Thales, the first Greek philosopher and the first who is recorded to have studied in Africa...

Thales, the first Greek philosopher and the first who is recorded to have studied in Africa, says that he learned philosophy from the Egyptians. The man also ad an Egyptian priest to school him in Europe. They studied in Egypt because it was the educational capital of the ancient world. Pythagoras is known to have spent at least twenty two years in Africa.

Then we have the fact that Buddhists have been visiting Europe as early as 300 BC, meaning that the similarities between Christianity and Buddhism aren't a coincidence.

White people, you guys have been claiming the knowledge of the cultures as your own for way too long.
This Euro-centrism needs to stop.
Go and invent your own shit, fucking vultures!

Other urls found in this thread:

Nig nig nig nigga nigga nigga niggers
Why do they have so god damn many triggers

Thales received instruction from an Egyptian priest. It was fairly certain that he came from a wealthy, established family, in a class which customarily provided higher education for their children. Moreover, the ordinary citizen, unless he was a seafaring man or a merchant, could not afford the grand tour in Egypt, and did not consort with noble lawmakers such as Solon.

Egyptians were whites who traveled from scandinavia and settled in egypt(but got a tan later on), so basically ancient greeks rediscovered european made knowledge

Osteological data of the Nabta Playa, Egypts first settlements shows a Sub-Saharan origin for the inhabitants.
The first known foreigners in egypt were the Hyksos in 1600BC.

Didnt Tutankhamun have blue eyes?

Thales understood similar triangles and right triangles, and what is more, used that knowledge in practical ways. The story is told in DL (loc. cit.) that he measured the height of the pyramids by their shadows at the moment when his own shadow was equal to his height. A right triangle with two equal legs is a 45-degree right triangle, all of which are similar. The length of the pyramid's shadow measured from the center of the pyramid at that moment must have been equal to its height.

This story indicates that he was familiar with the Egyptian seked, or seqed - the ratio of the run to the rise of a slope (cotangent). The seked is at the base of problems 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60 of the Rhind papyrus – an ancient Egyptian mathematical document.

In present-day trigonometry, cotangents require the same units for run and rise (base and perpendicular), but the papyrus uses cubits for rise and palms for run, resulting in different (but still characteristic) numbers. Since there were 7 palms in a cubit, the seked was 7 times the cotangent.

Whether the ability to use the seked, which preceded Thales by about 1000 years, means that he was the first to define trigonometry is a matter of opinion.

Some say that he had red hair, which isn't surpising since he lived in 1300 BC which was at least a 1000 years after th last great pyramid was built.
Egypt has had many foreign rulers from 1600BC, in fact the had self rule for less than 200 years between 1600 BCE and their current democracy.

Dr Bullshit, I'm Calling You Out

a list of people that ruled Egypt, it should make it clear why Egypt has changed:

The Hyksos took over much of Lower Egypt around 1650 BC (100 years)
The Libyans and the Sea peoples who were “a powerful confederation of largely Greek, Luwian and Phoenician/Caananite pirates from the Aegean” and the Assyrians (1235BCE until the Priests of the Amun temple regained control).
The Nubians (800BCE – 671BCE)
The Assyrians (671BCE – 627BCE)
The Persians (343BCE – 320BCE)
Then Ptolemaics* (320BCE – 30BCE) (were Greeks)
The Romans (30BCE – 619AD)
The Persians (619AD – 639AD)
The Arabs (639AD – 1250AD)
The Mamluks (1250AD – 1517AD)
The Ottomans (1517AD – 1798AD)
The French (1798AD – 1805AD)
The Albanians (1805AD – 1952AD)
Democracy (1953AD – present)

There are two theorems of Thales in elementary geometry, one known as Thales’ theorem having to do with a triangle inscribed in a circle and having the circle's diameter as one leg, the other theorem being also called the intercept theorem. In addition Eudemus attributed to him the discovery that a circle is bisected by its diameter, that the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal and that vertical angles are equal. According to a historical Note,[33] when Thales visited Egypt, he observed that whenever the Egyptians drew two intersecting lines, they would measure the vertical angles to make sure that they were equal. Thales concluded that one could prove that all vertical angles are equal if one accepted some general notions such as: all straight angles are equal, equals added to equals are equal, and equals subtracted from equals are equal.

No, i'm calling you out.
Ancient history doesn't start at the Greeks, bud.
The Greeks were the founders of modern philosophy, but not philosopy in general.
So bring it on.

Are you retarded? The oldest humans bones come from africa.

