Sup Forums BTFO

So why should we defund such a selfless organisation?

because they could get all those services from their regular doctor

Breast exams are the only aspect of that list I see as being justified.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day.

Not sure why you guys are against abortions.
Our melanin enriched friends should be having more abortions, not less.

>tfw your pasta spreads like spaghetti from pockets

why. do. you. type. like. this?


The govt. shouldn't subsidize such tests or birth control.

Breast exams, maybe; the rest? No. You have to be responsible.

Better Than Typing Like This To Be Honest Family Member

Yeah obamacare is fantastic, right? XDDDD

Then it shouldn't be a problem for them to drop it. Trump said no federal funding if they still do abortions.
Does planned parenthood truly care about the well being of women?

why are tax payer dollars funding a private organization

You almost had it

Abortions and birth control encourages degeneracy and sluts
HIV tests encourage homosexual behavior

Mike "Fag Zapper" Pence won't be letting that slide

>Not sure why you guys are against abortions.

I will never understand why any self-respecting white American is against abortion. They do realize the only reason America isn't like 40% black by now is because niggers abort like crazy, right?

>I have to pay for my health care
>I have to pay for women's healthcare with my taxes

I'm glad they're ending sexism.

Because except for cancer screenings, everything they help you with is just a bunch of problems brought forth by your own hedonistic lifestyle.

Which would cost a lot more money dumbfuck

we shouldnt.

Isn't that the actor from crazy ex-girlfriend?


Nah, what are you talking about? Obamacare rocks XDDD

This has been reposted several times. So many shills in here atm

This is a typical feminist shit
Demanding government funding of a womans only organization

It's only cuckservatives that support defunding Planned Parenthood. I wish there was a well-funded Planned Parenthood on every street corner in the ghetto.

>you have to pay for your healthcare
>women have to pay for your healthcare too

Because planned parent hood ≠ arranged marriages.

They should work on the same premise, but they don't. I wonder why not?

i'll accept that shitpost as an arguement

French fries are 3% of McDonald's services, that doesn't mean it's not the most popular

>(current year)
>Not wanting to fund pic-related propaganda
how could Sup Forums be so heartless?

That's how they talk. My 4 year old nephew talks the same way when he's throwing a tantrum.

Good pasta

not to mention chopping up young Aryan babies for science and to speed along the death of the white race

Are you retarded?

Planned parenthood can regain its federal funding easily. Stop giving abortions

This, if it's such a small portion, just drop the abortion part to keep federal funding.

nah I just noticed your strawman

Cause I don't want my taxes to pay for others' degeneracy

she's right.

>implying you should defund aborting black babies

Honestly we should give them cash for abortions.

How do women pay for my private healthcare?

>So why should we defund such a selfless organization?

Because, birth control isn't the public's responsibility, it belongs to that of the person doing the fucking.

Just as HIV tests and breast exams are not the public's responsibility and should be that of the person to have done with their physician.

Basically, it's just faggy liberals wanting more shit that others pay for at the absolution of their own responsibility. It's exactly why defunding is critical.

Why not force a massive fee on abortions?

how do you pay for theres?

Maybe PP should have checked their privilege first lol.

Planned Parenthood, whose services I will never use because I'm male, is funded by my taxes.

I'm pro-abortion and don't want federal funding for PP. Why are these services considered so special that they get taxpayer money? Why shouldn't women pay for these medical services like any other medical service?

>I'm not here to steal your money

Yes. Yes you are.

its better for niggers and spics to be aborted than to be born...
only an idiot would say otherwise

My wife used planned parenthood throughout her pregnancy. They did good work.

cost money to who? not me senpai, i dont have tits and a clam. I'm sure a tranny like you is upset at having to actually pay for xir treatments

you'll use it when you have a nice wife and kids, unless you're resigned to be a beta male

>implying Sup Forums doesn't want to abort black babies
straya do you even try anymore?

Everyone knows that 3% is a bunch of BS

I fund Planned Parenthood with my taxes. Women don't pay a fucking dime for my private insurance.

You are underage and fucking banned.

because i examine breasts for free and the rest isn't healthcare


Because. They. Outsource. 95%. Of. Non. Abortion. Services.

>no source
haven't these planned parent hood supporters graduated high school?

when you make a claim you need a source to back it up.

>3% of Planned Parenthood's services are abortions. The rest goes to breast exams, HIV tests, birth control, etc...

This is what Trump said, almost word for word, at one of the Republican primary debates.

My wife might use it. I won't. It is sex specific and should not receive federal funding, unless they want to tax only women for it.

easy to be selfless with other people's money

That's the point.

If Obamacare is so great why do we need planned parenthood? It's almost like it'd be too expensive under Obamacare or something

I'd love to see a source

Yeah because people with jobs and their shit together have to pay for it you dumbfuck.


