Scientists tend to lean left

>Scientists tend to lean left
>High IQ people tend to lean lef

Responding to bait but
>Smart left leaning people go into sciences to 'DISCOVER' and other shit that they think will help their fellow man
>Smart right leaning people go into business because they dont want to waste their lives in a lab instead of getting rich.

Academia is hostile toward dissenting right-wing views. It wasn't always this way, and many great scientists like Andrew Millikan would promote eugenics, whose views were shared by many of the prevailing elite, from presidents to philanthropists including Lothrop Stoddard and Theodore Roosevelt. After the social mores were changed by a variety of causes including the war and the rise of the new left (both attributable to Jews) the elite, and therefore those who are intelligent, began to change their tune on eugenics and other issues once championed by the most intelligent and respected people of our race.

Even highly intelligent people can be easily cowed by social pressure and the fear of being ostracized. And if you base your own beliefs on what a bunch of eggheads with degrees think, then you are really just another lemming.

> Niggers vote extremely left
> Low IQ people lean far left

The more schooling you go through the farther left you go. School is a corporate training operation so it makes sense.

They use testing and compulsory school to identify the smart AND easily trained cattle. Then they herd them into uni science labs and patent all the work they do leaving them with a well earned middle class paycheck.

Scientists are the smart subservient kind. Of course they are lefties.

>Even highly intelligent people can be easily cowed by social pressure...

This. It's actually that they are MORE susceptible. The entire point of the compulsory education system is to identify and HERD the smart and servile into the university system to do the bidding of corporations.

Scientists are high on the IQ scale and EXTREMELY high on the servile/subservient scale. Think all the teacher's pets. They are herded to labs and given pittances for their work that is then patented by the schools and sold to corporations or just straight given to corporations.

So right leaning people are greedy?

I don't believe it at all, especially hardcore leftists being smarter than milder leftists. They're the dumbest fucking people around and all they do is repeat tired memes programmed into their brains, no better than a mud-rasslin' redneck when it comes to debate skills despite being in or having graduated from a higher learning institution, whereas the redneck didn't have that advantage so he has an excuse. Also...
>a fucking leaf

There's a difference between being a liberal and being a cuck. The term of liberal has changed from what it used to be.

It hilariously used to mean you were for liberty! LULS

actually they are afraid to be assaulted by niigggers

I am a leftist, a scientist and have an iq above 132. And still i hate feminism, sjw's, blm, muslims, immigrants, etc. These may seem like right wing stances. But it is just common sense. I do not adher to idiotic principles or concepts just because i identify with the left.


BTW. Most scientist are asperger or have some atypical personality trait, which would make it hard for them to function in a corporation.

>autists get bullied into progressive beliefs by marxists

So leftists dedicate themselves to society and the betterment of their country and mankind whilst conservatives do the opposite?

>Academia is hostile toward dissenting right-wing views
Its because right wing ideas tend to be shit and don't last long when put under rigorous examination by humanity's smartest people

Business produces all the stuff scientists sit in a lab and use. If everyone was a scientist we'd live in dirt. You can't have one without the other and one has to come first.

Production has to come first, then luxuries like sitting around thinking about whatever you want.

The guy digging rocks 100 years ago was far more important to society than the doctor.

It all is part of a system, deriding or glorifying one over the other is nonsensical.

Of course everyone can't be a scientist and the banker also holds great value however I hold scientists in high regard for the plain reason that their intellect could have allowed them to do the jobs everyone wants to do and make a killing while doing so. Instead they accept the profession which typically pays like shit but is absolutely integral to our past and continued technological advancement

No shit.

There's a reason why right wingers are all rural and suburban retards.

I love how this triggers Sup Forums so much. They talk about how low IQ people should be euthanized, but that would mean 99.9% would be murdered.

Lol. Everyone thinks they can everything by pure brain power alone. Most scientists would FAIL MISERABLY trying to run a business. It takes first and foremost social skills.

It's very different skills and abilities that lead people where they go in life imo. Scientists end up in a lab because they are good at dealing with controlled and closely monitored situations.

In business it's the exact opposite. It's new everyday and things go haywire constantly. You have to have 1,000 different skills all with differing degrees of importance and you have to know when it's appropriate to use each skill.

Scientists can't be businessmen any better than businessmen can be scientists.

what fields? sociology and interpretive dance dont count

Scientists and proffessors are often state funded. Their position are egotistical not objective.