Europe is Neanderthal land. Immigration was from africa to europe

Niggers cant work hard enough to builld such pyramids like the ones there and in south 'merica.
Something helped 'em big time, maybe it was that thing i saw in the sky.

White western innovation has gotten this world further than anything else has. Dumn butthurt muslims like you cant eat pork because your ancestors were to fucked in the head to cook it all the way through. Dont get your panties in a bunch just because Europeans are able to work together to Make whatever they come in contact with better! Its foolish to assume euro centrism is a bad thing. I say this because im white and proud of what my ancestors have done to get where we are.
In other words sorry sucker idk how much you can philosophize a stone, but its prolly too much if you post shit wit stuff like this.

Well I'd say you started this thread with an autistic rant about white people stealing cultures. That combined with the fact that it's impossible to say where philosophy (a mere mindset) "started" makes you worthy of nothing but memery, I'm afraid.

As if gorillas dont have philosophy? What of elephants? Surely if a nigger like you can understand it they must be able also. Philosophy is defined as the nature of knowledge NOT the knowledge of nature!!

Can your little pea brain understand this?
pic related.

Fuck off cunt. Everyone knows Kek is a White Nationalist who personally built the Pyramids using meme magic during the Old Kingdom 4000 years ago and that after he went to sleep nothing important ever happened in Egypt.
Thales was a Greek philosopher at a time when Greek Anatolia and Egypt were both Persian provinces. Greeks are Indo-Europeans and Persians are Indo-Aryans so you can fuck right off with your nigger me this riddles.
There were no important centres of learning in Egypt until the Greeks conquered it from the Persians and built Alexandria cunt.
Pythagoras was a Greek who went to Italy for his education. Because he was a faggot who wouldn’t eat meat he ended up starving to death there. His followers were ancient hippy faggots who formed a cult of personality around their dead guru, and they claimed Pythagoras travelled pretty much everywhere.
Buddha is a fucking meme. Nobody gave a fuck about Buddha until a bunch of dope smoking cunts went to India and came back with fake golden statues of some fat fuck that looked groovy when they got high. Fuck off.

Arranged marriages happened, this was the case with Aknathen (Tutankamun's father) and his father.
His father married the Mitanni princes Nefertiti and his son (Aknathen) had an arranged marriage with another Mitanni princes.
The Mitanni’s were Indo-Europeans who lived in northern-Syria.
And it fits perfectly in the Kurgan hypothesis, which we use to explain how Judaism and Hinduism were spread.

Aknathen was also the founder of monotheism, whom got exiled from Egypt. It was a crime to speak his name during this exile, so they referred to him as "Moses".
You do understand that it is most important to the followers of the Abrahamic faiths to have these people as Semites, because their religion teaches them that Egypt got populated by Mesopotamians (Noahs children), which obviously isn't true.

There's also the sad part where they used the Bible as a justification for the brutal treathment they gave to their African slaves, claiming that they had "The curse of Ham" which is more Biblical nonsense.

Can we just end this thread now kthnx

>The Greeks were the founders of modern philosophy


>Thales, the first Greek philosopher and the first who is recorded to have studied in Africa, says that he learned philosophy from the Egyptians.

Before Socrates, philosophy is just nonsense though.

Not at all, i followed up by showing where the Sages of Greek philosophy started.
why don't you try to disprove that claim?
I've posted lots of additional information for you to rebuke.

From whom did the Egyptians get their philosophy and mathematics?

>Arranged marriages happened

>so they referred to him as "Moses"

Ugh dude you should leave.

hol up
so you be sayin
that we wuz kangs?


Not at all.
Imagine if the egyptians had never shared their philosophy or medicine.
White culture wouldn't even have existed today without it.
All the inventions made have the same ancient knowledge as basis, knowledge which wasn't European.
You needed them to get this far or you'd still be living in caves.
Africans, on the other hand would have been better of without the first Semitic invasion.
Shame that your knowledge of history sucks so bad that you're claiming succes over things your camp never invented, let alone you as a person.

Dusty old bones, full of green dust.
"moses" kekt

t. Erich von Daniken

>egyptians were an advanced civilisation

Wew lad, you sure showed me something I didn't know. Are you now going to claim that West Africans are anyhow related to them like current afro-americans do?

When did he live again?
How long has humanity been around?
Geez, i wonder what could possibly go wrong with a culture in the past 4000 years out of an 200.000 year span.
No actually i don't.
Foreign greed is the answer.

