The Secret Red Pill Sup Forums is afraid to swallow

The true red pill is survival of the fittest. Your job is to become the fittest, and the rest will take care of itself. You will be improving your species and your breed, by breeding selectively and building yourself, your nuclear family, your extended family, clan tribe, village, nation in concentric circles. You will not improve your cause by trying to raise everyone to your level, but rather, by increasing your own power level, so that those around you may raise themselves, and that within the growing concentric circles aforementioned. Much as the God-Emperor Trump is doing. There is no uber-culture, but rather, and amalgam of micro-cultures, based on family, tribe, clan nation. look at the cities of Europe, all similar in some ways, but distinctive in others. The key is to become the best you can be, so that you can survive the cull, and the survival of the fittest.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Your job is to become the fittest
No. My job is become what I want. Fuck nature.

>job is become what I want
What does that even mean?!

I think, therefore I am.
I create my own nature/reality.

Trying to "fit" is for sheeple.

This and only this. Become the strongest version of yourself. You can only change one thing. That yourself. You automatically change your environment in the process. Do not take the easy "black-pill" and give up. Lift your identity on a whole new level. Embrace failure

Crawling is acceptable. Falling is acceptable. Puking is acceptable. Tears are acceptable. Pain is acceptable. Injury is acceptable. Quitting is unacceptable.” – Elliott Hulse

>Trying to "fit"
Enjoy getting weeded out of the gene pool! Reality exists independently of what you think of it. This is the problem of every SJW out there. And that is why they turn into a teary salty mess whenever things don't go their way

This guy gets it!

>Enjoy getting weeded out of the gene pool!
Gene pool is a blind mechanism. Only the dumbest survive in nature.

>Reality exists independently of what you think of it.
Nope. Reality is defined by your consciousness.
You have the freedom and autonomy to create yourself, but most people choose the chains of nature intead of the grace of will.

That's why ancap is the best system
>googles will perish in favelas like animals and high IQ people will prosper in decent communities

>Gene pool is a blind mechanism.
>Reality is defined by your consciousness.
Pick one.

>Only the dumbest survive in nature.
You should do great then, Pablo.

>googles will perish
>high IQ people will prosper in decent communities
Why would you want that? Who will do your dirty work? There is a place for everybody, it's just not the same place. There is a hierarchy for a reason. Also,
>ancap is the best system
How would you police your "decent community" in an anarchic, capitalist or otherwise?

>Only the dumbest survive in nature.
Juan, I...

Yeah, I don't even know what to make of that?!

I mean, ancap is the best system for natural selection, its either be useful or die/don't reproduce because there aren't any daddy state to gibe money.

Natural selection is based solely in three things:

a. ability to preserve your own body
b. capacity of having a lot of kids
c. social acceptance

None of these things imply moral superiority of any kind.
They are chains nature uses to impose itself. But human being are rational and can be determined by the laws of freedom instead. Nature obviously will find a way to prevent that, to repress any kind of feeling towards freedom, but when we know the truth, we undertand eternal life and immortality awaits us on the other side, while the "fittest" will achieve nothing.

>eternal life
Ah, I see. It's about "The other side". I was talking about this side. So what would determine doing well in both this life, and the next?

>no daddy state
Then who will protect you from the screaming hordes who come for your goodies and to defile your women?

And what would "creating yourself" actually mean? Every case of self-fulfillment or self-creation i ever witnessed ment seeking some sort of biofunctional or sociological advancement. Noone gets to isolate themselves from the percieved reality by indulging in its pleasures. Ideology will not matter in the long run, yours and OPs will only differ in that the latter promoted procreation, so he will, if he sticks to that ideology, buy some time of existence for his genetic material, while you will be unremembered as one of the countless deadend branches of the tree of life. But I am sure "creating yourself" is a much more sophisticated activity than not fucking up your lineage of a couple hundred million years.

> I was talking about this side.
This side only serves the other side.
Everything that exists on earth is a perfect projection or message of the other side. You will eventually discover this side doesn't even has its own reality.


the majority of people just use cognitive dissonance to ignore it.

I'm giving too much redpills today.
Only you can answer your own question.

honestly a and b go against c in the west now adays

I always did what what I liked.
Think that's why I'm never sick or depressed.
Went to travel, got a gf, broke up, isolated myself, went on to find a job and travel again, get a gf, etc, etc.
Life isn't a static line, it comes in waves.
I can even enjoy my anger here on Sup Forums
What a wonderful world.

