Hmmm ... this causes chemical reactions inside my skull

Hmmm ... this causes chemical reactions inside my skull ...

Other urls found in this thread:

Because nobody cares about niggers

Leo did nothing wrong

It shouldn't, Zyklon B was a chemical. Do you want Zyklon B in your brain?



Keeping these savages in line


Urgay is right.

>"Diseases imported by Arab traders, European colonists and African porters ravaged the Congolese population and "greatly exceeded" the numbers killed by violence."

The Congo under belgian rule is another one of those cases where leftists claim that colonists killed everyone they met but in reality the natives were just ravaged by imported disease.

>10M Europeans
That's not why he is taught about in school, Stalin murdered even more Europeans than Hitler, the difference is that HITLER MOIDED 6 QUINTILLION OF GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, OY VEY

According to the kikes, who write the history books and teach history classes, goyim lives are worthless. The reason Hitler is so emphasized in history is because he killed Jews, the kikes couldn't care less about the other people he killed, he could have killed only a hundred Jews and he would still be considered worse than Pol Pot.


>not being taught about King Leopold
American education.

>10 million

a lot more than 10 milions europeans died in ww2

Here's a little something for the ol' noggin

Bullshit. They even talk about Leo in the new Tarzan movie. Stop spreading lies.


it increases everythime, from 5 to 10 to 15
Dont forget the 25 million goy!

BIDF is Bogdanoff Internet Defence Force
Implying Belgium can pay for an internet secrity program

Exactly. They make it seem like every loss during the war was somehow less important than the death of MUH 6 GORILLION. And since the commies where pretty much all jews why wouldn't they hold it secret to the west that it was starving and killing 20 million christians in their own country.
Oh and the mass rape and destruction of Germany on their deaththroes that's not so bad either because they deserved it right?

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" describes the way of the Jew so perfectly
God damn it I hate jews.

great read, but at the end we already knew niggers are talking (badly) animals.

My king

This guys knows his oats

It's time

to tell the blacks about the jews

LOL King Leopold II was a fucking BOSS.

If only Europe had great men of his sort today.

>Hitlers death count was 10 million Europeans
Seems like a lot of people Hitler killed aren't considered European by this person

No, nigga. You were too high on the weed during Euro history to remember Leopold II.

Not enough.
Because jews.

The Congo Genocide figures are completely made up and an asspull and likely impossible based on the population density and demographics of Africa at the time.

So proud

The whole point was that the people Hitler killed he felt didn't belong in Europe.

its funny that people are all suddenly aware of king leopold because colleges around the country have all been ordering a book about him for their bullshit sociology classes.

t. textbook manager in a college bookstore who has had to source thousands of copies of this gay ass book