Yeah nah. Maybe at that time all culures could profit to each other but while the West had several revolutions the africans continued to build houses made of shit. The east may had its high but it stayed stagnant there ever since while we progressed. thats their argument number one 'we was '. Thats cool. Maybe they where ahead. But they didnt the're shit and are still trying to rest on the achievements made 1000 and more years ago

Why does all Egyptian art where skin color does not represent a religious aspect show niggers to be in low positions in society (if at all)? Why was it notable that the Nubian dynasty had black skin? What's the deal with pic related?

>preparing for the mental gymnastics show

>white people
>all lived in caves

Afrocentrists should fuck off.


>All the inventions made have the same ancient knowledge as basis, knowledge which wasn't European

As if that even matters. Thats like saying this.Because Mr. Edison is the father of electricity he is also the father of the internet, ac units, ICE's, toaster ovens, natural gas ovens, so on so forth, Your logic is flawed and you sir are a dune coon.

Nonsense, it lcearly states that he learned how to meassure the pyramids using the Egyptian system.
Or are you telling me that the Persians build the pyramids as well, cunt?
Fucking retard, have you even seen how many Buddhist phrases you can find in the Gospels?
I can name 12 right now, factor in that it' clearly has stolen elements from other Near Eastern rleigions and you come to the realisation that it is a rip-off.
Most people just haven't factored Buddhism in it.

>claiming succes over things your camp never invented
He is right in claiming that the modern application of technology is unpresidented in the West. Egyptians and Greek simply did not do this. Even if they laid the groundwork in mathematics.

The entire "white culture" is built upon the Mediterranean culture. (Romans and the Greeks)

Especially the Romans, who had Egypt and North Africa as part of the Roman empire for hundreds of years.

Looks like all your culture comes from the Mediterraneans whitey

It was Sigmeund Freud who said this.
And you should research Aknathens life and then come back at me, because the similarities are too great.
Unless you believe that a kid in a basket split oceans and shit.

Bold claims require proper proof. Show me these verses.

Why are you trying to shame or belittle people into believing what you say/accede to you?
Why do you think that is a constructive way of communicating?
How were you raised?

Osteological data suggest a sub-Saharan origin for the first Egyptians, so yes.

So africa never had empires?
Do you even know how big Africa is?

>Looks like all your culture comes from the Mediterraneans whitey
All of it? Show me a Roman cathedral or a Greek concerto.

Also, is it supposed to be a shameful thing, to be the children of the great antique civilizations? It is our inheritance.

You will not speak to a genuine KANG in such a way pigskin peasant.

>When did he live again?

Dont ask me prick look it up.

>200.000 year span

Of what? They didnt even do anything noteworthy on their own. Dont even try to say oh we had pyramids and sheeit. You couldnt replicate it and it means nothing.

Second Foreign greed? Do you know that in parts of africa the wheel had never been invented until white men arrived. The fucking wheel. And just as the native americans bitch about "sacred"(that they should have treated as sacred and not shared that shit at ALL) land you losers try to ride the coat tails of Europes great achievers.

Actually, the Nubians depicted themselves as brown and the Egyptians as black, so that's not an argument.
And i explained before that egypt had foreign rulers from 1600 BC onward with a total of less than 200 years of selfgovenrment from then untill now, which is 3600 years.
Don't blame me for the fact that Europe is literally the youngest brother, which has turned Sup Forums with the Semites.


Still can't say that it's purely white tho.

>Pythagoras is known to have spent at least twenty two years in Africa
he was there to BLEACH girls and nothing else

you have to go back

Native egyptians stopped existing centuries ago

You have to differentiate between upper egypt and Lower egypt. It is not a sole result of Nubians, who occupied Upper Egypt, but of Lower Egypt inhabitants as well. All in all, it is a syncretic result of the two different geographical groups, and attributing the claims of egypt solely of Subsaharians is quite fallacious.

As I said, I liked Egypt history, but Afrocentric memes have to die, especially considering that the genetic and cultural drift between africans are huge between tribes. It's the same as if I claimed that I was descendant of King Karolus of Sweden.

