleichen Würde und dem gleichen Respekt behandelt zu werden wie jeder andere Mensch in Deutschland!

Google translation:

>I am ashamed of our police. I am concerned that the people in Germany, as well as the Nazi period, are selected according to origin, race and skin color and are named with racial nicknames (#Nafris). Pooh Police, the Muslims and Arabs targeted (Racial profiling). I am behind all Africans! I am protesting against the fact that our police are treating Muslims and Arabs among us. Like the last muck they are treated! I do not believe Angela Merkel her New Year's speech, which she had on 31.12. At 8 pm, when a few hours later, police, police and media were again armed against Africans in Germany. Africans, Arabs, Muslims and all other fellow citizens - you are worth treating with the same dignity and the same respect as every other person in Germany!


>Hey, guys. I hear Hillary Clinton is a shoe-in! Every poll has her way ahead!

Fuck off leaf

no. i just don't take every shit that's on the internet. but yeah maybe it's too hard for you to have a mind of your own. it's easier to look at some fancy graphics and believe everything, right?

Give it a few more happenings

German (((((((((((((((((((polls))))))))))))))))))))))

My intention was to point out how short a memory some have, no to salt mine. Though I'll savour the flavour all the same, burger.

Literally happened here

The death of the German people just gives me a chuckle now.

Bye Europe, thanks for the culture.

>(((German media)))

fuck off

>Do Nazi stuff


He can fuck right off. Because it's proven to be working quite a lot better than not doing so. If he wants to stop it he can tell the people who are being profiled to stop commiting the vast mayority of all violent crimes, rapes and so on. Obviously he wont do that, he will do exactly nothing. He'll merely sit on facebook and write sad and angry posts hoping his friends will all like him for them.

Most of those guys wouldn't even get within the remote vicinity of any of these recent arrivals or touch them with a stick from 20 metres away. They just want to be smug and feel good about themselves.

Happenings do nothing, Germans honestly believe Merkel is right wing.

The only thing that Germans fear is an economic collapse.

Destroy the € and Germans will hang the bitch.


If the krauts re elect Merkel they are officially irredeemable and should be left to die

Even my fucking mother said Merkel should be hanged in the streets

>Merkel loses

> trusting media based polls
remember when they said Hillary was guaranteed a win? maybe German media is more reliable but I doubt that



Germans are in charge of europe under merkel.

The difference between the US and the Germans is that the US is ready to throw away parts of our empire, to do right by our morals and values. Germany may not be.

So does Germany use paper ballots?

Relax guys, its not about party politics atm, its about meta-politics.

Voters will go from Commies -> Social Democrats -> 'Conservatives' -> AfD

We now have 3 Polls with AfD @ 15% (never had that before), green & left under 10% + Social Democrats at 20% (!). Were now by far the 3rd biggest party, only 5% behind a Volkspartei. Until now, all we did was 'muh refugees are bad' and 'muh pc is not so good', also 'muh merkel needs to go'.
We have 9 months to go, and merkel party has basically already become the AfD from 1 year ago.

My prediction / best case scenario? Merkel becomes /ourguy/ by taking more and more AfD positions and half of their voters. CDU will get ~42% and for a coalition with the FDP (liberals/libertarians) if they get 5%+.

Then, after the election, she will become a Hillary + Obama puppet and open the borders again.

Björn Höcke says: I want Germany to be a real home(land) for Germans again! Literally an Ethno Nationalist !!!!

CSU is not the Merkel party.

>My prediction / best case scenario? Merkel becomes /ourguy/ by taking more and more AfD positions and half of their voters. CDU will get ~42% and for a coalition with the FDP (liberals/libertarians) if they get 5%+.

Oh please. She'll say whatever to get elected and then keep doing the exact same shit she has been and you're all fools if you fall for it.

Its basically Goebbels Media now - they would tell us if the Russians were in Berlin that we could still win

Cuckmany will elect the same destructive pro-EU, pro-rapefugee parties no matter what, just you see.

There is no future for Cuckmany, it is already an Islamic state.

Not dissolving it and splitting it up amongst the allies in 1945 was a mistake.

Yeah thats what i just said. Its still the best case scenario because the AfD will never get 51% ... no single party will ever get 51%.

Germans are mentally retarded. That's not a joke, that's the plain hurtful truth. I'm not going into details but the rapefugee crisis and the behavior of the politics and Volk made it pretty obvious. As an example, we pay fucking turkey billions to keep THEIR border shut instead of investing in our borders. I don't know why but they are not able to do elementary things anymore. Like not letting rapefugees roam around Germany freely. Not taking millions of them without any control. Putting them all in one camp not around Germany. Not paying them cash. It's s big fucking joke. Germans have lost their fucking mind.

