Reminder that Stirnir was a leftist

Reminder that Stirnir was a leftist

Isn't leftism just a spook?

Even other leftists hated Stirner

Reminder that Stirner btfoes dumb commies

Sueño cuando era pequeño
sin preocupación, en el corazón
Sigo y en de alquel momento

se desvaneció, desaparició

Ya no te creo, ya no te deseo (eh-oh)
Sólo te veo, sólo te deseo

reminder that you are my property and also a faggot

Mira, Sofía,
sin tu mirada sigo,
sin tu mirada sigo.
Dime, Sofía-ah-ah,
cómo te mira, dime
cómo te mira, dime
Sé que no, sé que no
Sé que sólo
Sé que ya no soy-oy-oy-oy
Mira, Sofía,
sin tu mirada sigo,
sin tu mirada, Sofía.

reminder that you are my property and also a faggot.

>get into a heated discussion with a feminist on campus
>"b-b-but, your views are a product of patriarchy, and unconsciously everything you say is in aid of patriarchy, so your claims are invalid"
>"patriarchy is a spook"
>"patriarchy: it's a spook. it doesn't exist."
>"are you implying that my oppression isn't actually real? how are you try and take away my oppression"
>I withdraw a copy of The Ego and His Own from my rucksack and start thumping it wildly
>feminist walks off in a strut

Stirner is literal anti-SJW repellent.

ices que éramos felices:
todo ya pasó, toso ya pasó.
Sé que te corté las alas:
el te hizo volar, el te hizo soñar

Ya no te creo, ya no te deseo (eh-oh)
Sólo te veo, sólo te deseo (eh-oh)

Mira, Sofía,
sin tu mirada sigo,
sin tu mirada sigo.
Dime, Sofía-ah-ah,
cómo te mira, dime
cómo te mira, dime
Sé que no, sé que no
Sé que sólo
Sé que ya no soy-oy-oy-oy
Mira, Sofía,
sin tu mirada sigo,
sin tu mirada, Sofía.

Y ¿por qué no me dices la verdad?
Sigo sin tu mirada, Sofía
Y ¿por qué no me dices la verdad?

Stirner never claimed to be spookless nor did he suggest the end point of his philosophy would be to deny all societal heuristics.

He ultimately wanted people not to take them at face value and challenge them. To ask and find why one would fight for a concept rather than accept that it's simply what you're supposed to do.

Mira, Sofía,
sin tu mirada sigo,
sin tu mirada.
Dime, Sofía,
cómo te mira, dime
cómo te mira.

The right left dichotomy is a spook, my dude

Miami me lo confirmo
Gente de zona!
Puerto Rico me lo regaló
Dominicana ya repicó
Y del caribe somos tú y y

Y se formó la gozadera, Miami me lo confirmo
Y el arroz con habichuela, Puerto Rico me lo regaló
Y la tambora merenguera, Dominicana ya repicó
Con México, Colombia y Venezuela y del caribe somos tú y yo

>>anti-SJW repellent

You mean an SJW repellent.

It's repellent that is anti SJW.

Your sentence structure reads as a double negative.

I'd deduct 0.5 points for syntax if you turned that in for a grade.

Reminder that Stirnir BTFO Marxs and Engels

Not my fault you construed a different meaning from a sentence possible of having more than one meaning, shitbitch

Leave me alone, prof

Daily reminder Stirner was a degenerate.

You'll continue getting multiple-choice questions with "more correct" answer scheming wrong if you refuse to accept that there are superior ways to phrase your work independent of intended meaning.

It's up to the writer to be as scrutable as possible and leaving out the potential for misunderstanding in choice of phrasing is a powerful skill.

See me after class.

Fuck off, prescriptivist scum. Skills, meaning, superiority and "understanding" are all spooks

*gives you essay written on notebook paper with fringe still attached*

*Deducts two letter grades before placing paper into student work folder for later grading*

In all seriousness, did Stirner have any concepts he deemed worth fighting for?

this user knows true enlightenment

him, he and himself

Personal freedom I suppose. He was an egoist and his "Union of Egoists" demanded the association of like-minded, but self-interested individuals with a mutual interest in increasing their personal power but without the headiness of "morality" to constrain said power.

This union was meant to empower the individual against an "oppressor" of some sort. It's an incomplete ideology considering that he never illustrated the structure (kek) of such a system and where it fit into the world, but that's anarchist philosophy for you.

This is an American anime imageboard. I'll remind you once.