Jesus: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” Luke 6:31
Buddha: “Consider others as yourself.” Dhammapada 10:1
Confucius: “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” Analects 15:23

Jesus: “If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other as well.” Luke 6:29
Buddha: “If anyone should give you a blow with his hand, with a stick, or with a knife, you should abandon any desires and utter no evil words.” Majjhima Nikaya 21:6

Jesus: “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.” Matthew 25:45
Buddha: “If you do not tend to one another, then who is there to tend you? Whoever would tend me, he should tend the sick.” Vinaya, Mahavagga 8:26.3

Jesus: “Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword.” Matthew 26:52
Buddha: “Abandoning the taking of life, the ascetic Gautama dwells refraining from taking life, without stick or sword.” Digha Nikaya 1:1.8

Jesus: “Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it.” Mark 8:35
Buddha: “With the relinquishing of all thought and egotism, the enlightened one is liberated through not clinging.” Majjhima Nikaya 72:15


>Euro-centrism needs to stop.

Eurocentrism is XXth century, we need Oecumene-centrism(Egypt,Carthage, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Phoenicia,Persia and I-E nomads are our guys)

Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20
Buddha: “Teach the dharma which is lovely at the beginning, lovely in the middle, lovely at the end. Explain with the spirit and the letter in the fashion of Brahma. In this way you will be completely fulfilled and wholly pure.” Vinaya Mahavagga 1:11.1

Jesus: Why do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? Or how can you say to your neighbor, “Friend, let me take the speck out of your eye,” when you yourself do not see the log in your own eye? You, hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.
Buddha: The faults of others are easier to see than one’s own; the faults of others are easily seen, for they are sifted like chaff, but one’s own faults are hard to see. This is like the cheat who hides his dice and shows the dice of his opponent, calling attention to the other’s shortcomings, continually thinking of accusing him.

Jesus: Your father in heaven makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.
Buddha: The great cloud rains down on all whether their nature is superior or inferior. The light of the sun and the moon illuminates the whole world, both him who does well and him who does ill, both him who stands high and him who stands low.

Jesus: He said to them, “When I sent you out without a purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “No, not a thing.”
Buddha: Then the Lord addressed the monks, saying: “I am freed from all snares. And you, monks, you are freed from all snares.”


Jesus: The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Buddha: If by giving up limited pleasures one sees far-reaching happiness, the wise one leaves aside limited pleasures, looking to far-reaching happiness.

Jesus: Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will save it.
Buddha: With the relinquishing of all thought and egotism, the enlightened one is liberated through not clinging.


please give some sources that are ancient. i want the original (or as close to original) ancient sources that u have, not modern historians speculations. i ask because i have read a great deal of what is ancient and extant, and granted it was a while ago, but what you are talking about isnt ringing any bells.

Native Lower Egyptians are Copts, do not mix up the facts

They were greatly advanced for their times. But the "muh greeks invented everything"-tier of nonsense will make them deaf for history knowledge that won't help them cirlejerk more.

Aw, i'm sorry if i hurt your feelings

Use Google, man

I'm actually researching the Incas and the Myayans and history will never look the same when i'm done kid.

>They were greatly advanced for their times

just as your shithole

Typical reasoning of an atheist. They do not consider at all that both the Christ as well as the Buddha beheld the same truths and spoke of them, independently and separated in time.

If two people both describe the sun, separately but one before the other, are you then suprised they describe the same thing and accuse the later one of copying the first?

But please, copy&paste some text that no one reads. It's not like we have seen this really original line of argument before..


So when would these Copt have arrived?
There is no mention of Copts in your article.

Egypt got populated from the south and they build settlements, which we call cultures untill they eached the sea.
All the cultures, those in upper Egypt and below formed 1 kingdom.
There wasn’t a case in which consecutive cultures originated in such a fashion that foreign influence is to be suspected.
You can see that they were founded because the group expanded.
And you will see that they went upwards from Nubia to the sea.

You can look this up for yourself, if you start from the Nabta Playa.
It's what i had to do.
Take a map and put every culture on it with the date.

Not an argument.
They were still greatly advanced for their times.

Anti-theist, but okay.

BTW if you read my previous comment regarding Aknathen, the Curse of Ham and the claim that Noah was supposedly the father of the Egyptians.
Then you should have known that i know my stuff, either that or you don't know the Bible as well as i do, which isn't a bad thing btw.

what's your point?

And if you want to argue that the Greek scholars said that the Egyptians were brown and not black then i must remind you of when they lived:

Hesoidus 800BCE
Herodotus 400BCE
Strabo 64BC – 24AD
Arrian 100AD
Marcus Manillus 100AD

All over 2000 years after the last pyramid was built and the Arab scholars, who wrote about Egypt, lived well over a 1000 years after the Greek scholars.