>This side only serves the other side.
Welp, be sure to send us a postcard from the other side!

>you will be unremembered as one of the countless deadend branches of the tree of life.

>the majority of people just use cognitive dissonance to ignore it.
It is possible to ignore an oncoming train only until it hits you right in the face.

>Ideology will not matter in the long run
Welp, we tried to warn him. More pussy for me.

>I can even enjoy my anger here on Sup Forums
What a wonderful world.
Lots to enjoy, user.

>The true red pill is survival of the fittest.

This is the most basic common sense shit but leftist brainwashing has made people disagree with it. Sad!

>leftist brainwashing has made people disagree with it. Sad!
Sad for them, user. Their loss is our gain!


My question was about your idea of self-creation, sorry if i dont understand you corretly but it seems to me like you invent the idea of the other side to nullify the weight of the questions of this, actually percievable side. So i ask you what you mean by self creation to find out if i am wrong about judging your argument


Self creation is what human consciousness inevitably does.
It represents a universe and automatically creates a "self", which is the source of all your consciousness but can't be represented by anything in this world. Its your transcendental Ego, which is a choice.

You create yourself everytime you are conscious of Being. You are the being perceiving itself, and you have a will that is naturally good but it is perverted everytime you point this will towards earthly goods.

>Enjoy getting weeded out of the gene pool!
Oh the horror... Fuck off pseudointelectual

Save your seven-sylable words for your sjw circle-jerk, while I defile your aryan goddesses, friendo

>Sup Forums is doing it wrong - this is how you do it

Now you bring in even more faith-and ideology based factors like "goodness" and "transcendental ego", besides stating that this activity is fully automatic and is present in every self-conscious being, so not something that could make a proper life-goal. If you mean to say this ego is something you should get rid of, that would seem to make more sense. This way i just do not understand how not doing anything besides being a transcendental ego is an alternative to try to bang one ore more chicks to make what every other living thing is here for, offspring.

>this is how you do it
Oh, look, it's a burger everybody, here to tell us how to do things! What took you so long? We've had to keep your women warm for you, welcome culturally stereotypical meme-burger!

Because with your consciousness and reason, it arises the concept of duty.
Morality is inevitable, once its a dimension of reality your rational autonomy and free-will just opened.

Nulling yourself is not an option. You will always represent the idea of supreme Good, which is the ultimate reality, and this will be your concept of reality. God is yourself as the creator of the world, or maybe you are the projection of the creator of the world in a limited body.

>God is yourself as the creator of the world, or maybe you are the projection of the creator of the world in a limited body.
Oh, fuckety-fuck, I've never heard so much mumbo-jumbo, and I've been to India! You are not God, you Blaspheming fuck! Why not try to enjoy his world while you are here, on his behalf, before he throws you in the fire with the others on the trashed of failure, you ungrateful creature?

I didn't say I was God. God is the pure act of creation and I am the "self" created by the realization of this act.
God creates the world in the same way I create myself.
I'm his image on earth by pure analogy.

I'm not even going beyond catholic philosophy, desu.

First things first: TRIPS WITNESSED

Next, it seems you did say:
>God is yourself.
Maybe something is lost in translation, but there is a God, and he is not you or me. And he is the owner and operator of the natural or sexual selection as a mechanism, senpai.
And we are to bend the knee.

yeah, bro. we gotta to rebel. be and do what u want. have and fight for freedom, both socialy and itelectualy. good to know there r brazilians that think like me. XD

Man are you trolling me? You use more and more emotional expressions with each reply. Like duty or morality or ultimate good. What does that have to do with the topic? You bring up a half christian half existentialist worldview as something that lifts you out of and above the conversation.
By the way, to stay Sup Forums related, if you are god and make your own reality, why is that reality being in brazil and posting on an oriental childporn forum?


>good to know there r brazilians that think like me. XD
OH great, another one!

They are special snowflakes, desu

He is saving the good times for the afterlife, senpai. pic related.

He probably bends forks all day, with his mind, shaping the transcendental other reality.
How much shitposting is needed before ascending to the other plain of existence?

Darwin was everything but fittest.Just sack of bones.

So what's the consensus here?

What's the point of this thread?

a truest red pill is Darwin's evolution theory is bullshit.

>Then who will protect you from the screaming hordes who come for your goodies and to defile your women?
The community + private security/army

Fittness cannot be inherited you fucking leaf.