>The only thing that can save Germang now is another Dresden
Over every Major City

Glad I got out of this shithole, Austria is so much better.
>tfw vote for "AfD" without paying taxes for the "Kampf gegen Rechts" and tv licensing for the Systempresse

So Le Pen must win to crash euro to broke Merkel.
It takes woman to beat woman.

You have to retarded to believe any kind of polls at this point.

Yep RIP Germany you could've been great...

>what I read in the news today

>1. 75% of Germans feel safe in Germany

>2 There are almost no more bank safes left due to high demand and fear of burglars and thefts.

You cant make this shit up.

have to BE retarded ffs

Le penis is a putine shill

We do use paper ballots, but we only get to vote parties, not candidates. Those parties allocate all positions internally with no voter input. This is so we don't vote in another leader who might oppose the will of Wall Street; to say we're in charge of anything is a cruel joke, burgerbro.

Really though, I hate to be the stereotype of the whiny German, but you must remember that we remain conquered territory till 2150; whatever the Federal Reserve wants, its puppets will get to do. At nukepoint if necessary and always with boots on the ground. A lot of us have our last hope riding on what the good Mr Trump may accomplish for us here in the Old Country. Our own powers are limited to filling out opinion polls.

This Lejeune Guy is a german who became Muslim and is now making up conspiracy theories about how Muslims are victims and Islam has nothing to do with anything

25% of germans feel unsafe in their country, the other 75% don't care

it is good
Merkal is becoming right wing now and she will stop with the immigrant.
She learned her lesson.

Plz no Germany... Elect pegida or afd
I want to study there not in Somalia

stay mad Europe, we are the only country left that matters
france is cucked beyond belief, Europe is OURS

Merkel or Putin

The biggest parties are CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Die Linke and AfD.
On state and municipal level we have even more.

No dissenting media AT ALL, people go to jail for disagreeing even in secret facebook groups, most of the police and surveillance aimed at regular population, the parties can make coalitions however they want. Every single last part could band together to reach 51% outcome and still win the election.

Female voters are dumb AF and overwhelmingly vote left. They are currently punishing the CDU and SPD for their decisions by switching to the fucking Greens in drove, i.e making it worse. We similar to Austria have enough Turkroaches and other trash to make up the few final percent to allow the other parties to make up a huge coalition of everyone if need be. The system is rigged to hell.

You're cucked beyond belief.

>When will Germans learn?

they failed to do so after two world wars, I don't think they actually can user

German Media is even more fake News than CNN. They are taxpayer funded but they spit in the Face of those People.
With antiwhite rethoric etc. Refugee Crimes being covered up

CDU will get ~25-30% in the upcoming elections, SPD less than 20% and AfD up to 20% aswell.


Uh, I always forget the hypocritical pacifist party, which decided the first foreign missions of Germany without a UN mandate

Give Merkal a chance.
She will change.

Because seeing a problem eighty years before everyone else and being shut up via nuke threat by mostly the same countries whose own electorates are now largely swinging hard to the right regardless clearly means we're the retarded ones.

pegida is not a party

those niggers got btfo'ed pretty hard, even by MSM.
Reading the radical left newspaper this week gave me a raging hardon, they where super pissed

>Le penis is a putine shill
No one cares what you whiny polack thinks about Putin.
After all you guys should side with them.

But you prefer the EU Shekels and being a US Battlefield in the Future if Obama and the EU would have gotten their will

>Because seeing a problem eighty years before everyone
Pretty much this. If we would have won terms like Shitskins would have never been invented cause there would not be a single Shitskins in any of our countries

Because the polls were so accurate in the US election, right?

>Merkel or Putin
Putin. Last Time i checked he wasnt running a extermination Program against his own people

Nobody likes you leaf, not even the jews

Shy Tory is probably a real thing in Germany because you have to face violent oppression ("Entglasen"/"Verschönern" of your home, "Tieferlegen" of your car, etc) and mobbing (losing your job, "friends" and what not) if you support the wrong party.
Still wouldn't count on the AfD winning much, because in Germany if there are tantalizing clues for election fraud, like a bag full of mail ballots appearing in an elevator, the Lügenpresse says "there are no clues election fraud was commited" and the issue is handled.