>being this new
wew lad

Retards who cant figure out how to get to a hospital deserve to die and not spread their genes. Then again that also suggests they SHOULD get abortions. I support a one time abortion with the condition it includes mandatory sterilization.

>thinks planned parenthood is for "xir treatments"

lmao that's actually what you go to a doctor for dumbass, try harder

Hahahahaha defund the shit out of it

This is not a good argument for continued funding i would say. The argument for it is that it's about the politics of abortions, but the actual spending is common healthcare? For women only?

it's nice to know your wife will at least have your moral support


most burgers on this board are influenced by (((neocons))) so they dont understand

>favors women
>breast exams
>favors women
>HIV tests
>favors nigs and gays
>birth control
>favors women

fuck that gibsmedat women bullshit

>paying for general services is the same as paying for special ones

This is even more of a reason to defund it. At least if it were only paying for abortions, you could argue that the eugenic effect was beneficial to taxpayers and saves money in the long term. But in reality, planned parenthood is mostly just more government handouts for women at my expense. Fuck that, defund it now.

>dat infographic

fuckin SAVED

thanks for sharing

Then tell them to stop doing abortions so you can keep those services you fucking idiots

She'll have my private healthcare. I work for a hospital; my insurance can be extended to my spouse.

Planned Parenthood should exist only for blacks and other minorities to get free abortions. Also, any whitewomen pregnant with mixed race children can get a free abortion. That is all. Buy your own birth control or stop fucking. It's nobody else's responsibility.

excellent pasta bro thanks

They should build more abortion clinics in minority neighbourhoods. Pro-life is anti-white.

It's. Like. Nig. Gers. Clap. Ping. With. Ev. Er. Ee. Syl. La. Bel.

that 3% sounds like bullshit.

I remember Trump saying that only the abortions should be defended during the campaign.

Basically if PP continues to exist and they like to tout all the great things it is able to do for women then there should be an equivalent organization for men.

Outside of that, go to your fucking doctor or the emergency room, or get your state/county/city to pay for a clinic to deliver the services you want. No reason we need these large federal operations that, by the way, have no constitutional basis for existing.

The problem is white women are aborting white babies because the will grow up to be racists. They are shitting out mulattos so they can use them as an accessory to virtue signal how tolerant and progressive they are. Smart niggers like me knows we need more white people to keep the welfare gravy train running. If all the white people are gone I can't use the race card for free gibs.

Well since pol is too biased to say that the republicans fucked up on this one, I'll be the one to say that defunding panned parenthood is not in our best interest.

Yes it would be better to just go to a doctor to get a breast screening and birth control and HIV testing, but the reality is that there are A LOT of poor women that don't have the money to afford the doctor. It would be better to just have a dedicated service for this shit, so in theory you are saving money. Now this wouldn't be an issue if birth control could be sold over the counter, but it is too risky to buy like it were candy. So the next best thing, yes you guessed it, is planned parenthood.

Now why should we care about giving poor women oppurtunities to birthcotrol, hiv tests, and breast exams?

More birth control= less shitty mothers, which leads you to less degenerates
More HIV tests= I would hope you all are smart enough to encourage std testing so that shit doesn't become more common
Breast cancer screenings= less of an excuse to promote obama care.

it's true. now i don't feel so bad about giving them money in my libcuck days of old.

Get. Rid. Of. Abortions. And. Maybe. Republicans. Would. Keep. It.

>Basically if PP continues to exist and they like to tout all the great things it is able to do for women then there should be an equivalent organization for men.
What are you, a communist?
>How come she gets a toy but i don't!

Abortions are the best bit. You really want more children from single mothers?

Most of its money comes from donations. George Soros pays them so it'll never flop. Also I think us only wants to stop paying for abortions, and keep giving money for contraceptives and other services

This argument is actually bullshit. Planned Parenthood funds are fungible, meaning they can be used at PP's discretion.

Here's the thing: they way PP calculates the % of their services is based on what services they provide when you walk in. If you get two condoms, a pamphlet, and abortion, they would consider that "25% of their services went to abortion" when abortion requires the most time and costs the most money to perform.

When they say "LOL ONLY 3%!", it's a dishonest argument that doesn't take into account the amount of $$ involved to perform those services.

HIV tests - stop participating in casual sodomy
Birth control - stop participating in casual sex

Are any of those things rights?

I am pro life, but niggers are animals so they don't matter. Planned Parenthood is doing gods work.

If it's only 3%, then just get rid of the abortion part and everyone will be happy. :^)

Protip: The people who can be responsible, will be. Getting rid of PP isn't going to make the niggers and spics pull up their socks and keep it in their trousers.

why do you think you are entitled to those services?

you're a fucking idiot