>the native Christian minority of Egypt; estimates of the number of Copts in Egypt range from 5% to 17% of the population. Copts are not ethnically distinct from other Egyptians; they are a cultural remnant, i.e., the Christians who have not been converted to Islam in the 14 centuries since the Muslim invasion. The Coptic language, now extinct, was the form of the ancient Egyptian language spoken in early Christian times; by the 12th cent. it was superseded by Arabic.
>The term is thus ultimately derived from the Greek designation of the native Egyptian population in Roman Egypt (as distinct from Greeks, Romans, Jews, etc.). After the Muslim conquest of Egypt, it became restricted to those Egyptians adhering to the Christian religion.

Notice the term: Native

Buddha was white

You do know that the wheel spread rapidly from the Middle East thanks to the invention of the chariot, which they used to wage wars against?
And you know what they took with them?
There's the Kurgan model which shows the spread of the chariot and it fits to a tee with the spread of rleigion, of which we always used to say that it was meant to enslave and control the people.
Guess that we were right.

Hold on for a minute, so you are presently making the claim that we were ancient monarchs, amongst other things?

In the Greek time?
So after all these people ruled Egypt:

The Hyksos took over much of Lower Egypt around 1650 BC (100 years)
The Libyans and the Sea peoples who were “a powerful confederation of largely Greek, Luwian and Phoenician/Caananite pirates from the Aegean” and the Assyrians (1235BCE until the Priests of the Amun temple regained control).
The Nubians (800BCE – 671BCE)
The Assyrians (671BCE – 627BCE)
The Persians (343BCE – 320BCE)

Do you really think that you can speak about native Egyptians after this lot ruled the country for that time.
We reduced the native American population a lot more and in a lot less time, m8.

But your quote said it all:
:The Coptic language, now extinct, was the form of the ancient Egyptian language spoken in early Christian times; by the 12th cent. it was superseded by Arabic.:

In early Christian times, meaning that it's not even pre-Cleopatra.

Mormons pls go

You do know that Jesus died like 250-300 years before Prince Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, was born right?

That seems highly unlikely considering Buddha died in the 5th century BCE. The dutch faggot is full of shit, but still.

Now dear anons I will take on a tour of historical proud nubian kangz that have been white washed in history.

>William Shakespeare
>Abraham Lincoln
>George Washington
>Adolf Hitler
>Alexander the Great
>Thomas Jefferson
>Henry VIII of England
>Charles Darwin
>Elizabeth I of England
>Karl Marx
>Julius Caesar
>Queen Victoria
>Martin Luther (not Kang)
>Joseph Stalin
>Albert Einstein
>Christopher Columbus
>Isaac Newton
>Theodore Roosevelt
>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
>Louis XIV of France
>Ludwig van Beethoven
>Ulysses S. Grant
>Leonardo da Vinci
>Carl Linnaeus
>Ronald Reagan
>Charles Dickens
>Paul the Apostle
>Benjamin Franklin
>George W. Bush
>Winston Churchill
>Genghis Khan
>Charles I of England
>Thomas Edison
>James I of England
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>Franklin D. Roosevelt
>Sigmund Freud
>Alexander Hamilton
>Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
>Woodrow Wilson
>Johann Sebastian Bach
>Galileo Galilei
>Oliver Cromwell

And last but not least infamous """"white"""" supremacist David Duke. Here he is pictured without the picture being airbrushed by the pigskin white devil sub-humans. Whitey absolutely BTFO

Where did you steal the Computer Nafri ?
At that Point the Egyptians where looking like the copts today. So fuck off Nig Nog

Naah senpai some of those were balts


The first is a very short phrase that can be found in almost all cultures, even if far away from each other.

The second quote regarding the "cheek" is misinterpreted by most antitheists:
It is not a sign of mere submissiveness and peace, it as a sign of resilience, but like every atheist you have to make a hippie out of Jesus.

Same goes for the forth, notice that the reference to the sword is in a different context:
In the first case it has a similar meaning to the first phrase, while in the second one abandoning the sword has an ascetic meaning, that is, to leave all suffering.

The fifth pair of quotes compare two completely different contexts: Martyrdom and Ascetism, which are similar at first, but are not.

Fundamentally, while Christianity sees suffering as something to over-come (so you go through suffering), Buddhism specifically sees pain as something that obstacles enlightenment, not as something that helps it. This basic theological difference can explain a lot on how these verses are not exactly related.

The relation of the 6th and 7th couple of verses is extremely loose in regards to form, although the teachings are the same in this case. Specifically. in the seventh verse the rethorical expedients used are different: in the first referring to speck and wood, in the second referring at first to the chaff (may relate to the speck, although very generically) and then using another similitude, regarding dices.
This one may be related, but how exactly?
Care to show me an historical pattern?