As if it was planned beforehand or something ..

>we remain conquered territory
So obvious yet if you mention it, people think you are a total nutcase.

Will be interesting though where merkel will get her new directions from! Trump? Will she think of something herself?

Didnt someone once say ' all parties are the same' ? Democracy, or what we call democracy, has failed horribly. If your choices are shit, shit & shit you need to poo in loo.

Since i just looked up something in the Crime Stats from 2015, these are our beloved Nafris:

Algerians: 16.388 pop / 11.745 criminals / 72%
Tunesians: 28.291 pop / 5.453 criminals / 20%
Maroccans: 67.891 pop / 11.521 criminals /17%

Pretty fucking insane if you ask me. German Crimerate is below 2%. Albanians are at 57% btw, nothing else comes close. Turks 5%, Poles 7%, Syrians 12%. Thats all crimes, if you only look at violent ones, it looks way worse for muslims.

Well to be fair we used to have a couple of their states for allies and so some degree of exchange would likely still have come about in some way or other, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have gotten anywhere near this excessive.

I really don't want to dwell on what could have been.

>ever trusting polls
This is why both Hillary lost on the left, and how we lost with Hofer on the right.

I don't care if you like me or not. I care whether I'm correct.

Merkel for Poland is the best option.

The Germans will soon rise again, I'm sure of it.
Every time you call them nazis, racists bigots or similar, it loses some of it's effect. Especially when it is unmerited.
After a while this will normalize itself. Instead of self-hatred, it will become an identity. They will own up to their labels. And then, they will find new "solutions" to their (((problems))).

>Poles 7%

Wall at the eastern border when?

I'm not sure the POTUS is as in charge of America as he's said to be. Netanyahu used to seem awfully fond of assuring his voters that "we control the Americans absolutely". But odds are that with the current system-fuck that is the Don things might eventually become a lot more transparent - which could really only be good for us. As for Merkel, I'm pretty sure she's acting on one of those "programmed mind" patterns Commie indoctrination was famous for; while a pro-German POTUS should technically be able to reign her in, there is a risk that she'll just mindlessly continue to destroy until the EU system that allows her to is uprooted once and for all.

>female voters are dumb AF and overwhelmingly vote left

brother, we're in the same boat.

although they pulled through just enough for Trump, we still have a huge problem with your average bimbo

>muh feels

It's not violent crime but usually theft with Poles.
>tfw "Polish cars are made of Diebstahl" is funny in German and "Nafri" is a vile hate crime

Do this.

They are growing stronger because of the emerge of right wing parties. There is a strong anti right movement going on in Germany, which is very good.

Saxony released a statistic thath 2/3 of their nafri asylum applicants where suspect in at least one crime.

>muh overwhelming majority are peaceful

What's the reasoning behind keeping them in the country? It's not like Nafris from countries like Marocco, where Germans go on vacation after long months of wörk, have any legal basis in getting their asylum plea granted anyways.

Can somebody turn this into Germany since they're going to be 60% white pretty soon.

It's honestly sad, I don't want them to become like us.

No they just adopt the popular stances of the AfD to bamboozle teir stupid babyboomer voting base to gather more votes in the upcoming election.
In the end they won't do anything to make a real change, at least as long Merkel is still head of the party

at can poo in the loo.
Say, Apu, why can't you?
Dog can poo in the loo.
Can you, Apu? Can you?

Monkey, too, can poo in loo.
I say, Apu, why can't you?

Sloth is slow, slow as glue,
Yet even he can poo in loo.

Elephant is big and large,
He needs toilet size of barge.
But he is smart compared to you,
For elephant can poo in loo.

Even Slav who dumb as bricks,
And barely rub together sticks,
When needs to go, what he do?
Unlike you, he poo in loo.

Rat is small and lives on streets,
Feasting on discarded treats,
But when it's time for number two,
Even rat can poo in loo.

Lying Jew who says "Oy vey"
And cheats and steals all the day,
Yet he knows just what to do,
He takes his poo into the loo.

Dirty Frenchman smells so bad,
He thinks that soap is just a fad,
Yet he cries aloud, "Mon Dieu!"
And places poo within the loo.

The time has come for our tale to end
So let's remind our Indian friend,
Unless you're stupid you already knew,
The loo is made for you to poo.

Well, it's too late because the Greens have copied the moronic law to make anchor babies legal citizens "Deutsche mit Migrationshintergrund" who get all the benefits without even knowing the tiniest bit about German culture or, god forbid, the language.