Same goes for the other two after it.

In the last pair of quotes, despite being the same in a materialistic sense, do not have the same meaning, if we put them into context of the respective religions. Buddhism also refers to a complete abandonment of all thoughts and pursuits, while christianity HAS a pursuit, which is the kingdom of God. We are talking about confronting a non-theistic view and a Theistic one. cont.

All in all, good inputs, I will research further between parallels of christianity and buddhism.

Also, addressing Hippie Jesus idea

Afraid to post the original? Cracker pls go

I will top that in saying that the Buddha is a Catholic saint as well. No one is denying that there is an influence in that sense, it is even recognized. But to say that Christ repeated the Buddha is just a consequence of your biased belief.

You can know the bible from A-Z but if you don admit to there being a divine and higher reality then all your knowledge means nothing, you only see the shadows in the cave. You know the books, sure, I don't know why it even matters that I know for example 50% of the bible but you know 100%, because you don't admit of what it is talking about. You know what the Christ said from the book and perhaps you can quote him perfectly from memory but you don't admit of His divine origin that all truths stem from, even Plato knew that as precursor (and hence Plato is in some places regarded as a saint avant la lettre).

And then because you dont acknowledge that higher source of knowledge you end up saying that person A must have copied person B and person A is therefor unoriginal and a copycat of person B. Because there is no common source that is the true origin, right? But both cannot have observed the same Truths, separately?

What you say is true, which is why i called the article i wrote about it: "Is The New Testament Western Buddhism?"

Which it is.
Europe had many Gods during the time, so couldn't just make an atheistic religion.
The change would have been to great, but there is evidence that the Buddhists went across the Middle-East and Europe before Christianity was even an idea.

So they never copied it literally, they adjusted it to fit the Western standard.
Which is why Buddhism teaches the liberation of the mind, while Christianity teaches liberation, trough obedience, which was a part of the Roman morale in which they had God first, then the state, then family and then oneself.

And the Romans assimilated many foreign myths.
They created the Aeneid to compete with more popular Iliad and Odyssey and the Aeneid is a continuation of the Iliad while Christianity is a continuation of Judaism.

So they were used to mixing other cultures into their own.
And that's exactly what they did with Buddhism, by creating Christianity.

>Buddhism teaches
Does it teach salvation as well?

> American education: the post
Thanks for the laugh user.

The Egyptians were the only mediterranian bronze age civilization to survive utter destruction in the bronze age collapse. We have only vague ideas, legends, and monumental architecture left in greece to figure out how advanced the myceneans were relative to the egyptians in 1200 bc

Can you make this on /his/ please?
You will get some actually good discourse on the topic.

oops forgot the picture

How can the Buddha be a Catholic saint when he pre-dates Jesus by at least 500 years?
Wouldn't that make Jesus a Buddhist (if we'd use the same criteria)?

And you can attack my beliefs all you want, i do not believe that Jesus was divine, but i have data that suggests that he existed.
And its more than likely that he was influenced by Buddhism.

I have shown you that the Buddhist philosophy had made its entrance into Europe 300 years before Christ, so your claim that Jesus just coincidentally came up with it is baseless and can be considered as just wishful thinking by a Christian.

I have also never claimed that i know everything about our universe, that's why i'm researching everything and none of the data suggests that the Bible speaks the truth.
And you know this, that's why Christians only believe in the parts that they like, but for things like Eve and talking snakes, that every human came from Noah, that's when you don't hear them say that they must be true, because they know that it's wrong.

What we can take from this is that the Bible isn't a 100% right.
So i'm actually saying things that you deep down inside already knew, but what YOU do with the knowledge is up to YOU.


difficult question, because salvaton in Buddhism would be to be freed from the chains of reincarnation.
Eastern and Western philosophy/religion are a bit different, the end goal can be considered differend, but the means to get there are largely the same.

Whites rule. Get over it.

Picking up the reigns is nothing to be ashamed of especially when no other race did it. or would have done it nearly as well. Rome was impressive, but the British empire was larger and even more so.

I will, thanks for the advice.

You know that the Muslim empire was bigger than the Roman and Greek and it probably would have ruled the world had we not discovered the Americas which gave us the gold to battle the Muslims.
And Western europe sided with the Muslims for a long time.
While the Muslims were capturing and selling Eastern Europeans into slavery, Western Europe was buying the African slaves from the Muslims.
Which is actually a dickmove